Chapter 264
Fu Zhongyu visited the King of Gaoshan County, and the two had a secret conversation for a long time. After Fu Zhongyu left, Gaoshan still had a gloomy expression and sat on a chair like a stone.

The princess brought a portion of ginseng soup to nourish her body and offered it to her father.

"Father, what's wrong with you? Could it be that Fu Zhongyu said something that threatened you?"

Yao Shan glanced at his eldest daughter, pondered for a while before saying, "Ru'er, what do you think of Zhu Yongnian?"

"The potential is profound. If he is subdued, he will definitely be able to help my family in the future." The princess said without hesitation.

"What Fu Zhongyu means is, let me try to win him over. If it really doesn't work, I will destroy him."

The face of the princess changed, and then he resumed, "Father, I think what Fu Zhongyu said is right. The combination of Zhu Yongnian and Chu Shinian is terrible. They have developed Longshan into the head of the four major cities. This is still just the beginning.

If we let Longshan continue to develop and secure its top position, it will not be something we can easily shake.

However, if Longshan continues to grow and develop, it will inevitably suppress the ability of the Fangshi and other Fangshi we invested in to accumulate wealth.

The stronger Longshan is, the weaker we will be, and in the end Fangshi may not be able to continue.

So I suggest that if it really doesn't work, destroy Zhu Yongnian.Chu Shinian is not a person who knows how to run a market. Without Zhu Yongnian, Longshan's rapid development will be interrupted. "

Zhao Ru's thoughts are very straightforward, if I can't solve Longshan, I will solve the person who founded it.

"Then you know the consequences?" Yao Shan asked.

Zhao Ru turned pale.Of course she knew the consequences, Zhu Yongnian would die!In her previous life, her husband who had accompanied her for more than 60 years would die!
"Zhu Yongnian is easy to win over. You can't guess his thoughts. But with Chu Shinian in control, it's very difficult for Zhu Yongnian to betray him. So no matter how we win over Zhu Yongnian, as long as Chu Shinian is still around, we won't succeed.

And once we kill Zhu Yongnian, we will become deadly enemies with Chu Shinian. If there is a slight omission, Chu Shinian will kill our family.From your father and me to your mother and concubine, to your brothers and sisters, to yourself. "Yaoshan Junwang's words are very cold.

At least Zhao Ru felt cold in her heart.

"A county king has already died in Myitchi Prefecture, and the whole family died suddenly. Of course, as a member of the royal family, I have never believed in the sudden death of the whole family, and died at the hands of mobs. There is Zhang Wei in Miryang. , he has a feud with my brother.

Mizhi was transferred to the Great Northwest Wilderness, hehe, Zhang Wei was given a chance to make a move.

So Zhao Ru, are you sure our family can withstand Chu Shinian's constant threat?
Especially since Chu Shinian is still so young, if this feud is formed, not only may I not be able to die well, but it will even bring disaster to my grandchildren.

Oh, not long ago, he was promoted to the Divine Stage Realm.You may not be aware that Chu Shinian's background is different from ordinary people, he was born as the commander of the secret guard.So assassination or something is basically hopeless.On the contrary, it is relatively easier for him to assassinate our family. "Not long after Yao Shan came to Mizhi, he investigated Chu Shinian's details.

Since then, he has been following Chu Shinian's development all the time!

Zhao Ru was shocked when she heard this.

"Fu Zhongyu told me a lot, and promised me many benefits. I know he just wants to borrow a knife to kill someone. If it were someone else, I would immediately agree to him, but the other party is Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian was only in his early twenties, too young. "Yao Shan said with a sigh. He would rather face Zhang Wei than Chu Shinian.

In his heart, Zhang Wei is a hero, but his son Zhang Xiu is far behind.

But Chu Shinian was a stronger and faster rising hero than Zhang Wei.He couldn't even guess how Chu Shinian would retaliate against Zhang Yang's hero.

"There is the Zhang family behind Zhang Wei. If he kills a prince, he may think carefully and choose a special time to attack. But Chu Shinian has nothing behind him. He has nothing to worry about. It's annoying. Him, he's going to kill me in no time.

He is absolutely capable of such things as refugees rioting and breaking into my palace.

The royal family with the highest cultivation level around this king is enshrined, and his cultivation level is only ninefold, and he still used various medicines to improve his future potential at the expense of his future potential.That is to say, no matter how much I support the priests around me, they will not be able to advance to the altar stage. "

"Father, it's too difficult for you, let's ask the court for help." Zhao Ru said with a small face.

Hearing this, Yao Shan smiled wryly, "It's useless to ask for help, Your Majesty can't protect himself now. More offerings have to be made to deal with the continuous invasion of the other two countries. Now he is forcing the nobles and officials' families to send The masters trained by his own family were sent out to compete with the other two countries.

Now he has no energy to pay attention to me.Even if another county king died in Myitzhifu, he wouldn't care much about it. "

Zhao Ru's tears flowed down.

"Father and king are all me. If I hadn't insisted on persuading you to take up a post in Myitkyi Prefecture, you wouldn't have fallen into such an embarrassing situation."

Yao Shan shook his head, "It has nothing to do with you. Myitkyi Prefecture is indeed suitable for me, and besides, Myitzhifu is far away from Anxia. Your Majesty is also busy and has no time to pay attention to me. This is better than fighting around with the army as a supervising army. Before we come, The royal family has already killed five princes.

Two princes, three county kings.

At that time, every time I went to court, I was terrified, afraid that His Majesty would call me to supervise the army.After all, even Uncle Wang and Brother Wang, who still had some military talents, died in battle. "

Yishan is good at business, but really not good at fighting.

He doesn't go to court often, and since he got the title, he has been managing his own shops and business routes. He is a prince who knows business well.

Yaoshan Palace is also richer and richer than other Jingzhong Palaces.

If there hadn't been this great change in the world, if there hadn't been any invasion by those countries, His Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty would have praised him when he saw him, brother Wang did a good job.

It's a pity that the sky is not as expected. Now His Majesty needs those princes who are capable of fighting, who understand sergeants, or who understand how to save the country to share the pressure on him. Of course, if you are really not talented in these areas, but if you are willing to dedicate yourself, It is also possible to be a warlord or something with the army.

But Yao Shan is not willing to sacrifice himself!
Yu Shan frowned and sighed again.

"If Longshan is killed, the market we invest in may surpass Longshan and become the No. [-] market in Wanji. When the income soars, I can hire powerful altar monks to protect us, but if we don't kill Longshan, don't It's going to kill the whole family."

This choice really made Yaoshan's teeth hurt.

"Then what does the father mean?" Zhao Ru asked.

"Get rid of the assistant Zhu Yongnian. You have to do this."

(End of this chapter)

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