Chapter 270
Zhu Wei has seven big thieves under his command.

They are the fourth child who he took away by himself, and the third child who took refuge with Xie Xun.

It was Lao Wu who died unexpectedly just now.

The rest of the elders, the second, the sixth and the seventh, all of whom were grimacing, sat together sullenly.

"Sixth, what do you say when your subordinates killed fifth?" The boss asked first.

"What do I say, I don't know what's going on. I just snatched a good ship and I couldn't be happier. In the end, you told me that my people are gone, and the fifth is gone. You also said that the fifth was killed by him. .

Regardless of whether the fifth child was killed by him or not, you can't just execute him directly.At least I know what's going on?Besides, how did I hear that someone pulled his arm and gave Lao Wu a knife? "The old six said angrily.

"Who pulled his arm?" Lao Qi asked.

"My subordinates at the scene said that the second child did it. Does the second child want to kill the fifth man, and use my man as a knife?" the sixth child said.

"Shut your stinking mouth, why are you talking about me again? My people said that everyone was in a trance at that time. He and the sixth man were fighting fiercely, and the boss's people suddenly put the fifth child in a hurry. Kicked to their side, and as a result, the fifth child was accidentally injured and died." The second child said.

"Do you mean that I let my subordinates kill the fifth child?" The boss was so angry that he smashed the wooden table in front of him.

"I didn't mean that. I meant that the fifth child should have been accidentally injured. Who would dare to kill the fifth child? They aren't stupid?! Everyone doesn't want this to happen." The second child said.

The boss was angry and angry, "I don't care, there must be an explanation for the fifth brother's death, everyone is a brother, do you want the fifth brother to die like this?"

"Boss, we are brothers in life and death, but the fifth brother died in an accident, how do you want everyone to explain?" The sixth child became angry from embarrassment.

"Lao Wu has no guards to protect him. They must all be executed. Those who are related to Lao Wu's death must be executed. I don't care if they were wronged or not. In short, Lao Wu is gone. Someone must be responsible. What do you think? ?”

Hearing what the boss said, Lao Qi couldn't help frowning and said, "If Lao Wu was really accidentally injured, then it would be too chilling to execute these brothers who accompanied us through life and death."

"Then what do you say?" The boss frowned.

"What I mean is, if the fifth brother was killed by accident, then the point of punishment for the brothers is to demote the leader to an ordinary pirate." Old Seven said.

"No, the fifth one can't die in vain." The boss said angrily, the fifth one saved his life.

"Boss, do you think this matter may have something to do with Zhuang Zihan?" Lao Qi suddenly asked.

"What does this matter have to do with him, a weakling who doesn't understand anything? Besides, he can bribe us to win our brothers? He hasn't been close to any brothers since he came here, okay? I guess we all just remember his face, not even his name." The boss said angrily.

Lao Qi was still frowning, he always felt that Zhuang Zihan was not a simple person.

But he has no evidence.

"I still insist, if the fifth brother died accidentally, we can't execute the brother who was born with us like this." Lao Qi persuaded.

"The fifth brother is also my brother, that's it, I insist." The boss said forcefully.

Seventh was speechless.

As a result, a group of pirates involved in the death of the fifth child were beheaded in the afternoon, and the bloody scene stained the execution beach red.

That night, the boss was assassinated and killed.

Because among those who were executed, there was a pirate and a 12-year-old younger brother who was alive. He saw his elder brother being innocently executed.Of course, he himself didn't get well either, he was seriously injured by the counterattack boss, and died not long after.

When the new ship arrived, it was a happy thing to have a lot of benefits reissued, but the fifth and eldest died one after another, which made everyone feel bad.

The second child, the sixth child, and the seventh child all had gloomy faces, and sent the fifth child and the eldest child together to be buried on Dachi Island.

The brother had just been buried, and before the three of them came back to their senses, they heard that Xie Xun had brought people to their territory to collect taxes for the passing caravans. How could they do that? Wouldn't it cut off their source of income?

So the three immediately left with their new fleets.

As soon as they left, Zhuang Zihan and Chu Zichun were left on the island with their people to continue building infrastructure and building houses.

"Hey, it's quite easy for people to dig stone holes. You're treating digging holes as embroidery. How can you do it so slowly?" Zhuang Zihan followed Chu Zichun in confusion, watching him constantly supervise and monitor the people everywhere. construction situation.

It is said that the 1 newly arrived construction workers dug their own holes very quickly. They dug three layers of simple stone caves below in half a day, so that [-] of them could have a place to live, so that they would not be exposed to the sea breeze at night.

But apart from the three-storey stone caves where they lived, the caves they dug up were different. The caves they built were more spacious and open, with multiple functions.It's really the same as Dongfu.Moreover, many rune formations were inscribed on the outer wall of the cave.A lot of formation materials were spent.

"What are these spirit-gathering formations and constant-temperature formations doing? Even if formations are installed here, they won't be able to gather much spiritual energy."

After hearing this, Chu Zichun asked speechlessly, "Are you stupid?"

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Zihan said angrily.

"Do you know the Longlin Land in Longshanfang City?" Chu Zichun asked.

Zhuang Zihan nodded, followed him and suddenly said, "You mean that there are actually spiritual veins on Dachizi Island?"

Chu Zichun looked at him with a look of cleverness, "Why do I build these caves without spiritual veins?"

Zhuang Zihan immediately frowned and said, "But with the spiritual vein, those pirates can't keep it."

"It's useless to keep them. I think your way of dealing with them is quite good." Chu Zichun said.

"What do you mean?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

Chu Zichun said speechlessly, "You really learned tactics and made your mind rigid. The Patriarch didn't let Zhu Wei come to sea in the first place to be a pirate. Being a pirate was his side job. Zhu Wei once When I first came to sea, I actually formed a navy.”

"Oh, then I understand. The formation of the navy and the construction of the Dachizi Cave Mansion are intended to create a Haifangfang City on Dachizi Island to trade with the Sea Clan, right?" Zhuang Zihan clapped his hands.

"You're really clever." Chu Zichun said with a smile.

Zhuang Zihan was speechless. Didn't he just go down the mountain late and was not familiar with the situation down the mountain?

"I thought the Patriarch brought me here to let me get rid of Xie Xun."

"Of course, it would be better to get rid of him, but at least he must be severely injured so that he will not cause trouble for us in the future. Someone can plunder this sea trade route, but no one can monopolize this trade route." Chu Zi Chun said.

(End of this chapter)

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