The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 298 Shipbuilding

Chapter 298 Shipbuilding
"My lord, just make a rough estimate. To raise a thousand troops, just the exercises, equipment, and various training materials, how much will it cost? The minimum is no less than 30 yuan of spirit stones per day, and the most is the pro-army around you for one day." 700 yuan Lingshi.

My lord, how many troops do we have in our hands?How much do you think this cost?Or if you cut the army in half, then we can build a large Sutu Spirit Formation, not to mention the entire Miryang City, but also cover the nearby military camps. "

After hearing Chu Zifei's words, Zhang Wei was speechless for a long time.

"That's why we don't want to cultivate the Earth Spirit Formation." Zhang Wei finally made a choice. Not only can the army not be cut, but it also needs to be recruited and expanded.

If Zhang Wei had recently expanded his fleet and continued to catch aquatic monsters in Bibo Lake and sell them to Longshanfang City, he would not even have the ability to continue to increase his troops.

With the completion of Chujia Town, the opening of Chujiafang City.Xiaoji Mountain continues to attract villagers and casual practitioners from surrounding villages to settle down.The reputation and magic of Chujia Town spread along with word of mouth.

The Chujiafang City, which was originally established in the middle of the mountain, has arranged a lot of large-scale formations, so that even in the middle of the mountain, the square city in the daytime is as bright as the outside of the mountain, and the square city in the night, and Various sizes of colored lighting.

There are orange, light pink, light purple, light gold, and light cyan huge pearls, as well as milky white stones, cyan stones and various warm yellow stones taken from the bodies of beautiful aquatic monsters.

It is simply decorated here like a mysterious fairyland.

And whether it is the Fangshi in the middle of the mountain, or the various houses in the towns outside the mountain, they are all built in a very grand and stretched manner.The buildings are patchwork, with blue bricks and green tiles, white walls and large windows.There are also large and small stone squares inlaid in the middle of various houses.

All the buildings are built close to the mountains, and the construction is magnificent and beautiful. In the whole Miryang region, there is no place that can catch up with it except Miryang City.

But how many people are there in Miryang City?
How many people are here.

The inside and outside together are only more than [-] yuan.

Because of the flood in the entire northwest, many low-lying areas became vast oceans, and many villages and the land near them were directly submerged into swamps.This has brought great inconvenience to the escape and travel of the local people.

In particular, Zhang Wei sent people to notify Chu Dashan that in another month, as soon as the rain stopped, they would start hunting monsters in Xiongshan with their own people.

Chu Dashan couldn't help jumping his feet when he received the news, wondering if this would still make people live?
Having just experienced a major flood and expending so much resources and effort to build a new town, Zhang Wei has yet to gain a firm footing. Zhang Wei actually wants to hunt monsters!Are you kidding me, can the heavy rain stop?

It's almost winter. With the heavy rain and snow, can people still live?Can you come back alive after entering the mountain?
Chu Dashan called his family back again, this time even the third child who was in Longshanfang City.

Qingmei even sat directly beside him, with a gloomy expression on her face.Because she was appointed to bring people into the mountain this time, and if the loss was heavy and no one could return, then her escort's appointment would not be kept.

It might not be able to be established in the future.

Both Saburo and Shiro began to choose stalls independently, and their temperament and eyes were much calmer than before.

Goro is still the old funny man, wishing he could eat instead of work every day.But Chu Qi was not used to him, and pulled him to work by his ears every day.

Taohua went out and came back again. She ran around every day and didn't know what she was running outside.

Chu Dashan first explained Zhang Wei's order.Then he said, "No one would have imagined that after a severe drought, there would be a severe flood. After the autumn harvest, it rained almost every day here, and the water in the Bibo Lake skyrocketed, forcing us to relocate the village. We finally moved to Xiaoji Mountain, creating a Chu Jiazhen, it turned out that Chujiazhen has not been fully adjusted, and all the trivial things in my hands have not been cleared up. The big thing of hunting monsters is coming again. I don’t even know what to do.

Peach Blossom, Chujia Town arranged for it to be repaired, and it was well repaired, and Dad looked very good.Tell me, do you have any other ideas available now? "

Peach Blossom choked speechlessly.

At this time, the eyes of the whole family also fell on Taohua's face.The key point is that Taohua has repaired the Chu family town very well.

This is good, because the planning of Chujia Town was favored by everyone from the very beginning, and everyone praised it after the completion of the project.Although many people say that the architectural style of Chujia Town imitates Longshanfang City, but now there are many places in Yun'an Continent whose architectural style imitates Longshanfang City.

It simply depends on whether your imitation looks good or not, and whether the imitation is decent.

Chujia Town is the kind of imitation high-end atmosphere, almost exactly the same as the architectural style of Longshanfang City.

That's why it's different!
All are the last full map revisions made by a geographer! !

A local teacher: Recently, I became bald again.It's too brain-burning, and my life will be shortened.

"It's not allowed to hunt monsters with a big knife and a long spear on your back," Tao Hua said.

"Yeah, so I think we should prepare more bows and arrows." Qingmei said.

"Bows and arrows are ready, the question is how many people in the guard are good at bows and arrows?" San Lang asked.

Qingmei was stalked.

"Recently, I have withdrawn from the team. Now the entire guard team has less than 700 members, and less than 60 people are good at bows and arrows." Without Ome, Shiro, who knows the specific situation of the guard team and made a lot of protective equipment for them, said directly. .

"Then our original bow is enough, so we should add a batch of arrows?" Sanlang asked Qingmei.

Qingmei really wanted to say that I want more than 600 people to carry bows and arrows on their backs. The problem is that they can't shoot, so why do you carry them?
"I think we should build some boats." Taohua said.

"Shipbuilding, what are you building? Don't be ridiculous, go into the mountains to hunt monsters, what are you doing boatbuilding?" Chu Dashan complained about his little girl speechlessly.

"It's the kind of weapon boat that can fly and go into the water. After hunting monsters, if it's useless, it can be sold to casual cultivators in the city. Anyway, they can use it when they go down to Bibo Lake."

"There is still this kind of boat?" Chu Dashan asked in surprise.

"Yes. But the more the magic weapon ship is repaired, the weaker the ability to fly. Of course, I'm talking about the low-level magic weapon ship." Shiro, who deals with various magic weapons every day, explained aloud. "Peach Blossom, are you planning to build a batch of small magic ship, the kind that can carry a hundred or so people?"

"That one is also big, the kind with thirty or so people." Tao Hua said.

"That's fine, but we don't have blueprints for shipbuilding and skilled craftsmen."

(End of this chapter)

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