Chapter 277
So it is necessary to train a group of alchemists from now on.Of course, alchemists, even alchemist apprentices, are not so easy to train.

This is a profession that simply accumulates resources!
Just like when she made up her mind to train a group of geologists for the clan, the money spent in the early stage was as fast as water.For a while, she was so poor that she almost couldn't afford to eat.

Fortunately, not to mention her luck, she can always pick up some foreign money.

Oh, when it comes to foreign money, she remembered something.

"Father, father, do you know that the emperor of the Song Dynasty ordered all the prefectures and cities to hunt demons?" Taohua finished handling the matter of the alchemy workshop, and immediately went to find her father Chu Dashan.

Chu Dashan has gotten a little fatter recently, and his complexion has become more fierce. He is dressed in a low-key and luxurious robe, which makes him even more aura, with a domineering ring at least [-] meters.Majestic and majestic, he has the appearance of the leader of the big cough bandit.

"Understood, Miryang Commander Zhang Wei just sent me a letter."

"Did he say when to act?" Taohua asked.

"That will be prepared by him and those nobles and official families in Miryang." Chu Dashan sneered in a low voice.

"Huh?" Taohua looked at him puzzled.

"The few nobles and officials' families left in Changyang were all subdued by Chu Shinian, and they were summoned to do something. It was to do their best to take money and goods, and to send people. But Miryang Although Zhang Wei's family dominates Bian, the other nobles and officials' families are not completely powerless to resist.

This has something to do with Zhang Wei who always stays on the front line!

He always kept some distance between those local nobles and officials.

No, something went wrong.

I heard that Changyang has started preparations for hunting monsters, and several large manors have stockpiled all kinds of food and weapons.

But Miryang is still arguing with each other, and no one really pays money, people or goods.

If the imperial court ordered the hunting of demons, the localities would have to move.But isn't it Zhang Wei's business to respond to the imperial decree?

As for the hunting of monsters, which may not be beneficial in the future, those nobles and official families are not willing to go crazy with Zhang Wei! "

Taohua realized, "Then what is the constitution of our family?"

"It's going to be the autumn harvest soon. Our family should harvest our own land, herbs, and fruits first." Chu Dashan is also not very enthusiastic about supporting Zhang Wei's hunting monsters. "You still have to deal with the various ginseng fruits harvested this year. The seeds have been prepared and sealed up. It's only been a few months this year, and our seeds haven't been sold enough yet, so we'll get back more than a hundred Wan Lingshi . This sale of seeds is really making money."

"Understood, Dad, don't worry if you leave it to me." Taohua said crisply, "By the way, Dad, let me tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Chu Dashan asked.

"It is in the west direction of our old Chuzhuang, and about thirty or forty miles into Xiongshan Mountain, there is a big round mountain range, which seems to have iron ore, and it should be rich in iron ore. Dad, you know, now that the spirit has recovered, say Maybe the iron mines in that place have turned into spiritual iron mines."

"Ah, how did you know?" Hearing Tao Hua's words, Chu Dashan asked in shock.

"It's a coincidence that a rogue cultivator came to our shop to buy spiritual fruits. He didn't have enough spiritual stones, so he exchanged a map of the iron ore veins he surveyed for our first-order spiritual fruit. When I saw the picture, I was shocked, it was actually in the Xiongshan near our house."

This vein is still the True Spirit Iron Mine, a large mine, but the quality of the Spirit Iron is not very high.This ore vein was inadvertently received by Taohua from a down-and-out geologist in her previous life.The other party only wanted a Tier [-] panacea.

"Show me that picture." Chu Dashan got excited.

Tao Hua immediately took out the picture from her sleeve, which was actually a picture taken from the Taiyin Stone Pagoda floating in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The picture is quite simple, but the general direction and location are still drawn very clearly.

"It's a bit far away, and it's not easy for our family to mine." Chu Dashan said regretfully, looking left and right.

"Father, no one in our family drives it. You won't find uncle and grandpa to drive it. Maybe uncle and grandpa will give our family a few more bonuses." Tao Hua said.

Cough cough cough, Chu Dashan's eyes widened in surprise. "Is this done?"

"Why can't this work? My uncle and grandpa have the land reclamation property, and I believe my uncle and grandpa's family can find the manpower for mining." Her uncle's grandfather is Ming Daozong, so there is a shortage of manpower.

He used to be the leader of the dark guards.

Although he and Chu Shinian were not of the same era.

But those who can serve as the commander of the hidden guards in the Chu family and can retreat unscathed are not simple people.

"Well, this is a big matter, let your father and I think about it first. Don't make good relatives and make enemies." Chu Dashan said solemnly.

Peach nodded.

Anyway, she threw the picture out, so her father took care of it.

In the Great Song Dynasty, hunting monsters is hunting monsters throughout the territory, so preparations are being made everywhere.

The folks are also discussing this matter very hotly. The first piece of gossip about visiting relatives recently is to talk about this matter.

On the way home with his entourage, Chu Zifei heard all the people discussing what is going on with hunting monsters, where to hunt, how many people will go, and whether there will be any gains.

When he returned to his mansion, before he had dinner, someone announced that Daozong had come to visit.

He hastily ate a few mouthfuls of food, then rushed to the study.

As soon as he saw Ming Daozong, he immediately asked, "What's going on? Do they know?"

Ming Daozong shook his head with an ugly face.

"There are only the three of us who are the leaders of the dark guards alive today. Chu Shinian, Shi Yousan and I. Shi Yousan was released early. As the person who protects the Chu family's candidate luck son, the dark guards on his side are all trained The son of a remote branch that was separated long ago.

Because they are too far away from us, they are not familiar with the situation on our side.And since our elders in charge have passed away one after another, almost all contact with them has been broken.If I hadn't personally tied the knot this time, they would have thought our Chu clan had been wiped out. "

Ming Daozong said with a dark face.

Chu Zifei was even more speechless.

"When I first came out, in order not to destroy the foundation of the secret guards of the Chu family, I took away two hundred people. I started with two hundred people. Although I developed a lot of people later, I didn't dare to easily follow the old Zhuang. contacted by people.

Ever since Chu Xi's sudden death, I couldn't get in touch with Lao Zhuang's people any more.I suspect that Chu Shinian had a different heart at that time. "

Chu Zifei had a strange expression, and sighed, "It may not be that Chu Shinian has a different heart."

"Ah?" Ming Daozong looked shocked and puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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