The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 263 Kill Zhu Yongnian and Chu Shinian

Chapter 263 Kill Zhu Yongnian and Chu Shinian

"What is Dragon Scale Land?" Fu Zhongyu looked like he didn't understand.

"I don't really understand this. Our lineage of earth masters in Shenting has long been lost. But there are still many branches of the lineage of earth masters here. There are so many sects." Meng Zan also said with a very headache. "In short, it is a special trend of the earth's veins. It is said that there is something special about it."

"Then what's so special?" Fu Zhongyu asked with his forehead.

"It is said that if this kind of terrain cooperates with the spiritual veins, a large area of ​​surface animism will occur. It will create a lot of surface spiritual lands. Although most of them will not be of high level, it cannot stand the large number of people."

Ahhh, Fu Zhongyu looked at Meng Zan in horror.

"This is not a joke. The appearance of a large-scale spiritual land can be used as the foundation of the sect."

Meng Zan said helplessly, "The problem is that there are no sects who can come down now. When they can come down, Longshanfang City doesn't know what it will grow into." Meng Zan said with emotion.He is in the northwest, and Longshanfang City can be said to have grown up under his nose.

"In our literature, Zhu Yongnian is not as good as here? Did he encounter some expert advice?" Fu Zhongyu asked.

"Is Chu Shinian considered an expert?" Meng Zan asked back.

Fu Zhongyu stopped talking.

The combination of Zhu Yongnian and Chu Shinian is amazing!

"Then what does this large-scale spiritual land have to do with casual cultivators?" Fu Zhongyu felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked.

"Because Chu Shinian specially sent people to the whole Great Wasteland to spread the word, but anyone who buys or leases a store in the Sanxiu District of Longshanfang City can apply to lease the big and small Lingdi farms on the Calamity Plain. The period ranges from 30 to 100 years. .

The lease price is [-]% of the annual farm income. "

Hearing this, Fu Zhongyu was shocked, "Why don't the loose cultivators go to Longshanfang City by the tens of thousands?"

Meng Zan nodded, "There are a lot of them, and now there are more than 4 people. A few of them, a dozen or so groups rented shops in the casual repair area. After they succeeded, they took the lease to rent farms. It is said that the farms near the foot of Longshan Mountain are all leased. full.

When everyone first chose to build Fangshi, they all chose the convenience of the waterway. Who would have thought that there is also the theory of geographical convenience.Zhu Yongnian had never used this dragon scale land when the world merged last time.The Calamity Plains will remain deserted until the world restarts.

This man is too thoughtful. "

If Zhu Yongnian knew that someone had said this about him, he would definitely be wronged, because he didn't know what dragon scale land was good for.For the area of ​​Longshan Fang City, he only received the survey drawings and the construction design drawings of Fang City.

This place was not surveyed by him at all.

This guy didn't know that this place was actually a dragon scale land until he received the blueprints for the construction of the entire dragon scale land. As long as the spiritual pulse solid array in Longshanfang City is adjusted and connected, the entire calamity plain will immediately change from a remote place to a deserted place. It has become a large piece of spiritual land full of spiritual land.

He even didn't expect that someone had built a large number of underground drainage formations in the Calamity Plain long before the entire Longshanfang City was built.Those formations dredged the veins of the entire Calamity Plain, and completely trimmed the terrain of the entire Dragonscale Land.

The formation atlas of the entire Dragon Scale land was only in his hands when the Dragon Scale Land needed to be connected to the Longshan Spiritual Vein.

Under Chu Shinian's mocking eyes, he was almost ashamed.

The survey and construction of the entire Dragonscale is actually beating him, the big boss in his family definitely has more than one powerful geographer in his hands.

No wonder the boss insisted on choosing Longshan Xiuzaofang City.

"Longshanfang City is too much of a threat to us." Fu Zhongyu said.He frowned, Longshanfang City has now developed into a huge thing.It is too difficult to destroy it.And it has so many loose cultivators available, even if it sends a large army to destroy it, it is impossible.

The most important thing is that the army can enter the Great Northwest Wilderness without being injured! ?

"Xiao Zan, you send someone to contact the outlaw forces in the Great Northwest Wilderness to see if they can be used by us." After much deliberation, Fu Zhongyu decided that it would be more appropriate to penetrate deep into the Northwest Great Wilderness first.

"Let me try." Meng Zan said.

"In addition, meet and discuss with the founders of several other fangshi. We can invest in other fangshi." Fu Zhongyu said.

"Ah? Aren't the various resources we collect every year finally shipped up?" Meng Zan asked in surprise.

"Let's act like this. Every time you buy and sell, you are your own person, so you can count on the annual transaction amount." Fu Zhongyu rolled his eyes angrily.

Meng Zan immediately understood, this is just a scam, as long as the popularity and transaction volume increase, other transactions and spirit stones will naturally follow.

"Okay, I understand. I'll find a suitable market place to invest in, and teach them how to trade orders."

After hearing what he said, Fu Zhongyu's mouth twitched.

"Extraordinary people, doing extraordinary things. You teach them how to secretly give away profits to big customers. Now the competition in various markets has just begun, and the days to come will be long, and it is still unknown who will win!"

After all, Baicao Pavilion competes with Xiancaotang Dancaolou all year round, so the means are still very sufficient.

"Understood." A look of joy appeared on Meng Zan's face.

"As for the Chu family, it's really a headache. It was really a bit hasty to transfer Guo Peng away."

"Why don't we kill the Chu family directly." Meng Zan said fiercely.

Fu Zhongyu shook his head, "Someone has made a move, we don't need it."

Meng Zan immediately asked in surprise, "Who is it?"

"You don't need to know this. In addition to meeting you this time, I also plan to meet the King of Yishan County. I heard that the eldest princess of the King of Yishan County is a bit abnormal. She seems to be reborn with memories. She was in the past It was Zhu Yongnian's first wife when the next world merged. If we can still facilitate this, maybe we can separate the combination of Zhu Yongnian and Chu Shinian. Even if they can't be separated, Chu Shinian will be angered and let him kill him. It is also good to die Zhu Yongnian.

In short, the two of them together pose too much threat to us. If Chu Shinian is the only one left, perhaps Longshanfang City will be much easier to deal with. "

After hearing Fu Zhongyu's analysis, Meng Zan nodded excitedly.

"Brother still has an idea."

"Sigh, the juniors have risen up too fast. Whether it is the crown princess, the third son-in-law Chen He, and recently Du Zhong, who is famous in Anxia, ​​they are all extremely powerful figures. It is a pity that the crown princess is a woman, and she was born in the court. Weak, if she can help her from time to time like when Chen Gong was here, then this woman will grow even more terrifying.

Hey, they are not powerful guys who can make people relax. "

"These are all powerful people who came out of nowhere. When we came down, the powerful people in the documents we read were all dead."

"Hey, it's because too many sons of luck who took the lead in the previous fusion period died suddenly at the beginning of the re-integration, which suddenly stimulated the great will of this world's ruler, and made it bloom everywhere and made more powerful people. One said When it comes to this matter, everyone has a headache."

(End of this chapter)

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