The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 276 New changes in Xiantao Village

Chapter 276 New changes in Xiantao Village

"I heard that our family's various finished herbal medicines are selling well in Longshanfang City?" Lamei asked with a smile.If Taohua is not here, she is usually in charge of managing the affairs of the pharmacy.

Lamei didn't know how the herbal medicines in the Chu family's store in Longshan were selling, but she knew that the demand for goods there was getting bigger and bigger.It is said to be selling very well.

In the past few months when Taohua was away, the Chu Family Valley was still constantly changing based on the original accumulation.

First of all, with the continuous development of the five elements' spiritual veins and the bonus brought by the Sutu Spirit Array, the aura in the valley has become more and more intense.In addition to the valley area, the entire area covered by the five elements' spiritual veins is also nourished by thin spiritual energy.

It leads to a shortened maturity period and a large harvest of various herbs and crops.

At the same time, it also attracted the crazy growth of wild herbs in the entire range of spiritual veins!It grows like crazy, if the seeds of any herb are thrown into the wild forest, it will not take long for a large clump to grow.All kinds of wild fruits grow up big and sweet.

The crazy growth of wild resources has attracted more various small wild animals, such as hares and pheasants.

This also made the hunters in Old Chu Village and Xiantao Village, who were about to exterminate the surrounding wild animals, feel itchy, and they re-entered the ranks of picking up money during the day.

But if the little rabbit grows up to the size of a tiger, not everyone can hunt it.

If the pheasants look like wild ostriches, then I don't know who is hunting whom!
All in all, because the ferocious beasts in the majestic mountains are too fierce, the hunters who no longer dare to go deep into the mountains still have a new sense of glory from the big and small prey around the village!
The most important thing is that a lot of money was also swiped out.

Rabbits have mutated to such a large size that they are usually Tier [-] monsters. Just selling monster meat would cost a lot of money.A group of hunters, seven or eight, can make a lot of money by killing a rabbit in a day, okay?

And the little rabbit is not a tiger, so everyone who catches it has no psychological shadow.

In addition to the various benefits brought by her own five-element spirit veins, Taohua also learned that although it still doesn't rain much, the drought is still gradually weakening.At least the weather isn't as scorching as it used to be.

Gradually, the land outside the Five Elements Spirit Vein can grow crops and herbs. Although they still grow coarse grains and drought-resistant herbs, they can still be planted.

Waterwheels are now appearing more and more in farmland everywhere.

When the food is harvested, everyone doesn't have to worry about starving in winter.

The Miryang City Order vigorously developed the fishing fleet to go down to the lake in order to allow the common people to survive the difficult period when there was no food harvest.The original one large fleet was directly transformed into three large fleets, and they went down to the lake together to catch various fish.

Predominantly hunts large herrings that grow unusually fast.

Today's big herring is getting bigger and bigger, especially the head almost occupies one-third of the body.Not only are the bones hard, but the teeth are getting longer and longer. The fierce biting ability of the big teeth often tears the fishing nets of the Miryang fleet into the water!
As a result, Miryang's official fleet continued to lose fishing nets of various specifications!
But the big herring that is too powerful can't be caught. Aren't there still those small big herrings that are not so powerful in the lake?So fishing nets are still rewarding.

So the fleet of the Miryang Guards and the big herring came together.Fighting in the lake every day, sometimes I can catch a lot of big fish, and sometimes the boat is knocked into the lake!
As for Chu Dashan's fishing fleet, although the scale has also expanded to six boats, they generally dare not stroll to the center of the lake, and fish on the shore.The fish here are small and can't be bought at a high price, but they don't capsize!

You must know that these six boats were not hired by Chu Dashan, but new boats specially ordered by Chu Dashan.

These fish meat can't be bought at a high price in Miryang, but they can make a lot of money by buying them backhand in Longshanfang City.It is said that Zhang Weidu, the order of Miryang, purchased a large shop in Longshanfang City, specializing in selling fish.The sects and big powers who went there to look for meat were all [-] catties, and they bought goods from his shop there.The spirit coins were earned into his pocket in boxes and boxes.

Otherwise, Zhang Wei suddenly expanded the fleet?

Doesn't it cost money to build a ship?

Shipbuilding is very expensive, and it consumes money and resources, okay?
How can Zhang Wei have such a high enthusiasm just for the public.

In short, the emergence of Longshanfang City has given various hermit families, hermit sects, and major mysterious forces and organizations in the Northwest, and even the entire Song Dynasty, a platform to trade large amounts of resources.On the whole, it accelerated the prosperity of the monk circle in the Song Dynasty, and also accelerated the upgrade speed of the monks.

Longshanfang City has not been open for a full year, and even people outside the Song Dynasty know its reputation.

But in Xiantao Village, there was basically no one who didn't know about Longshanfang City.

Because of it, everyone gets an upgrade and a raise.

In order to ensure the supply of the Chu family's refining shop and elixir shop, Chu Dashan led Shiro to rebuild a new workshop area.

It is set up just behind the newly-built casual repair accommodation area.To the east is the refining workshop area, and to the west is the refining workshop area.

In addition to the addition of 60 people in the new refining workshop area, the wages of the old employees were tripled.The most common old employees now get six taels a year, plus year-end rewards.

The refining workshop needs more people. It is said that they have recruited about [-] people, but there are still not enough people.

All the young men and women in the old Chuzhuang were recruited cleanly, and now a lot of the land in the old Chuzhuang is planted by old people and half-grown children.

The new district was built to be twice as big as Xiantao Village, and there were many employees in it, which imperceptibly prompted many villagers from the old Chuzhuang to relocate to Xiantao Village.Build a house, set up a ten-acre mountain forest to plant some medicinal materials, and the family can go out to work, and earn a lot of money every year.

It is more cost-effective than going to Miryang to find a job!

The place where Taohua came to supervise and inspect was Xinlian Pharmacy.

"That's right, our medicinal materials are sold well in Longshan." Taohua responded to Lamei's words, and made the surrounding women understand clearly.Everyone smiled.

"When we buy these medicinal powders, we can make more money. The most important thing is that we can also build the reputation of our Chujialing Medicine Shop by the way." Taohua said with a smile.

In fact, the reputation of the Chu family's elixir shop has long been well known.

Just relying on the first-order spirit fruit, the Chu family is far ahead of all the spirit fruit and medicine shops in Longshan.

Every shop has the first-order spirit fruit, but there are not as many shops as Chu's.

But Taohua didn't tell the people about these things, and she tried hard to encourage them to refine medicine with heart.Spirit fruit is a good industry, but refining medicine is also a good industry with great potential in the future.

With these good industries, Longshanfang City can achieve faster and more rapid development!

(End of this chapter)

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