Chapter 271
"Don't worry, I've made arrangements." Zhuang Zihan smiled lightly.

Chu Zichun looked at him playfully, "Then it's up to you."

The second child, the sixth child, and the seventh child rushed to the place told by the reporter.

This place is called Yanbo Island. It is a small island, but it happens to be stuck on the airway.There are a lot of fresh water and seabirds on the island, and it is a very famous island for replenishment and rest.

It is precisely because this is a suitable place to dock for supplies, and the surrounding area is very safe, with no hidden reefs or the like.

So as long as the sea fleet chooses to dock here.

This is also one of the few fixed charging points for pirates on the entire eastern sea route.

Zhu Wei also set up various supply shops selling high-priced supplies here.

As soon as the second child and the others arrived, they found that their fleet was surrounded in the sea about [-] miles away from Yanbo Island.

I thought I would run into a branch fleet led by Xie Xun who came to occupy the road to collect fees, but unexpectedly, I ran into the team led by Xie Xun himself.

The old three stood beside Xie Xun, laughed loudly and called out to their former brothers, telling them to join Xie Xun.

The second child, the sixth child, and the seventh child were all very angry.

They are new ships, and they are not afraid even if they are surrounded. The first thing to look at in a sea battle is the ship!

If they can't beat them, they should be able to escape. After all, they all know the speed of their new ship. How could this youngest surrender to them and join Xie Xun?Out of your mind?
Of course it wasn't that Xie Xun and the others were out of their minds.

It's that the third brother is not the only one who betrayed him.

Boom boom boom, the boats of the second child and the seventh child roared and exploded, and the masts broke one by one.The mast is broken, and the new ship has no power to move forward!

Then these mysterious men in black who had killed the mast jumped directly onto Lao Liu's boat.

"Sixth child." The second child was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Lao Liu, why?" Lao Qi's face also turned red with anger.

"I'm sorry, brothers. It turns out that when brother Wei was still there, we were still looking forward to taking brothers to eat and drink spicy food!

But what kind of life is everyone living now, squatting aggrieved on Dachizi Island every day, what can we do, we are all-powerful big pirates!So I took my acceptors to find my own way out!

Everyone knows who Boss Xie is.Without Zhu Wei, Boss Xie is the overlord of this sea lane, and no one can beat him.You should surrender early. "

There is still something that the second child and the seventh child do not understand.

"We ran into Xie Xun's encirclement several times before, but you were the ones who reported it, right? What are you talking about, you two have already joined Xie Xun, right?" Lao Qi suddenly asked loudly.

"Brother, I really don't want to lie to you, but since you figured it out, I'll tell you. Actually, I've already belonged to Boss Xie, and I'm the secret agent that Boss Xie sent to Zhu Wei." The sixth child laughed loudly. road.

"What about the third child, what about a good brother for a lifetime, and a life-and-death friend for a lifetime. You are the same as the sixth, everything is fake? You are also a secret worker?" The seventh asked with a serious face.

"I'm not. I just think it's boring to work with Zhu Wei, but it's interesting to work with Boss Xie. I really don't get along with Zhu Wei." The third child frowned.

"Okay, okay, okay. Why didn't you say you had a bad temper with him when he was desperately trying to save your life?" The second child asked angrily.

The third child turned pale, "What are you talking about now? We are destined to part ways."

"Why? Aren't we brothers?"

The third child was shocked when he heard the voice. "Who?" Why is this voice so familiar to him? !

"When we made an alliance with Zhu Wei, the elder brother, we agreed that if one day betrayed the brother, it would be doomed to die."

The third child's expression suddenly changed, "Fifth, aren't you dead, fifth?"

The figure of the fifth child appeared next to the second child, and he pulled off the human skin mask on his face to reveal his true face.

Next to Lao Qi, the eldest also pulled off his mask, revealing his true face.

Even Xie Xun frowned in astonishment, "What's the matter, you guys are not dead?"

"If we don't die, why would you Xie Xun lead the team to encircle and destroy the ships of the second and seventh? These new ships were actually released as bait." The boss said indifferently.

"What?" Old Six exclaimed in a gaffe, "This is impossible."

"I was so shocked at the beginning, and I also thought it was impossible. I also thought it was Zhuang Zihan who slandered you. You can't be a traitor. Ha, I really didn't expect it. Let him let me see with my own eyes that it was that brother who betrayed you." Us. Turns out it was really you.

It's really good that you play the oboe with the third hand. "The boss said with hatred and contempt.

"Boss, you... even if you know my real identity, so what, now you are all surrounded by us, Boss Xie." Lao Liu sarcastically exasperated.

The fleet of the second child is in the middle, and there are Xie Xun's large and small sea-going ships on the periphery!

"Wind! Wind!"

Distant and loud voices came from all directions before he finished speaking.

Following the crazily rolling of endless wind knives and wind swords, they encircled and suppressed the two fleets in the center.As the wind knife and wind sword approached, their individuals became bigger and bigger, and the surrounding wind gradually strengthened, and the sound of the whistling wind almost smashed everyone's heads.

Gradually, the ear-piercing storm and the whining of the wind squeezed towards the two large fleets.

"Everyone, protect your ears quickly, this is a sonic attack." Someone shouted.

"Great wind spell! Not good, the opponent has strategists, there are strategists, everyone be careful. The opponent is good at large-scale spells." A monk beside Xie Xun exclaimed.

When Xie Xun heard that he was caught, he immediately asked the man beside him in surprise, "What is a strategist?"

"It's some ancient inheritance left over from the ancient land of Yun'an. They are monks with special professions, such as earth masters, such as strategists. They all have people with special inheritance." The man explained to him, "Although the other party has used the wind technique, but This level of gale technique probably won't threaten your life, Xie Xun. But your boat may not be. The opponent is targeting your boat from the very beginning!
Xie Xun, you are finished. "

After the man said this, he took his own people to quickly protect the encirclement of his protruding wind knife and wind sword, and ran out.

Served, the third child and the sixth child were hacked to death by his former brothers.

The eldest is missing an arm, and the second is missing an eye.The old seventh was intact, but none of the people was willing to continue working under the bastard Zhuang Zihan, because this guy had a strong wind and killed more than [-] large ships and hundreds of thousands of pirates.

Many of them were their brothers.

From then on, the prestige of Zhuang Zihan, the snake and scorpion strategist, resounded throughout the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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