Chapter 269
But they only occupied half of the business route, and the two were extremely unwilling, and they fought each other for three days.They both want to annex each other and occupy the entire sea trade route!
It's a pity that the strength of the two is similar, and there is no way to completely annex the other side every time they fight.

A few days ago, when the two big thieves were fighting, someone said that Zhu Wei was taken to Longshanfang City to repair the Lingshi city wall by his backer.

Zhu Wei's brothers immediately lost their airs.

Some people went directly to Xie Xun with their people and boats, while some simply left the pirate team and went ashore or went to other forces to become sea bodyguards.Of course, there are more people squatting in the lair established by Zhu Wei, waiting for Zhu Wei to come back.

The problem is that since Zhu Wei left, the supplies that must come every three months are gone.

Without a large amount of supplies every month, what do you eat and drink?
Fortunately, at this time, Zhuang Zihan finally arrived slowly.

"I'll take Zhu Wei's place as his replacement for the time being. He can't come out now. You know the reason. Longshanfang City also needs him to manage it."

Hahaha, below is a group of big thieves and small thieves laughing one after another.

Just because Zhu Wei, that reckless man, can still manage the market, and he can't pay for the boss behind him? !

"Let's divide the work. I will be responsible for all kinds of supplies in the future. If you need anything, just ask. Anyway, you know that we are backed by Fangshi. For example, repairing ships, repairing houses on the island, and other repairs can be done by me.

The house I built definitely has everything, except for the daughter-in-law, you bring your own. "

Hahahaha, the laughter below is even louder.

But after hearing what he said, everyone didn't have the same hostility that they saw Zhuang Zihan before.

"In short, hello everyone, hello everyone, just hold on until Mr. Zhu Wei comes back, my task will be completed, and you will stop seeing my annoying face."


The pirates laughed out loud.

"You really don't care about anything?" a big thief asked.

"I don't know how to fight at sea, and I don't know how to fight, so what should I care about, what should I care about?" Zhuang Zihan asked with a confused face.

Hahaha, the laughter below is even more messy.

"Then you can really get anything? I don't believe it! How about you get me thirty new ships first and I'll believe it?" Another big thief simply tricked him.

Zhuang Zihan said speechlessly, "That's fine, I'll write an application first, but it will take seven or eight days at the earliest to arrive."

"It can be arrived in seven or eight days? Is it true? In the past, our boss would have to spend several months or even a year to get a few boats."

Hearing what the big thief who wanted to play him said, Zhuang Zihan nodded and said, "Yes, before the opening of Longshanfang City, it was true that the bigger the ship, the harder it is to get it. It is very fast to produce a new ship every three years. You know this. Just the wood of the boat needs to be dried for more than three years before the boat can be made.

The reason why the boats that our master bought for you takes so little time is because those boats were paid for by our master at a high price.The cost of buying a boat is five or six generations higher than other similar boats.

By the way, Xie Xun is very powerful, he actually has so many boats?Can you still compete with us for consumption? "

Another big thief took the initiative to say, "I heard that their family has a large shipyard."

"Did you make it yourself?" Zhuang Zihan asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is said that there are master shipbuilders under his command!"

"So powerful?" Zhuang Zihan asked in surprise.

"That's not it."

"It's not a matter of buying a boat. Besides, everyone has a shipyard, so we have to repair one ourselves. Well, let's do it like this. I'll apply tomorrow."

The eyes of the other big thieves flashed brightly.

Ha ha!

"But before the shipyard is repaired, we have to add more ships. Enen, Liu Song's group of wicked ghosts ran away and drove away our [-] or [-] ships. It's really maddening. Xiao Zhuang, you have to buy new ships too. Go ahead and apply."

"Okay, okay, I'll apply for ten."

"It's best to have thirty. We've used up a lot of ships recently. If we can't replenish them in time, maybe people from Xie Xun's side will come over and occupy our territory. This must not let him succeed."

"Okay." Zhuang Zihan nodded like a baby.

"Then let's go and drink with my brothers. While drinking with my brothers, let's talk to you carefully about what we still lack."

"Yes, yes, let's go and drink."

So Zhuang Zihan was snatched away by a group of pirates, and he was released after getting drunk.

Zhu Wei's remaining brothers and boat are now moored at Dachi Island, a small island above the sea.Because of its natural deep-water port, it was selected as the resident and logistics supply base of Zhu Wei's fleet.

But it is said to be a logistics supply base, but there are only a few large stone caves in the entire base.

The pirates slept in the cave without paying attention to each other, Zhuang Zihan really couldn't sleep.

How many times the smell of stinky feet knocked him out and woke him up again.

It's just impossible to get through the day.

So the next morning, Zhuang Zihan called everyone to start working.

There is no suitable flat land for everyone to build houses on Dachi Island, but they can dig caves on rocks like monks dig caves.So Zhuang Zihan began to direct everyone to work, but he didn't do much all morning, and the digging was pretty bad.

Zhuang Zihan gritted his teeth and had no other choice, so he wrote a letter asking for help, asking someone to send a group of construction workers over.

Every few days, [-] construction workers and [-] super-large sea ships were sent over.The new boats are all dark green, much larger than their previous big red-painted boats.They are all sailing ships, with guns on the side strings, eight cannons on one side, and a lot of shells brought by the way.

As soon as the new ship came, a group of pirates fell in love with them. They all fought desperately to occupy more new ships.

Several big pirates killed people.

The new construction workers took the initiative to pick up the tools in their backpacks as soon as they got off the boat, and began to dig caves three or four meters above the water level.They had to dig these caves before the sun went down, otherwise, they would have to live by the sea.

The team leader Chu Zichun leisurely walked to Zhuang Zihan's side and muttered, "There are more than a dozen dead over there, don't you plan to take care of it?"

"Whatever, there are a lot of stinky thieves, big and small thieves who can't do anything, let them die more, so I can reorganize. Recently I searched, and there are still a few talented thieves among this group of thieves."

Chu Zichun looked at him with deep meaning, "Those dead people really didn't die easily, did they?"

of course.Zhuang Zihan smiled brightly at him.

No one expected that in a battle for a new ship, a famous big pirate would die, and twenty or so pirate leaders would seriously injure a group.

When the results came out, everyone was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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