The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 272 Don't Dress Up Like a White Lotus

Chapter 272 Don't Dress Up Like a White Lotus

Zhu Wei felt that he was very unhappy recently, mainly because the management of Longshanfang City was too annoying.

Groups of merchants always try to trick him, trying to lure him in various ways.Is he, Zhu Wei, the kind of person who is easy to be bribed?
Especially recently, when Chu Shinian had nothing to do, he dragged him to tell him all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, which made him neurotic all day long.

"Boss, boss." The confidant fourth who came with Zhu Wei hurriedly caught up with Zhu Wei who was strolling on the streets of Fangshi, and said sweating profusely, "Boss, go back quickly and serve The area is going to be messed up. The second child brought a large group of brothers over through the teleportation formation."

"A big group of brothers? How many people are here?" Zhu Wei was taken aback. "What's wrong? Xie Xun ate our fleet."

When someone heard this, he immediately complained, "It wasn't Xie Xun who ate up our fleet, it was Zhuang Zihan who ate up our fleet, and by the way, Xie Xun and his fleet too. Xie Xun's life and death are unknown now, and no one can find him."

Zhu Wei suddenly asked in horror, "What's going on?"

The fourth child hurriedly told Zhuang Zihan what he had done.

"In the beginning, when Zhuang Zihan passed by, he was a weak little scholar. Everyone didn't take him seriously. After several times of probing, the kid covered it up. No one realized that he was actually a big pervert.

Oh, my leader, this time we are miserable, let alone the ship is gone.The brother who was rescued from the sea also had a shadow in his heart towards the sea and the strong wind.Most of them don't want to do it, and they all plan to go ashore and go back to farming. "

Zhu Wei felt very strange when he heard this, why did he go ashore to farm?
"This kid named Zhuang Zihan, is he really so poisonous?"

"Why isn't he poisonous? Our people are alright, but all the people on Xie Xun's side, that kid Zhuang Zihan rescued them, as long as it was confirmed that they were Xie Xun's direct descendants, they would be picked out one by one and dragged away. The beach collectively beheaded.

It was so ruthless, so many people, blood flowed like a river.The beach was stained red with blood, and thousands of people were killed directly, and those behind were frightened crazy. "

Upon hearing this, Zhu Wei immediately frowned deeply.He also killed a lot of people as a pirate, but he didn't directly pull them in a row and behead them like Zhuang Zihan!

"Boss, you should go back to the service area with me first, the brothers are still waiting for you, you are the backbone of everyone."

After hearing this, Zhu Wei thought that this was indeed the case, so he hurried back to the service area.

In the small square of the service area, more than 300 old brothers were in a miserable condition. Some of them fell to the ground with injuries or leaned on the pillars.

Seeing Zhu Wei who had just walked in, he almost cursed.

"Who did this? Which bastard killed my brother." Zhu Wei roared loudly.


"The leader is here."

"Leader, you have to decide for us."

A group of big and small thieves immediately got up from the ground excitedly, and rushed towards Zhu Wei like a chicken looking for its mother.

"Brothers, brothers, please speak slowly, what is going on, please speak slowly."

Zhu Wei shouted loudly and told all the brothers to be quiet.

Everyone talked about the matter again, and Zhu Wei generally knew what happened.Zhuang Zihan also made his teeth itch with anger.

"Fourth brother, you settle the brothers first. Boss, second child, fifth child, and seventh child come with me, and I will find a place for you to reason." Zhu Wei said suppressing his anger.

Chu Shinian raised his head from among the various thick documents, and heard Zhu Wei's loud voice outside.

Putting aside his pen and ink for the time being, Chu Shinian walked out of the room.

"Chu Shinian, tell me, how did you promise me back then, you said you would take care of my brothers, and I trusted you, so I didn't go back to take care of my brothers. But how did you do it?" ?You used them as bait to catch Xie Xun, but you also sacrificed their lives.

Is this how you placed them properly? "

After hearing Zhu Wei's words, Chu Shinian said angrily, "Pirates who have been at sea all year round, can't float in the sea without a boat? Zhuang Zihan attacked the boat with the wind technique, but he didn't attack anyone either! "

Zhu Wei suddenly became angry.

"Then what kind of trap did you devise, and you have to use this method, you know? I lost thousands of brothers this time. They were all injured by the debris after the ship collapsed and fell into the sea.

It's fine if you don't attack people, but attacking ships will also endanger people's lives, do you know that? "

"Then what else do you think is there to set up a trick to trap Xie Xun when he is getting carried away, and even trap him with people and boats?" Chu Shinian asked back. "Do you have a better idea?"


"This is the simplest and easiest way to get Xie Xun into the trap."

"But Zhuang Zihan is too vicious. He pretended to be a fool and a young scholar from the beginning. This guy didn't have a good heart from the beginning." Zhu Wei said angrily.

"What's going on with your subordinates, you don't have a clue? You need me to tell you one by one. What Zhuang Zihan does is his business, and now he is in charge of it. Your brothers generally sent you What else do you want?" Chu Shinian said impatiently.

"But, did my people die in vain?" Zhu Wei asked loudly in shock.

"Every time you have a naval battle, you have lost a lot of people. You have lost a lot of people. You have not defeated Xie Xun. You have to make a move. Why, you still have the face to ask me what to do if someone is dead? You are the first Do you live at sea for a day?"

Chu Shinian scolded him angrily.

Zhu Wei was stumped!
"But the fleet and people are all made by us with our own hands and feet. If we die in sea battles, we will admit it ourselves. But if you designed them to die, I feel sorry for our brothers!" The fourth child said frankly.

"What's wrong with you, why don't you count what you have done yourself?" As soon as Chu Shinian recruited, a thick document was carried out of a cabinet in the inner room by a male servant.

"Let's all take a look. Don't describe yourself as if you have multiple friendships. Only that big fool Zhu Wei believes what you say.

You have taken a fancy to Yanbo Island, Dachizi Island, and the boat we sent there, and secretly plotted to stand on your own and get rid of our resource control. We all know these things.

Everyone is not a good person, so don't dress yourself up like a white lotus, it looks disgusting. "

Chu Shinian said angrily, he was born as a secret guard, and he always thought of people on the dark side.

Zhu Wei frowned. Back then, Chu Shinian didn't bring out so many booklets in front of him. He opened a thick booklet and saw all kinds of thick red circles...

After reading more than ten pages, he couldn't take it anymore, dropped the booklet, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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