Chapter 274 Pale
When the boss and the seventh boy returned to Zhu Wei's side, Zhu Wei had been sitting alone in the hall for a while.

The "leader" walked to his side with complicated emotions.

"Sit down." Zhu Wei used to be a very bold and forthright person, but now Zhu Wei is indeed introverted and calm, especially in his eyes, it seems that there are some things that the brothers can't understand.

"Boss, I'm sorry." Lao Qi said first.

Zhu Wei shook his head, "Actually, I should be the one who said I'm sorry. When I formed the fleet, I didn't think so much. I just wanted to gather a group of brothers to roam the sea and have a good time. Even if I die, this life is not in vain."

After hearing this, the old brothers smiled.

In fact, everyone thinks so too.

"But I forgot that I am not alone, I have a family behind me, and I am not representing myself, so I went wrong from the beginning. I have never been free with you. So you have other ideas and don't want to give It doesn't matter if the family behind my back works hard, I can understand."



Everyone shouted together.

"I spent time and time again on family resources and broke into Xie Xun's encirclement. It's impossible to say that I didn't notice that a brother betrayed me. I'm not stupid enough for that. I just don't want to admit it." He suddenly covered his face with his hands.

I trust you so much.

The bosses felt sour in their hearts. They even laughed at the leader as a fool!
"One can't always live a lifetime in a dream." Zhu Wei wiped his face with his sleeve. "I can't always pretend that I don't understand or see anything."

If there is no Zhu Yongnian, he might still be able to pretend, but Zhu Yongnian has already gone, he is not the second Zhu Yongnian!
If Zhu Yongnian knew that Zhao Ru was looking for him because he wanted his life, would he still go down the mountain?

Hehe, Zhu Wei said in his heart that no matter how much Zhu Yongnian had a crush on Zhao Ru at that time, he would never take the initiative to dedicate his life for Zhao Ru.

"Let's talk about my brothers. It was my fault that I didn't tell everyone at the beginning. But everyone has been in the rivers and lakes. Regarding my identity, I believe you have also guessed. It is indeed useful for me to form a fleet. Everyone is suspicious, but I ask myself that there is nothing missing in the treatment for everyone.

As for those who work hard or not, a human life is not worth a meal of meat or a bag of steamed buns these days.

So I said something open to the brothers, if you are willing to continue to follow me, I will treat you as before, we are still brothers.If you want to find another place to go, I will also prepare some money for you, so that we can get together and leave. "

"Boss." Seeing that Zhu Wei didn't want to say more, the brothers also retreated in silence.

Early the next morning, they discussed it and finally chose to leave.Including the fourth child who followed Zhu Weilai.

Zhu Wei dealt with these brothers silently, and watched them leave Longshanfang City.

"What? Can't bear it?" Chu Shinian asked.

Zhu Wei shook his head, "It's not that I'm reluctant, but I want to remember my mistakes.

The team was wrong from the start.

I reflected on it all night last night. From the very beginning, the owner asked me to form a navy that would collect money and work hard.It was me who insisted on joining some kind of brotherhood.

As it turns out, brotherhood won't keep me from running the fleet well, or keeping my trusted brothers from betraying me.

They felt from the beginning that I was buying them off with some false brotherhood.

Also, a group of desperadoes who took money to kill and plunder at sea, how could I believe that they really talked about brotherhood?

I am stupid!If I had paid them to work hard from the very beginning, and didn't talk about brothers and sisters, they would still be able to honestly fight for me for money now. "

"I'm very glad that you can see through this. When you lead people in the future, I hope you can distinguish giri from giri and business from business. Don't be confused by any emotions anymore, no matter how the team was formed in the first place." Well, if you introduced the family's monitoring system into your team, any traitor would have been caught long ago, and anyone with a different heart would have been kicked out long ago.

You are like a mirror in your heart, but you deliberately refused the support of the family. Now the entire fleet has been ruined by you. The resources of the family are the hard-earned money we earned with all our efforts. The next time something like this happens again, you can choose a place to retire. "

After hearing this, Zhu Wei's face turned dark immediately.

Chengyang County Prince's Mansion.

The king of Yaoshan County frowned deeply. He had just gone to Zhu Yongnian, and Chu Shinian got another Zhu Wei from somewhere.

This Zhu Wei is aggressive and unreasonable.But the merchants from all walks of life just like him very much. They were beaten and bullied by him, but they all honestly did business like quails.

Without thorns, the entire Longshanfang City has become more and more prosperous over time.

His Longshan Square City is getting more and more prosperous, while the other cities in the Wanji Mountains are getting more and more depressed.

Wasn't Zhu Yongnian assassinated in vain?
Zhao Ru hurriedly rushed into her father's study.

"Father, I heard that Longshanfang City has a new administrator, who is Zhu Wei?"

The Yaoshan County Dynasty nodded to its own princess.

"Zhu Yongnian died suddenly, and Chu Shinian reacted too quickly, and immediately dispatched this Zhu Wei to take over Longshanfang City. This Zhu Wei seemed careless, but he was actually a very talented person. Yongnian's stall has been well-managed since he took over, not worse than Zhu Yongnian at all. Moreover, this guy is not easy to fool or bribe. He is very hardworking and doesn't give us face at all. Several discounts were confiscated by him. Therefore, several of our shops in Longshanfang City have suffered setbacks recently, and their business has dropped by more than half.

If this continues, it won't take a few months. I'm afraid that our few shops will have to change hands or close down. "

Zhao Ru was furious at the words of the King of Gaoshan County, "It's unreasonable, I'll go to Longshan to talk to them."

"What are you going to, you don't want to go to Longshan recently. You think people don't know about what our father and daughter are doing. If you dare to go to Longshan this time, believe it or not, they will let you meet robbers and die suddenly." The king of the mountain county said angrily after hearing what his own princess said.

Zhao Ru: "Then we killed Zhu Yongnian for nothing?"

"Who is this Zhu Wei? How could such a capable person be unknown before?" the Duke of Yaoshan thought in confusion.

Zhao Ru was also trying to think about the name, and finally she remembered, "Ah, I know who this Zhu Wei is, he is Zhu Wei, King of Overcoming Seas. One Piece has thousands of ships under his command, and tens of thousands of pirates at his peak."

"What did you say?" Prince Yaoshan turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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