The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 268 Zhuang Zihan

Chapter 268 Zhuang Zihan

Zhu Wei almost exploded in an instant, his old face turned purple.

What is two? Where is he two?

He is obviously a good young man in the new era, okay? !
"Patriarch..." Zhu Wei was aggrieved and anxious, and cried out.

A certain girl rolled his big eyes silently.

"Okay, you should pay more attention to the things in Longshanfang City."

"But my brothers and the boat...?"

"I'll settle it for you."

"Can I bring some?" Zhu Wei asked.

"You can't bring the ones on this list. The reason is later." The girl threw him a jade cocoon directly.Zhu Wei put the jade cocoon on his forehead and took a look, his face turned from ugly to pale in a short while.

When he put down the jade cocoon, his whole body was completely exhausted.

"If you are asked to do things, you must do a good job of supervision. You never listen to those people who you trust so much that your brothers are more trusted than those sent by your family. Your life and death brothers. You see, this is how they treat you trust.

It's a trivial thing to grab men and women, and collaborating with the enemy to sell news is almost selling everything you wear every day. "

"it's all my fault."

"Don't make the same mistakes again in Longshan. The more you trust and love them, the more you must do a good job of supervision and supervision. I don't want you to raise a group of white-eyed wolves, thinking they are your life and death brothers."

"Yes." Zhu Wei responded.

"Who do you want to send over, write out the list and give it to Chu Shinian, and he will take care of these things for you," the girl said.

"Yes." Zhu Wei's voice was much less unruly, and more solemn and awe-inspiring.

After seeing off Zhu Wei and the others, the girl waited for Chu Shinian, who arrived using the teleportation array as if rushing to the scene.

"How's it going? Can you come here in time?" Taohua saw him and beckoned him to sit down and drink scented tea.

But the peach blossom tea that she made by herself is all made from the peach blossoms of Qingyang Spirit Peach.

"It's okay, everything is under control." Chu Shinian said very confidently.

"It was really hard work for you before," the girl said apologetically.

"Well, it's really hard. I always have to hold back my murderous intentions. It's really hard." Chu Shinian complained to himself, "There are always all kinds of moths appearing every day, and they are all so stupid. I deeply suspect that the blood of our Chu family is theirs or ours?"

The girl was silent for a while before she said, "I think the family development strategy formulated by the ancestors was good. But no matter how good the strategy is, it will not work without a suitable person to implement it. Besides, 1000 years have passed, how many generations, there are wise people There are stupid ones. After [-] or [-] generations, at least [-]% of the earliest family strategies are still in operation. We are really grateful that our family is lucky.

Ahem, of course, the ancestor chose a small remote place for us back then, and also agreed that unless the spiritual energy is revived, the outstanding blood of the family must never be above the second rank.No matter civil or military! "

"You mean that our family has not been completely finished yet, not because of other reasons, but because the ancestors chose a remote place in a corner for us, and made a family agreement not to stand out." Chu Shinian asked with a stiff mouth.

"...Although I don't want to admit it, it's generally because of this simple and rough reason that our family has continued until now." The girl shrugged.

"You really know how to play!" Chu Shinian continued to complain.

"How is the Changyang Chu Clan's situation?" the girl asked.

"After being dismantled and digested in Miryang, there will be no such lineage of Chu Chu in the future. After a few generations, they will only remember their own offshoot tribes." Chu Shinian said.

"...Let's be like this. Chu Da gave them benefits, and finally got them into a trap. The karmic retribution is not good!" The girl was silent for a while.

"Actually, Patriarch, you should be grateful to Chu Da. If it weren't for her, you still wouldn't be able to get rid of those moths!" Chu Shinian said with special emotion.

The girl rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"By the way, who do you choose to replace Zhu Wei?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Who do you think is suitable?"

"Zhuang Zihan, what do you think?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Didn't he just leave school?" The girl asked in surprise. "Did his teacher give him an excellent evaluation?"

The corners of Chu Shinian's mouth curled up, and his smile was a little stiff. This guy usually smiles too rarely, and now his face is not used to this kind of movement.

"It's the head of the family, I guess right."

The girl tapped the handle of the chair with her fingers, thought for a moment and said, "It's not impossible. Using Zhuang Zihan, maybe you can catch Xie Xun by surprise. As for Zhu Wei's subordinates, leave those with potential to Zhuang Zihan to continue to use, and the scum to let them go." Zhuang Zihan cleaned up the house by himself, that guy Zhu Wei doesn't like it, if you have to bring it over, you can arrange it, you still have to have friends, the confinement is too strict, Zhu Wei might have to go on a hunger strike again to protest. "

The corners of Chu Shinian's mouth curved further.I think when Zhu Wei first joined the group, he really went on a hunger strike to protest because the training was too hard.

Haha, but it ended badly and was cleaned up.

Zhuang Zihan took his little book boy and walked down the mountain road step by step. He was wearing a scholar's robe and holding a big paper fan in his hand. He was happily teasing and joking with his school boy when he saw a black shadow wearing a cloth like lightning. It landed on his head, and then flew up a few feet to mess up the hair he had just combed. Then he groaned a few times proudly and contentedly, and slapped an eagle leg on his ear.

Zhuang Zihan sighed and lifted the small bamboo tube off the eagle's leg, then opened the bamboo tube tremblingly.

There was a small piece of paper in the bamboo tube, but there were many words written on it densely.

Zhuang Zihan glanced at ten lines, and sighed again.

"I knew that there would be no good things to come out at this time. Let me, a little salty fish with small arms and legs, go to sea to manage cross-sea trade routes, and also kill other big pirate fleets. This really thinks highly of me."

"Then, sir, shall we go?" The little book boy asked suspiciously after hearing what he said.

"Go, why don't you go. I originally wanted to go to Anxia City, the new capital of the Song Dynasty, to hang out. I heard that Du Zhong, who is under my uncle's family, is doing very well there, so I also plan to go there to mix things up. But Well, it's also good to go to sea to teach the pirates a lesson and let them understand some truths.

Let's practice their hands first, and then let's go to Anxia to play. "

Since the revival of spiritual energy, there have been a lot of forces and people involved in cross-sea trade between land and sea. Everyone has developed caravans and intends to do business across the seas. More and more sea merchants will naturally stimulate another emerging industry, that is pirates. !

Fighting Dragon King Xie Xun and Overseas King Zhu Wei are two of the most powerful thieves who have taken advantage of the situation to rise.

The two of them almost equally divided the entire cross-sea trade route.

The east half is the dragon king, and the west half is the chassis of the sea king.

(End of this chapter)

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