The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 300 4 sides are all water

Chapter 300

"We are a newly established town. The mayor specially went to visit Lord Cheng Ling. It was Lord Cheng Ling who allowed us to send out 1000 people. As for Xiantaozhuang, it is like this. Originally we needed to send 300 people. But Lord Cheng Ling Said, at least if we donate 60 catties of coarse grains, [-]% of the two hundred people can be donated.

Our Xiantao Village is also a newly established village with a small population, so we simply brought 60 catties of coarse grains.

In addition to 60 catties of coarse food, we also plan to donate 50 catties of spiritual food, which can be regarded as compensation for the small number of people in our town and donated to the monster hunting army. "

Hearing Lin Changge's words, the civil servant's face suddenly changed.Enthusiasm will not work.

"Yes, yes. Let's go, I will take you to donate the food first, and then arrange a temporary camp for you."

"Thank you so much." Lin Changge immediately showed a grateful expression.

The civil servant simply ignored his own desk, and took Lin Changge and others directly to the granary with grain. 50 jins of spiritual food and 60 jins of coarse food, not too much, not too little.

However, many people from all walks of life prepare their own food, but they don't have the food they choose to donate to the army.

With so many people coming, Chujia Town was still the only one who chose to donate food to the army.

It was Chu Jinhong who guarded the grain depot.He smiled as soon as he saw someone coming.

"Oh, it's Uncle Feihu and Changge. Are you leading the hunt this time?"

"You know each other?" a civil servant asked in surprise.

"This is the town where I was born. It is a well-known town of spiritual fruits. It specializes in producing various spiritual medicines and spiritual fruits. It is especially famous for growing various spiritual fruits." Chu Jinhong explained to him with a smile.

"Oh, this Chu family town is the old Chu village, right?" The civil servant had an expression of enlightenment.

"That's the one, the Bibo Lake flooded, and our Zhuangzi was submerged. We had no choice but to move to the small barren hill next to Zhuangzi." Chu Jinhong said with a look of utter misfortune.

The other party nodded in understanding immediately.

"It's like this now, the entire Miryang area is about to become a swamp country. I heard that our Miryang area has been connected with Changyang, Fengyang, and directly with the Tianshui River. The big river is flooded, and now the Fengyang area is submerged. .

I heard that Fengyang City will be submerged, and now Changyang has stopped hunting monsters and started helping Fengyang save people and move the city. "The little civil official said. His news all came from the Chengling Mansion, so it is quite accurate.

His words also aroused Lin Changge's idea. Lin Changge gave Chu Jinhong a sneaky look.

Chu Jinhong understood immediately, and his smile became even brighter.

The person's expression became even more gossip, "As for the poor place in Fengyang, are they moving to you?"

"On the mountain, Fengyang City can still be rebuilt in situ if the water recedes. If it is completely submerged, they will find another way. Anyway, now Fengyang people are squatting on the mountains everywhere. Except for the various grains transported to and from Changyang Ships with cold-proof supplies basically cut off the communication between various places.

I heard that the Fengyang Order has completely lost control of all parts of Fengyang.There are complaints from Fengyang, every day someone is cursing Fengyang for killing the whole family. "

Cough cough, this is too cruel.

The work of Fengyang order is too bad.

As a city official, he actually left such an incompetent official voice, and his official career will be exhausted in the future.

"I always feel that the Fengyang Order will end sooner or later," Chu Jinhong said.

The little civil servant laughed. "We also think the same way. My colleagues think that it would be good if Miryang is right next to Fengyang. It is too easy to swallow Fengyang. Unfortunately, there is Changyang between us and Fengyang. Changyang has been in the past two years. Their power has skyrocketed, they are staring at Fengyang, and they dare not even intervene in Chengyang."

"In this way, Fengyang must be swallowed by Changyang?" Chu Jinhong asked curiously.

"You let someone check and accept the grain first, and let's chat while checking and putting it into the warehouse." The little civil official said in a good mood.

Chu Jinhong hurriedly signaled his own people to inspect the food in the warehouse, and Lin Changge also asked his people to cooperate with others to work.It was as if he and Yuan Feihu's feet were nailed in place like nails.

"I remember that there was a Fucheng in Chengyang, and the prince of Yaoshan took control of Yuyang?" Chu Jinhong continued to ask.

"That was before, and now he can't control Yuyang. It can be said that Chengyang will be destroyed by the flood of the big river. A large number of aristocratic families and rich people have escaped from Chengyang. Except for those who can't get out, Everyone ran away.

Chengyang is now surrounded by water on all sides, and there is no way out, and the city gates cannot be opened.

Now the people in the city are frantically using their own wooden boards and other things to build boats of all sizes, just to wait for the river to swell and pass the city wall, so that they can escape Chengyang by boat. "

The news of the little civil servant shocked Lin Changge and others.

"There is water on all sides, isn't that trapped to death? Why didn't everyone run ahead?" Chu Jinhong asked.

"Where do you go? The flood came up overnight. The rich and nobles are all outside to meet them, so they can go by boat after climbing over the city wall, but who cares about the common people? I can only think for myself." The solution. Those who are too old and unable to move, I heard that they all went on a hunger strike and died, just to give their children and grandchildren a chance to survive." The words of the little civil official attracted everyone's attention.

"There are so many officials in Chengyang, as well as the magistrate, and the city order. Why is no one organizing the rescue of the people in the city?" Lin Changge asked puzzled.

"Brother, at first glance, he is not familiar with the adjustments of the officialdom. The people are rescued. The problem is that after they are released, what will they eat, drink, and where will they be resettled? Do they need houses? Who will build them? Timber and stone tiles Where did the film come from?
This is not one or two hundred people, one or two thousand people, but tens of thousands, 10,000+ people.

Who can pay so much money to resettle them?

Is life worth it now?Human life is worthless, a severe drought, how many people in our Yun'an mainland died on the way to escape.I heard that the population of some countries in the hinterland of the central area will drop to [-] at once.In the end, even the country could not be restored.

It is simply not a miserable word to describe.

We all feel that this natural disaster is too tragic. In the future, our Yun'an Continent may become a sparsely populated continent, especially the central hinterland. "

Hearing the little civil official's vivid words, Lin Changge felt embarrassed.He said in his heart, brother, you think too much, and a large number of people will appear soon.The recovery of Yun'an Continent's spiritual energy is simply a shabby drama where moths fly frequently.

"A refugee is a refugee, and the living people are the living people. The country of the Great Song Dynasty, even the royal county kings have left it alone, and I think it is really coming to an end." Yuan Feihu sighed suddenly.

Everyone is silent.

(End of this chapter)

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