The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 297 Star Phantom

Chapter 297 Star Phantom
"The freshest long-bearded powder crystal shrimp, the freshest long-bearded powder crystal shrimp, just out of the water~"

"The fattest big herring, the fattest herring, the head weighs ten catties~"

"Hey, you're here, you're here, you're here, you're the one that produces a lot of colorful pearls, don't miss it when you pass by."

The din of hawking every day almost overwhelmed the entire Chujiafang City in the middle of the mountain.

With the continuous heavy rain and light rain from the outside world, the water level of Bibo Lake continued to rise, and the old Chuzhuang had long been completely submerged under the water.Heavy rain and flood can stop the footsteps of mortals, but it is impossible to stop the exploration of casual practitioners.

Bibo Lake was flooded, and in addition to the flood, it also brought all kinds of weird aquatic species and aquatic monsters.This has led to the extremely prosperous trading market for aquatic species and monsters in Chujiafang City.

When the Chu family town was being built, it directly informed the scattered cultivators near Miryang that a market would be established here to sell cultivation resources.At the beginning, even Chu Dashan didn't expect to attract many casual practitioners to this market.

Chu Dashan pondered, it is also possible for us to digest internally.After all, there are quite a few monks in Old Chuzhuang and Xiantaozhuang, and they really need a place to trade various cultivation resources.You can't always go to Miyang City to buy all kinds of cultivation resources, or let the people from the clan villages in the two villages hang around in various houses, looking for people to trade and exchange for cultivation resources, right?
Who knew that later they recruited all the casual cultivators from the Changyang area.

Casual cultivators alone accounted for [-]% of the new arrivals in the entire Chu family town, and the other [-]% were mostly their family members.The last part is the settlement of nearby villagers.

Especially before Chujia Town completely built up the Fangshi, Sutu was built at the bottom of Xiaoji Mountain.

At the beginning, everyone didn't know what Chu Dashan hired so many people to dig under the mountain. After seeing the power of the Sutu Spirit Formation on the first night, and feeling the great increase of aura here, the casual cultivators who chose to settle in They couldn't help cheering.

The cheers hit the night sky of Xiaoji Mountain like a tsunami!

Even Chu Dashanren couldn't help laughing out loud.In fact, the cheers are so contagious.

The new Sutu Spiritual Array not only covers the area of ​​Xiaoji Mountain, but also spans many surrounding hills by the way. By the way, it is connected with the original Sutu Spiritual Array under Xiantaozhuang, forming an elliptical shape with two sides and a middle area Slightly narrow and large-scale coverage area of ​​the Sutu Spirit Formation.

As soon as the Sutu Spirit Formation within such a huge range was connected, Xiaopang moved the Five Elements Spirit Vein following a thunderstorm night.Xiaopang directly gave up the area of ​​Old Chuzhuang, and included the area near Xiaoji Mountain and the area connected to Xiantaozhuang.

The booming thunder concealed the frequent vibrations of the earth, and also concealed the huge sound of the spiritual vein moving underground in a small area.But it can't hide the vision of the tidal rolling of aura.

The spiritual pulse shifted, and the spiritual tide fluctuated in a wide range, attracting many aquatic monsters that rely on instinct to evolve.

In other words, it has attracted most of the strange aquatic monsters in Bibo Lake today.They went forward and gathered towards the waters near Xiaoji Mountain.

This brought a lot of aquatic monster resources to casual cultivators, and of course it also brought a lot of danger.

Hunting is deadly, especially hunting in water.

So the strong are stronger and the weak are weaker.

Apart from the life-sacrificing fights between the monsters and monsters in the water, after the transfer of the spirit veins, the most striking thing about Xiao Jishan is the large-scale vision of the Sutu Spirit Formation.

Sutu Lingzhen, as long as the sky is not covered by cloudy or rainy days, the various visions it can cause are particularly amazing.The more and more intense aura in the surroundings and in the sky is constantly attracted by the Sutu Spirit Array and rushes towards the range of the Spirit Array.

The larger the coverage of the Sutu Spirit Array, the stronger the ability to attract starlight to fall.

With the current scale of the Sutu Spirit Formation, it can even attract phantoms of stars.

Especially at night when the weather is clear, there is a high probability that the aura of stars attracted by the Sutu Spirit Formation will be misunderstood by the surrounding monks from afar as some rare unearthed ruins.

The starlight fell, and the rich aura covered the area with layer after layer of mysterious gauze and star phantom.

Once the phantom was so large that even Zhang Wei couldn't help running over with his son and several ministers to see it.

The phantoms of the huge stars seem to hang in the air above the formation, and it seems that people can directly touch the bodies of the stars with a stretch of hand.

This earth spirit array is really beautiful, and of course it consumes a lot of spirit stones.But the effect is also remarkable. The Chu family town has not been completed for a full month, and even ordinary people can feel the aura in the town.

A stream of warm and cool air enveloped them all the time, the sky became bluer, and the water became sweeter.

The various ailments and hidden injuries on my body gradually disappeared.

Such a remarkable effect has once again set off an upsurge of settlements.Both nearby villagers and casual cultivators are scrambling to settle down in Chujia Town and buy a house.It directly increased the price of the original house in Chujia Town by more than ten times.

Such admiration from them made those who already owned houses in the town afraid to sell them for fear of losing money.

But those former village people who took some silver and went to other places to settle down were beating their chests with remorse.What a loss, what a loss.

Even Zhang Wei discussed it with his confidant ministers when he went back, why don't we build a Sutu Spiritual Formation in Miryang City?
He even took the formation map out of Chu Dashan's hands.

It's a pity that none of his ministers supported him.

"It's too unreliable. We can do more things by consuming such spirit stones."

"What kind of large-scale land spirit array is set up in a small gathering place for casual cultivators? I don't know how many months they can last? It consumes 300 yuan of spirit stones a day, kill us, the spirit stones in the inner library can't stand it at all." from this consumption."

"Hey, hey, let me tell you what's going on with you guys. Just complaining about how expensive the formation is, why haven't you seen the huge benefits brought by this formation?" Zhang Wei was so angry that his beard pouted.

Chu Zifei hurriedly said, "The array is good, but we can't use it." He said with certainty, "Chu Dashan built a town, and they don't raise an army. If they have something to do, they come to us for protection and gather a group of casual practitioners." Also to make money.

My lord sees seven good and eight good, everything is good, but let him try to raise a thousand troops, and he doesn't need a large number of people, just 1000 people will drag him down. "

All the ministers called by Zhang Wei, including his son Zhang Xiu, who was standing there, nodded in unison after hearing this, and almost cheered loudly, yes, yes, this is right.

(End of this chapter)

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