The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 265: Zhu Wei

Chapter 265: Zhu Wei
Taohua slept until midnight when someone knocked on the door and woke her up.

Wait for her to sit in the Longshan Chamber.Seeing that Chu Shinian had come, Zhu Kangnian had a look of grief and indignation.

"what happened?"

"Just an hour ago, Zhu Yongnian died." Chu Shinian said flatly.

"How did you die?" Taohua asked in surprise.

"The big princess wrote him a farewell letter. She said that the prince of Yaoshan wanted to marry her to someone else, but she only loved him in her heart. In order to protect her love, she decided to commit suicide." Chu Shinian When he said this, there was no slight change in his tone of voice.

Peach Blossom rubbed her forehead, "Does Zhu Yongnian believe it?"

"Yes, Zhu Yongnian deliberately dismissed my protectors and ran away to meet his little lover. But the little lover didn't see him, but was hacked to death in the small woods at the foot of Longshan Mountain. It's just a fool. You idiot." Chu Shinian said coldly. "My people were one step late and didn't have time to save him."

Taohua Fue asked, "Is he a fool? As the manager of Longshanfang City, which has huge wealth, why didn't he send someone to investigate, and then easily believed the sender and those letters?"

"Perhaps the farewell letter from the princess made him forget everything?" Chu Shinian sat upright and joked.If the princess really died, maybe that idiot Zhu Yongnian would feel resentful.

Neither Zhu Kangnian nor Tao Hua could laugh anymore.

"Do you know who killed him?" Taohua asked.

"I have already sent someone to investigate. This matter is probably the work of the king of Yishan County. They intend to make Longshanfang City unable to continue. When Longshanfang City cannot continue, his family will invest in shares Naturally, you can make a lot of Lingshi in the market," Chu Shinian said.

"My lord, please avenge my brother." Zhu Kangnian fell to his knees with a thud.

Taohua said angrily, "The person who killed me, how could I spare the murderer. It's just Zhu Yongnian who let me down."

Zhu Kangnian didn't dare to say anything, his brother was actually stupid.

"Longshanfang City is developing faster and faster. I have reminded him to pay attention to his own safety. How did he do it? If Longshanfang City is hit because of him, what attitude do you think I should have towards him.

I don't think how much merit he can make for the family, I just ask him not to always hold back, is it difficult? "

Zhu Kangnian almost dropped his head to the ground.

"This feeling, internal notification, let everyone take warning."

After Zhu Kangnian heard this, a look of shame appeared on his face.And now that his brother is completely famous, he is afraid that he will be nailed to the shame of the Chu family in the future.

"Remove Zhu Yongnian's all meritorious treatment, and only deal with it as an ordinary clan member!"

"Okay, I'll do it." Chu Shinian immediately echoed Tao Hua's decision.

"In addition, call Zhu Wei back to replace Zhu Yongnian. After Longshanfang City is on the right track, Zhu Kangnian will be in charge of the daily management of Longshanfang City. Zhu Wei can go wherever he likes." Taohua said with a embarrassed look .

The corners of Chu Shinian's mouth curled up, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Okay, I'll let him know."

"Who is Zhu Wei?" Zhu Kangnian asked in astonishment.

"Zhu Wei is also a geologist, but he and Zhu Yongnian are not from the same geologist faction. He surveyed Longshanfang City, and he was the first to discover Longlin Land." Taohua explained to Zhu Kangnian, "He is also a disciple of my Chu family. "

Zhu Kangnian's face twitched, it turned out that his elder brother was not irreplaceable.And how many geologists have you trained? !

"Don't arrange Zhu Yongnian's funeral in Longshan. Send him back to the family and let Zhu Yongnian's parents and elders in the family help him."

Tao Hua's words made Zhu Kangnian nod in agreement.A person cannot be resurrected after death, otherwise he would also plan to move his eldest brother back home.

"Zhu Kangnian waits for Zhu Wei to come. You first explain to him the affairs of Longshanfang City, and then you can go home to attend to your elder brother's funeral. After the funeral is over, you have to return to Longshan immediately. There are too many things here.

And don't expect too much from Zhu Wei, Zhu Wei is not very good at handling trivial matters. "

Zhu Kangnian nodded silently, but his heart became curious about Zhu Wei as a whole.

But the elder brother died too badly, and now he hated the murderer who killed the elder brother to death.If the elder brother who murdered him was really the King of Gaoshan County, then with his current ability, it is almost impossible to take revenge by himself.But he also has a family!
Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge! !
If it's really you, Yaoshan, just wait for me.

Zhu Wei was Longshan in the morning of the second day.

As soon as he went up the mountain, he asked Chu Shinian, "When can I get out?"

"When the Patriarch said you could get out." Chu Shinian replied coldly.

Zhu Wei's expression suddenly changed!
As soon as he arrived, Chu Shinian announced that there had been a change in the management of the Fang City, and Zhu Wei would be in charge of the management of the entire Longshan Fang City from now on.Zhu Kangnian's assistant remains unchanged.In addition, Zhu Yongnian was murdered by an assassin last night. He, Chu Shinian, had already launched an investigation. When the real culprit was found, Chu Shinian would definitely give him back a big gift.

The big changes in Longshan were passed on to the major forces through various secret methods in less than a day.

Looking at the secret letter in her hand, Zhao Ru felt a little startled, wondering who is this Zhu Wei who was announced by Chu Shinian to take over Longshan?She didn't seem to have heard his name in her previous life, so she must have been a confidant cultivated by Chu Shinian himself?
But Longshanfang City is so big and there are so many businesses, how can Zhu Wei suppress each and every one of them?

In Zhao Ru's heart, there was a secret joy of sitting and waiting to watch the show, but also a little melancholy in her heart!
Zhu Yongnian is dead!
As soon as they heard about Zhu Yongnian's death, many merchants in Longshanfang rushed to the service area, as if they wanted to see Zhu Wei and ask for an explanation.

Zhu Wei dressed up impatiently, and then walked towards the meeting hall aggressively.

boom boom boom...

Every time Zhu Wei took a step closer, the ground trembled slightly.

The coercion of being an altar-level master was fully revealed by him, and he did not walk into the meeting hall alone, with eight of his guards following behind him.Each one is a little master with at least eighth level of Tongmai Tongjing.

This made the originally noisy meeting room quiet down.

Zhu Wei, who was full of seafood, sat on the main seat with a golden knife.At this time, Zhu Wei had a big beard, a strong head, and a strong body like a bear. No matter how you looked at it, he looked more like a mountain king or a pirate king.

"You... whoever you love, don't let me talk about it. I have a lot of things to do, so I don't have time to discuss with you the three melons and dates of your families. Zhu Kangnian is going home for the funeral today, and will be back in about a month and a half.

But you all have to wait for Zhu Kangnian to come back and talk to you about anything related to the contract. "

(End of this chapter)

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