Chapter 295

"Then why doesn't the master say others are stupid, but you? Chu Weinian!" Tao Hua said angrily.

Once the children of the Chu family received the training of the hidden guard system, they had to change their names.The promotion of the secret guard system is a test of the talents of the Chu family's children. If they change their names, they will not have the advantages and disadvantages of being suppressed by seniority, so that everyone will be pulled to the same starting line.

You can get ahead only if you have the ability!

When Zhu Wei was receiving training, he changed his name to Chu Weinian!The Chu family changes their characters every six years.What character generation to change, only the head of the family can decide.Chu Weinian, Chu Yongnian is Zhu Yongnian, Chu Kangnian is Zhu Kangnian, and Chu Shinian has entered the dark guard system for training.

"It's because they are jealous that I am more talented." Zhu Wei retorted.

Tao Hua: I have never seen such a brazen person!
Ah, ah, ah, Zhu Kangnian burst into laughter, even Chu Shinian couldn't hold back his sarcasm.

"Okay, anyway, you've already been transferred out, and I don't want to talk about the past. Since you said you are very talented, then I'll give you another chance to show off your talent." Taohua said after thinking about it.

Zhu Wei immediately came to the spirit "What opportunity? No matter how difficult it is, I can handle it."

After Taohua heard this, she glanced at him with a half-smile.

"Kangnian is temporarily in charge of Fangshi's affairs." Taohua explained to Zhu Kangnian.

Zhu Kangnian quickly nodded obediently.

"You go down temporarily, and Chu Shinian will tell you what to do next. Although the next task in your hand is not very important and urgent, it is very cumbersome. You need to be extremely patient and make no mistakes." Taohua continued to explain.

Zhu Kangnian nodded and said yes, he knew that after Fangshi got on the right track, the new plan of the Patriarch would appear, look, this is it.For Zhu Kangnian and others, they are in their prime, what is the purpose of learning all kinds of things so hard, and it is not to make a career.

It’s not always good, I’ll regret it later when I’m gray-haired, right?
Seeing that Zhu Kangnian and Chu Shinian were going out together, Taohua called Zhu Wei to her side and explained her new plan to him.

Zhu Wei wanted to vomit blood after hearing the new plan.

"I...can I not do it?" Zhu Wei asked aggrievedly.

"What do you think?" Taohua asked back.

"But this is a bit too much..." Zhu Wei said in a particularly tangled manner.

"Do you want to do it or not?" Taohua asked.


"Good boy!" Tao Hua was satisfied, Zhu Wei's face turned blue, it was so miserable.

In the late autumn of the eighth year of Yuanwu, a sudden heavy rain covered the entire northwestern land.The heavy rain fell for five days and five nights. The rivers and lakes that were dry or nearly dry were full again. The big rivers that were originally just the water level dropped, and the water volume of the big rivers was abnormal.

The water level in the Bibo Lake area ushered in a strange surge.

The water level suddenly rose by more than ten feet!

A large number of paddy fields in the old Chuzhuang area close to Bibo Lake were directly submerged!

The most important thing is that it is still raining lightly for more than ten days after the heavy rain. Now everyone is not worried about the severe drought, but the severe flood.

The soaring lake water chased all the way into the vicinity of Zhuangzi, and several small courtyards and houses closest to the outer water were directly invaded by the flood and collapsed.Even if a brick house is soaked in the hands for such a long time, it is not enough.

Besides, when the flood came, people near the water ran for their lives in a hurry, and they didn't bring out a few things from home.

When the flood came up and the yard of the house completely collapsed, who would dare to go into the water to fish for things?
Didn't see those waters were muddy and fast! !

The villagers of the old Chu village and the Chu clan who had never seen such a terrible flood panicked.Especially after the flood comes up, it will not retreat for eight or nine days.Everyone is really panicked.

This is to have no home! !
Chu Dashan directly convened a meeting with the elders of the Chu family in the entire Zhuangzi and other prestigious people with foreign surnames.

As soon as everyone gathered in the pile, there were all kinds of apprehension and panic on their faces.

"Quiet, let's discuss now, whether Zhuangzi will relocate or not? You all talk about it." Chu Dashan was also worried. To relocate a big Zhuangzi with tens of thousands of people, is it something that can be done with a word of mouth?

Let's move, in case the water recedes, everyone wasted effort and money.

Don't move it, in case the water doesn't recede, and the cold will come up one night, what should we do?Maybe no one can escape, let alone belongings.

"Patriarch, what do you mean?" Chu Changfeng asked.

"If we do, where will we move to?" Chu Dashan frowned, "Elders, have you heard before that there is no alternative to our Zhuangzi?"

"Really, Xiao Ji Shan." A very old man with white beard and white hair said.

"Xiaoji Mountain? Chickens? Is there such a mountain near our Zhuangzi?" Chu Dashan asked in surprise.

"Ahem, it's Xiao Jishan. It's not the chicken that raised the chicken!" The old tribe took the initiative to write the words with a branch.They even drew the location of Xiao Ji Shan conveniently.

"Hey, isn't this already out of our Zhuangzi's jurisdiction?" Chu Dashan asked in astonishment.

"That's right, it's out of our Zhuangzi's jurisdiction.

The address of this candidate Zhuangzi is a long story.This address was not actually chosen for us.

It is said that when the first ancestor chose the Luo clan to be here, he specially invited a very good geologist friend of his to survey multiple terrains for himself and his children and grandchildren.

Our ancestral hall was chosen in Xifeng Mountain!

The ancestral village of the direct branch was also chosen at the foot of Xifeng Mountain.

The address of our branch of Zhuangzi was also found by a geologist.At the beginning, they surveyed the entire terrain near Bibo Lake and Xiongshan Mountain, so they chose the entire location of Laochuzhuang for us.

When choosing the site for the village to be built, the ancestors made calculations. If there is no problem with Bibo Lake, our current Zhuangzi will not be submerged, no matter how much water is produced. "

Hearing this, everyone immediately understood, and when calculating the location, they also clearly stated that if there is no problem with Bibo Lake.

But now Bibo Lake has a problem.

"Ahem, think about it, everyone, in the past thousand years, our Zhuangzi has not been smooth sailing, Bibo Lake has been flooded every now and then, but we have never been submerged.

How can there be such a thing as floods chasing the village this year?

What does this mean? This means that there is something wrong with Bibo Lake. "

When the old man said that, the clansmen and other foreign surnames nodded one after another.

You must know that the water in Bibo Lake rises every summer, but it never rises directly into the village.

"This little Jishan is actually the backhand left by the geographer for the ancestral temple of Xifengshan. Once there is an accident there, the Zhuangzi can be rebuilt on the little Jishan. But for so many years, the direct branch has never asked about it. Xiao Ji Shan. We are the ones who hand over to Xiao Ji Shan every year to pay the deed tax.

Looking at the current situation, I am afraid that the old Chuzhuang can no longer be used, so we have only one way to transfer to Xiaojishan. "

(End of this chapter)

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