The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 273 Jackal

Chapter 273 Jackal
They were all blown away!

The boss and the second child also picked up the booklet and looked through it, and then all of them turned pale.

"You have already arrested spies by our side?" Lao Qi said angrily.

"Isn't this normal? If we don't follow the spies, how can we rest assured that you will take our fleet around, and pay you so much supplies and gold and silver every month, and help you purchase the ship's giant crossbow and Various weapons.

With such a big effort, such a big business, and building several island strongholds for you along the way, do you think Xie Xun has such a big convenience?You don't really think that we just let Zhu Wei lead you, do you? "

Chu Shinian said.

"You put so many spies by our side from the very beginning. You already knew about the betrayal of the sixth son. So it was your plan to encourage the third son to defect to Xie Xun? This plan started when the leader Zhu Wei was transferred from the fleet. Right?" The fourth child asked solemnly.

Chu Shinian nodded, "That's right, the third child had objected a long time ago. It wasn't because you guys blocked him several times before he didn't go. My people just thought of a way to let him avoid your blocking. The seven of you brothers Among them, the rest are all mobs. Only you and Lao Qi are considered intelligent. It is a pity that they were not well-trained when they were among the pirates when they were young. However, as long as you have the qualifications, you can increase the intensity of resources in the future. It is still possible to cultivate Talented."

The fourth child looked at him speechlessly, "You guys come from a certain big family, right? This method of cultivating talents, the courage to build the fleet, and the strategy of decisively clearing us out of the fleet are all first-rate, at least I I’ve lived for so many years, and I’ve never heard of it.”

"That's because you lack knowledge, and it's also because the sea route has not officially entered the eyes of the aristocratic families. When the sea route becomes popular, you will see the strategies of various big families." Chu Shinian said lightly. .

The fourth child was stunned after hearing his words.

"It's not that some of us will interfere with the sea route, it's just a matter of time. If you have been living at sea, you will become a tool sooner or later. The difference lies in your luck. If your luck is bad, you will have a vicious and mean family. Then it's your fate to die in a certain conspiracy, and it's your fate to die for others." Chu Shinian said.

"What's the difference between that and us now? Aren't we sent wherever you want?" The fourth child asked sarcastically.

"You can now have the right to choose because of Zhu Wei's relationship. You can choose to leave, return to the sea and make a comeback, or stay with Zhu Wei and continue to follow him. Zhu Wei was a little reckless before, but he has recognized it. My own shortcomings, I am working hard to learn and improve." Chu Shinian said.

"Zhu Wei is from the same family as you. Although your surnames are different, I can still feel that in your eyes, only he is your own person. You mainly teach him. In your eyes, what are we? Not at all. At most, they are people with some use value." The fourth child said.

Chu Shinian said flatly, "There are too many people in this world, I can't manage so many people, I can only manage what I can manage."

The fourth child and the others all thought in their hearts: Sure enough, they are from the same clan.

"Seeing that you have made great contributions with Zhu Wei, we will not pursue these things if you take them away. But how to choose in the future is a matter between you and Zhu Wei."

The fourth child and the others left with complicated expressions after hearing Chu Shinian's words.

After they left, Taohua came out from the innermost secret room.

"Why do you need me to explain this to a bunch of pirates?" Chu Shinian asked puzzled.

"Because your words will be passed on to Zhu Wei." Taohua rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"I don't need Zhu Wei to understand." Chu Shinian was silent for a moment before saying.

"But Zhu Wei is rather stupid. In order to make him less troublesome, I have to appease him." Tao Hua said with her hands spread out.

Chu Shinian coughed twice, but was speechless.

"Actually, Zhu Wei is not stupid, but he is often blinded by the brotherhood in his mind and becomes a bit stupid." Chu Shinian said pertinently.

Taohua tilted her head and smiled. "You don't need to explain it for him, I actually know it all. Zhu Wei has yearned for the brotherhood of life and death since he was a child. This is his dream, otherwise he would not have turned a good navy into a pirate army.

Every word difference is the result of his connivance.This group of pirates is actually pretty good in nature, and he has developed too many bad habits over the years.

If this continues, I may have to create a death squad. I hope Zhuang Zihan can handle this matter for me. "

"However, Zhuang Zihan ruined our fleet and Xie Xun's fleet at one time this time. I heard that many small pirate fleets have appeared on the sea, scrambling for the chassis, and some people even set their minds on our occupation. Those small islands." Chu Shinian said in a slightly solemn tone.

"Yeah, more and more aristocratic families are turning their attention to the Wanji Mountains and sea routes. It is inevitable that they want to take advantage of this opportunity." Taohua nodded, "So I have long planned to put those illegal The sea-craft ships were replaced. All of them were replaced with magic-craft sea ships, and the combat power soared, completely widening the distance from the fleet they formed."

Chu Shinian is such a smart person, he immediately woke up and said, "Longshan Fangshi!"

"That's right, without Longshanfang City, we still wouldn't be able to assemble such a huge new fleet. The batch of ships sent to Zhuang Zihan were the last ordinary sea-going ships. It was just a bait, and it was worth the money. up.

In fact, I planned to transfer Zhu Wei back when the new ship was ready, but I didn't expect Zhao Ru to be so powerful, and he hacked Zhu Yongnian to death very quickly!

The timing was just right, and I had already prepared my backhand, so I took advantage of her hand to save me a lot of effort. "

It happened that Zhu Yongnian's death sounded the alarm for Zhu Wei, making him willing to return to Longshanfang City without conflict!
Chu Shinian instantly understood Tao Hua's thoughts. The key point of this matter lies in Zhu Wei. Is Zhu Wei capable?Without the ability, how could it be possible to become the Sea Dragon King, with thousands of ships under his command, and eighty to ninety thousand brothers?

But Zhu Wei is more suitable for attacking cities and conquering territory, he is brave and brave. He is a great general and pioneer. To let him stay in Longshanfang City and work with copywriters all day is like asking for his own life!
After a long time, Zhu Wei will definitely feel disgusted and become more irritable.

But now, it's time for Zhu Wei to really start to reflect on himself.

The good brother he once thought had a different heart, the good brother he trusted absolutely was a spy long ago, and his other brothers probably knew or guessed his real identity long ago, but no one told him.

The brothers who were waiting for him to call the shots were actually a group of wolves lying on him and his family sucking blood! !

After tearing off the disguise, the real face is so ugly!

He deliberately didn't think about, listen to, meet with, or confirm the family's constant reminders.Could it be that he himself noticed it at the beginning, but subconsciously didn't want to believe it, or avoided believing it?
(End of this chapter)

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