Chapter 296

As soon as the old man in the clan said it, Chu Dashan immediately remembered that he had made a special confession when the direct branch handed over Zhuangzi. "This matter was mentioned to me once before Li Zhi left, saying that we should use the barren hill depending on the situation. If the old man didn't draw it, I really didn't match the barren hill with the little Ji Shan you mentioned No." So, when the old man mentioned Xiao Ji Shan, Chu Dashan simply didn't think of it.

It wasn't until they melted the map that Chu Dashan finally remembered that it really happened for a while.

"So Little Ji Mountain is actually a territory that has been sealed in our hands?" Chu Changfeng asked in surprise.

"It should be. We are still paying the deed tax every year. I heard that many aristocratic families do this to leave a wasteland for their own family to rejuvenate. We are just a big one in Xiaoji Mountain. It really counts." Nothing." Chu Dashan said with a smile.

There are so many natural disasters and man-made disasters these days, a large clan with a large population, if they have a little spare money, they will arrange one or two back-ups.
Speaking of this small Jishan, it is actually a barren mountain located between Laochuzhuang and Xiongshan.This barren hill looks a bit like a big round dirt bag.And there are no big trees on this barren mountain!

At most, some wisteria shrubs.

In such a place, it is easier to relocate the village, and the land preparation alone can save a lot of effort.

"Then which family thinks whether to move or not to move for the time being? If so, when will it move?" As soon as Chu Dashan asked this key point, the clansmen and villagers shut up one after another, and no one dared to speak.

Chu Dashan looked at them anxiously, he couldn't make a crucial decision, so what's the use of shutting up?In the end, he simply called out and let them go home to discuss.

When he returned to Xiantao Village, Chu Dashan found that his little girl had returned.

Chu Dashan, who was in a bad mood, simply told the little girl about the troubles of old Chuzhuang. "Xiao Yao, do you mean to move or not?"

"Move." Taohua said affirmatively.

"Why?" Chu Dashan was puzzled.

"Father, Bibo Lake has become several times larger, which means it has been growing. But the water doesn't come out of nowhere, it must have a source. But can an inland lake have any strange water sources?" Taohua asked.

"You mean..." Tao Hua's words reminded Chu Dashan, and his face changed in surprise. "You mean, there's something wrong with the groundwater veins."

"That's right, I don't know where the water veins directly penetrated the original underground water veins of Bibo Lake, causing the source of the lake to skyrocket. That's why Bibo Lake flooded into our village. If there is one, there are two, and now it is If it floods the paddy fields near the village, it may not be long before it will flood the entire Old Chuzhuang."

The words of peach blossoms immediately resonated with Chu Dashan, "That's right."

"So relocation is inevitable."

"But Old Chuzhuang has a population of tens of thousands, so it's not so easy to move. Besides, the paddy fields are flooded, how will everyone live in the future?"

"Father, what's so difficult about this? We can't grow paddy fields, so we can still plant fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, etc. in forests and slopes? In fact, it's the terrain of Xiaoji Mountain. If it is well repaired, we can still build some terraced fields." of.

As for watering, you can use some water diversion arrays and dig some diversion channels. "Peach Blossom said.

Chu Dashan nodded after hearing this, it makes sense.

"Also, dad, I think you made a mistake as the patriarch. You should put up your majesty. You are the patriarch. If you have any decision, you can just make it. Why let them all join in blindly? Time is running out Woolen cloth!

What is everyone's mess, can we discuss a plan that everyone is satisfied with?At that time, the water did not come up. "

Hearing Tao Hua's complaints, Chu Dashan coughed several times in succession, and was told by his daughter that his old face was embarrassing.

"Father, you should be like this. We can repair the house and yard. After all, we are all of the same clan, and we all want to live well. Those of us who can lend a hand will naturally lend a hand at critical times.

But if we reach out, we must not let us be taken advantage of.

The tribe and the villagers have a good house and yard, but they have to grow herbs for our family for ten years.It took ten years before the house and yard came into their own names.If they break the contract and run away during the period, or quit their work, then there will be nothing, and we will definitely take back the house and yard.

Otherwise, a fixed settling fee will be given, and those clansmen and villagers in Xiaojishan who are not willing to change will move to other places.

I think the clansmen give 100 taels to a household, and the villagers give [-] taels to a household.

Anyway, the money is enough for them to directly buy houses and land in other villages where the water is not rising. "

As soon as Taohua said, Chu Dashan nodded accordingly.His daughter's mind is fast!
"Then how does Xinzhuangzi cultivate?" Chu Dashan asked.

"Father, what do you want Xinzhuangzi to look like?" Taohua asked back.

"I...well, I think so..."

As Chu Dashan said, Taohua spread out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to paint.

When Chu Dashan had any ideas, Taohua drew them on the picture.The whole Little Ji Mountain was changed by father and daughter again and again, and dozens of sheets of drawing paper were wasted in the end, and the whole mountain was changed beyond recognition by father and daughter.

Taohuayou felt dissatisfied, so she deliberately sent out the blueprint to the geologist for repair.

Chu Dashan was happy with the whole method, and said to his daughter, "Is the person you are looking for reliable, or you can give me the blueprint, so I can find a good geologist to modify it."

"Don't worry, Dad, I spent a lot of money to ask someone to change it. If the change is not good, then I will bring someone to smash his signboard."

Cough cough cough, after hearing this, Chu Dashan was speechless.

However, the drawings were sent out near dawn and returned at noon.

After Taohua showed Chu Dashan the blueprint, she began to rush to start work.And Chu Dashan went to the old Chuzhuang to explain the relocation of the whole village.

Chu Dashan once again called the heads of each household to be the pillars of the family, and the elders of the clan were all called together in the ancestral hall.

Chu Dashan first said that he consulted some reliable geologists, and they all suggested that they move the whole village.It will save two days for the whole village to be wiped out.Now he has finished all the architectural drawings on Xiaoji Mountain, and he has already organized the construction work.

Those who are willing to pay for the relocation can go to him to choose the size and model of the house and yard.His family, who had no money, paid for the house and yard, but they had to work for them for ten years to grow herbs.

In addition, those who are not willing to move with them can move away by themselves and give the last sum of money to settle down.A household with a foreign surname is 100 taels, and a household with a Chu surname is two hundred taels.

The whole village was in an uproar.

This matter came too suddenly. I just said yesterday that everyone should discuss it. Today, Xiao Jishan started to break ground.

You are not rushing to lay eggs, why are you in a hurry?
Immediately, many tribesmen and villagers said that we would not move, and we would not move.We just waited for the flood to recede and reorganize our beloved paddy fields.

Chu Dashan expressed his love.Anyway, as the patriarch, I have arranged your escape route.

The Chu family hired a large number of craftsmen and casual repairmen from Changyang to help repair the house.Cultivate day and night, from the inside to the outside.

The entire mountainside of Xiaoji Mountain was hollowed out, and many terraced fields were built around it.

Even a small valley near Xiaoji Mountain has been directly transformed into a paddy field.

Chu Changhua took his family to choose their big house and yard.First rent a few small yards in Xiantao Village and move the family there, and then let those craftsmen demolish their mansions.Directly send those top stones, wood, girders and so on to your new yard for use.

His demolition of such a large-scale house immediately got a bad start. In order to save the cost of new yards and houses, clan members with money and without money began to demolish their homes.As long as there are some people who move, they will first borrow the family Xiantaozhuang, and then demolish the house and build a new house and yard.

Even if the house is demolished, it is actually not enough. The demand for stone, wood, and tiles is too great.

Especially in the newly built Xiaojishan New Village as a whole, there are houses above and below ground.Xiaoji Mountain is not small, except for the area occupied by the clansmen and villagers of Old Chuzhuang.A large number of houses are still being built around.

There are three floors of large squares in the belly of Xiaoji Mountain.The openings are all above the hillside of Xiaoji Mountain.

Just after Chu Changhua saw the layout of the square market here, he directly bought a street of square city with money.There are 26 rooms in total.Afterwards, the other clansmen were shocked at the fact that the new village still had to build a market and sell shops.Later, they followed Chu Changhua's back to buy the newly built shops.

After seeing the layout of Fangshi, Yuan Feihu and others from Xiantao Village also made moves one after another.The key is cheap.A small shop only costs 80 taels.

The square market has not yet been completed, and more than half of the shops inside have been sold.

With the newly collected money, Chu Dashan took back all the money invested in Xiuxin Village and Fangshi earlier.

Due to the large area and many houses, it also attracted many nearby casual practitioners to come and settle down. In seven or eight days, Xiao Jishan's original 1 people soared to [-].This is not counting the favored craftsmen.

This is no longer called a village, this is already a proper town.

So Chu Dashan simply went to visit Zhang Wei, and the new town was named Chujia Town the next day.Chu Dashan is the mayor.

The town was just halfway under construction when it started to rain heavily again, and the water in Bibo Lake grew again.The flood flooded most of the Chu family village overnight, and those who did not move out could only bring a few valuables of their own, and then fled to Chu family town in a panic.

When everyone fled desperately to Chujia Town, they realized that they had lost a lot of relatives around them.Some disappeared directly when the flood flooded into the village, and some disappeared on the road.As we walked, people disappeared.

The voices of crying and regret became one, but there was nothing, no one was there.

Chu Dashan's eyes were also red, and tears fell down on his lapel unconsciously.

"Taohua, do you think I should have forced them to move to the mountains?"

"What's the use of forcing, maybe I will resent you for being tyrannical and domineering, and you are not suitable to be the patriarch. Dad, you are the patriarch who got up by relying on the strength of your family, not the one who accumulated prestige. Dad, there is no need for you to be too polite to them up.

Dad, you just need to let them know how to follow you and live a good life. "

Taohua didn't pay attention to people like Old Chuzhuang at all.The flooding of Bibo Lake is not a single phenomenon in the northwest region. The surrounding rivers, lakes and seas are flooding and flooding.Resurgence of spiritual energy, the early fusion of the Three Realms was the fusion of mountain topography, and now it has accumulated to the fusion of water veins.

The flooding of villages is just the beginning of floods everywhere!
After thinking about it, Chu Dashan took the initiative to stand up and appease the newly escaped clansmen, and then divided them into two types of treatment. Some families brought money out, so naturally you want to buy yard shops or something. .It can be done for you immediately after you settle down.

Those who have no family background and who escaped in such a haste did not bring anything out, that is, those who have no family background to grow herbs for him are treated.

Anyway, everyone has a way to arrange.

But what he didn't expect was that someone actually asked for money, that is, An's silver, and then moved to Miryang City.

Chu Dashan tossed various emotions in his heart for many times before suppressing the annoyance and anger in his heart, and then he made an agreement with them that if they moved away, they would not be able to resettle again and after returning, he gave them money to send them away.Anyway, Miryang City is high, even if the dock area is not in the water, you can change the place and build another dock area.

Chu Dashan didn't know that the reconstruction plan of Miyang City had been placed on the case of Miyang Order Zhang Wei.

The newly joined members of the Chu clan led everyone to frantically build houses, yards, repair squares, paddy fields, and terraced fields.

And as the construction of Chujiafang City in the mountainside and Chujia Town outside the mountain gradually came to an end, the elders and elders of the Chu family found Chu Dashan again, and persuaded him that as long as they were from the Chu family All the clansmen who settled in Chujia Town were given ten acres of forest slopes.

After all, Xiao Jishan's ability to survive is the result of their clan paying deed taxes every year.It doesn't make sense for everyone to spend money every year, but have nothing.

It's useless for other villagers with other surnames to be jealous. They came late, and most of them escaped from the previous drought and settled down.Fortunately, the other resettlement plans given by Chu Dashan are also good, at least everyone can live comfortably as long as they work hard.

Planting herbs for ten years is a big deal, right?
Didn't you see that those who followed Chu Dashan's family to grow herbs early on have made a fortune?
Now this great opportunity has finally come to them.The day when Chujia Town was completely completed was the day when Chujiafang City opened.This is not a strict Xiuzhenfang City, there are all kinds of folk food and daily necessities.

Moreover, Xiaoji Mountain is located behind Old Chuzhuang, which is relatively close to Xiantaozhuang.

As long as you cross a few small valleys, ahem, it's not that easy to climb.

(End of this chapter)

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