The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 275 The Demon Hunter

Chapter 275 The Demon Hunter
"Who do you think Zhu Wei is?" Yaoshan County King asked in horror.

"That big pirate King Zhu Wei!" Zhao Ru said after thinking for a while.

"Come on, we don't know what kind of mysterious force we have provoked, this time we are in big trouble." The face of the Yaoshan County King turned pale.

"What mysterious force?" Zhao Ru was puzzled.

"Ru'er, think about the underground waterway in the Wanji Mountains, and the sea trade routes across the two continents, and then think about the Longshanfang City and the Longlin Land. This is obviously a set situation. They turned their hands into clouds. It's raining, and I've planned to hold this golden business route in my hands for a long time.

That Zhu Yongnian is just a pawn in his hands.

We fooled Fu Zhongyu into a knife!I just said how could Fu Zhongyu think of asking me to deal with Zhu Yongnian and Chu Shinian!

That's no wonder, no wonder that without Zhu Yongnian in Longshanfang City, Zhu Wei immediately took over.I'm afraid that even if there is no Zhu Wei and the others, there will still be someone on top.That Chu Shinian was probably also a chess piece pushed to the stage by their organization!

No wonder that Chu Shinian was so fierce and violent.Obviously there is a backer behind it! "

After Zhao Ru heard this, it was as if she had been struck by lightning!
No wonder Zhu Yongnian didn't dare to betray him in his previous life. This is still the early stage of spiritual recovery, so he dared to set up such a plate to plan land and sea trade routes!
"Father, let's find someone to find out the whole organization immediately, they...they..." Zhao Ru's head was swollen for a while, and she didn't know what she wanted to express.

"Ru'er." Yaoshan County King called her heavily. "I don't know how many secret organizations there are in the Song Dynasty, and we are not sure whether they have colluded with those great noble forces.

Check, how can I check with just a few people in your father's hands?
As long as we move a little bit, people will probably find out first.

The matter of Zhu Yongnian has already turned us against each other. If we continue to investigate people so recklessly, I am afraid that both of us, father and daughter, will not be able to leave Chengyang City.Even Cha can't use the power in my hand.For this matter, we still have to find Fu Zhongyu.After all, he was the one who asked me to deal with Zhu Yongnian. "

Zhao Ru was a little sobered up by her father's yelling.She also knew that Zhu Yongnian's death had affected her!Let her be a little restless and agitated recently.

Holding a pen in her hand, Taohua kept modifying the links on the chart. There were solid lines and dashed lines, and five or six routes were drawn.Each route has some islands and alternative reef areas.

Taohua silently connected them, and then meditated on the comparison.

In addition to these routes, she also marked some special places with small symbols of various colors.

When Chu Shinian walked in, he deliberately lowered the sound of his footsteps. He didn't intend to interrupt Taohua's meditation, but he was also very curious about the areas where Taohua painted various small symbols.

"What do these little symbols represent?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Properties." Taohua came back to her senses and said with a frown.

"I received an official letter from Fu Cheng today, saying that we are to attack the monster clan in the nearby mountains. What do you think, Patriarch?" Chu Shinian asked.

"A chance?" Taohua smiled.

Chu Shinian curled his lips stiffly again, "Indeed, I have been waiting for him for a long time. If there is no official letter, I want to mobilize the entire power of Changyang, and there is no good excuse to pay the monsters on Xifeng Mountain on a large scale!"

"Xifengshan is not a good opponent." Taohua said.

"Don't worry, I don't have the intention of emptying out this big resource right away." Chu Shinian said confidently.

Peach Blossom is speechless, and I said in my heart that you will understand when you really meet Xifeng Mountain. There is definitely a reason why Xifeng Mountain has evolved into the base camp of many monster races.

"When do you plan to choose?" Taohua asked.

"After the autumn harvest, the soldiers will be stronger and the horses will be stronger, and there will be more food." Chu Shinian said.

Tao Huaxin said that she should go home and take a look, she has been out for a long time.

After talking to the third brother about the shops here, especially the shop that specializes in buying antiques, Taohua specially mentioned a few words to the third brother, and then teleported back to the Chu Family Valley with peace of mind.As soon as Taohua came back, he found that the Earthfire Cave Mansion area in his valley was actually bustling, and some casual practitioners who didn't know him had already started renting alchemy tools in the cave mansion.

It wasn't until she asked a guard guarding the Earth Fire Cave Mansion that she realized that these casual cultivators were all befriended by her second sister.

Qingmei took the guards out of the valley of the Chu family to practice, and met some casual cultivators by the way. The rental business of her family's Dihuo Cave Mansion was developed by friends like the second sister and their friends.

In order to receive these casual cultivators, Chu Dashan also asked people to build a large guest house, all of which are contiguous exquisite houses, to meet the various board and lodging requirements of the guests themselves and the disciples they brought.

Anyway, there are not many built fire caves in their home, even if people come, it is only a few people at a time, or a dozen casual cultivators come together.

If they hadn't spent too much money, Chu Dashan wouldn't have built such a large guest house.

The guest house was built and a large number of hired workers were recruited, such as the back kitchen and housekeeping servants, and a large number of people from the Chu family were hired.

When Taohua came back, there was another wave of five or six people who came to the Guest House to find a house to live in, and asked someone to arrange for them to rent the Dihuodong Mansion.Although there are few Dihuo Cave Houses, not all of them are in use. It just so happens that there are two or three Dihuo Cave Houses that have not been used in the past few days, so it is suitable to rent them out.

The alchemist among this group of people is a young woman who also purchased a large amount of ordinary herbs from the Chu family.

When refining low-level panacea, many ordinary herbs can be used as long as they are old enough.

Taohua didn't look at them much, so she hurried home, went back to her room to tidy up the things in the room, and Taohua hurried to the pharmacy to check.She hasn't come to this pharmacy for a while, but everyone is doing a good job, and the various medicinal materials are handled very well.

By the way, Taohua also gave them some new disposal methods of mortal medicines, and also taught them the ratio of three kinds of medicine powders.

One is a medicinal powder for water purification, the other is a medicinal powder for repelling insects, and the other is a medicinal powder for repelling snakes.

Although it is only the simplest medicine powder formula, it also makes everyone feel like a treasure, and everyone is very energetic and eager to learn.

"These three prescriptions are commonly used prescriptions. Many pharmacies use this set of prescriptions. But our medicinal materials are good. As long as you dispose of them strictly according to my requirements, the medicinal powder made by our family will be more effective than similar medicines." The medicine powder is one or two percent higher.

They are all the same kind of medicine. If our medicine powder is more effective, then it must be our medicine powder that sells better. "

(End of this chapter)

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