Chapter 294

"Okay, I'll divide it now." The confidant nodded in response.

Zhuang Zihan paused for a moment and continued, "Then you should make arrangements first."

The confidant turned around immediately.

After waiting for him to turn around, Zhuang Zihan pushed open the big wooden door of his command room.A huge nautical chart hangs on the wooden wall opposite the wooden door.Certain areas on the chart have been pinned by small flags carved with ruby ​​and sapphire heads.

Zhuang Zihan walked to the chart step by step, his next goal was there...

Zhu Wei had just received the news of Xie Xun's death, and he didn't believe it.

"It can't be a fake body, right? I know Xie Xun very well. He's so shrewd. I hired a killer, and I participated in strangling him several times, but he escaped inexplicably."

"It's not inexplicable, I think it's your spies who leaked the news?" Zhu Kangnian held a plate of fried soybeans and twirled them into his mouth one by one.

Delicious, so fragrant!
Seeing Zhu Kangnian happily eating beans, Zhu Wei scratched with all kinds of claws, trying to clean him up.

"I'm talking about Zhu Kangnian, shouldn't you be doing the accounting in the service area at this time?" Zhu Wei asked angrily.

At the end of the month, has this guy forgotten his job?

"Don't worry, I've arranged everything, this time I arranged for [-] accounting experts to check and check the accounts.

While accounting, proofreading and supervision at the same time, it's all right.Nothing will go wrong. "

After hearing what he said, Zhu Wei remained silent and stared at him with narrowed eyes, speechless for a long time.

Zhu Kangnian felt terrified when he saw him
"Brother, talk to me if you have something to do! If you think I'm doing something wrong, just say it."

"Who's the big brother? In terms of family seniority, I'm your uncle, why are you so shameless and still call me big brother?!"

Ah puff! !
Zhu Kangnian looked at him in shock.

"Impossible, how could you be my uncle's generation?"

Zhu Wei sneered and directly reported his branch lineage. After Zhu Kangnian compared it, he really was his uncle! !
"Why, why is this?" Zhu Kangnian couldn't help complaining.

Zhu Wei sneered, "My grandfather is an old man, and I am also an old man. Why is it so strange that I am your uncle's generation? Besides, if I hadn't been a senior, I would have been sent here to supervise your work?"

Zhu Kangnian felt like vomiting blood.

For the family, the most torturous thing is the seniority.

Everyone is of the same blood, and they may not necessarily be older than you, but if their seniority is higher than you, you will be suppressed and have no choice.

"Uncle Wei!" Zhu Kangnian cried sadly.

"Hmph." Zhu Wei snorted arrogantly. "Xiao Kangzi, you are not in the right state recently. You are too slack, lazy and lack energy. If you continue like this, I can only ask you to find another job."

When Zhu Kangnian heard this, he immediately became alert and cheered up.

"It's nothing, how could I be slack, uncle, look how energetic I am. I haven't missed a single official duty recently."

"Hmph, if you really did something wrong, my fists won't be vegetarian anymore." Zhu Wei looked angrily at Zhu Kangnian who had recovered to his peak state in the blink of an eye!
Hearing this, Zhu Kangnian gritted his teeth secretly, mother, he must study hard after returning home, at least he must surpass his uncle Zhu Wei in terms of cultivation.

"I don't want to talk about your brother. I know you hate the woman who killed your brother. But that woman is not something we can kill now." Zhu Wei said angrily. "But you can prepare. You don't need to prepare in many ways for revenge. In case you only have one chance for revenge in the future, are you going to let your enemy escape from death because of your lack of preparation?"

When Zhu Kangnian heard this, he immediately became more energetic.

"According to these words, I shouldn't tell you. We are not on the same line, and your upper line should teach you these things." Zhu Wei said. "However, not every upline is willing to do ideological work and guiding light for his subordinates. Many uplines feel that a big man should think about everything by himself, carry it on his own, and shoulder it by himself.

Especially Chu Shinian was the leader in this kind of online.I think back when he was my online..."

"I said, Zhu Wei, don't you want your tongue anymore? You haven't forgotten what the secret guard rules are, have you?" Chu Shinian appeared in the hall mysteriously.

As soon as he came, the hall was suddenly bleak and chilly.

"Chu Shinian, let me tell you what kind of technique you practiced. Why do I feel that when you come, there is a weird sense of the corpse king descending into the world?"

"Dogs can't spit out ivory." Chu Shinian angrily rolled his big eyes. "Don't think that you are out of the dark guard system now, and you are shaking when you are transferred into Keke."

Zhu Wei also rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"What's the matter, which one of the rules of the secret guard did I violate? You said that the one here is either a secret guard or a former secret guard. As long as it doesn't involve confidentiality, what's wrong with me talking about your dark history back then?"

"What is my black history? What kind of black history did I have back then?" Chu Shinian retorted angrily. "Don't find fault with nothing for a day."

"What do you mean I have nothing to find fault with? Did you bring me online at the beginning? You took six of you in the same batch, and I was the only one who barely passed. This kind of poor grades were all mixed up by you as the leader of the dark guard. I can only Said, when the head of the family chose you, he did not open his eyes." Zhu Wei envied and hated.

"No, I opened my eyes to pick at the beginning. The key is that other than him, other people can't do it. Including you back then." Tao Hua also leisurely appeared at the entrance of the hall.

Woohoo, Zhu Kangnian, who was holding back his laughter, almost burst out laughing.

Zhu Wei was also extremely embarrassed and speechless.

Chu Shinian had a thick skin, and his face didn't change at all.

"At that time, there was an urgent need for the commander of the hidden guards, but the new generation couldn't find a suitable successor for six consecutive years. Chu Shinian was already outstanding at that time." Tao Hua said very seriously.When she walked into the hall, everyone stood up one after another, saluting.

Naturally, she is also the seat of honor.

"Speaking of which, Zhu Wei's achievements were also outstanding, but when I consulted the opinions of several masters who brought you, they all agreed that Zhu Wei, you are a bit stupid, and you are not suitable to be the commander of the dark guard."

"Who, who said that?" Zhu Wei immediately became irritable.

Ahhh, Zhu Kangnian couldn't hold back his laughter.

"It's true that you were played around by others, and you almost lost your life. In the end, I had to send Zhuang Zihan to you to clean up the mess. What's wrong with saying you're stupid? They're telling the truth."

Hum hum.

After hearing this, Chu Shinian couldn't hold back his laughter.

Zhu Wei is so angry! !
"Patriarch, I have always been your direct descendant. We have worked hard even if we have no credit. They put eye drops on me, how can you believe it?"

(End of this chapter)

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