Chapter 301 Boss
Although everyone felt the ups and downs of the Great Song Dynasty, when Yuan Feihu said it, everyone still felt shocked.

If Da Song is really over, what kind of impact will it have on them?
Even Lin Changge, who has been reborn once, is full of confusion and uncertainty about his future.Fortunately, there is still a boss in his family to suppress it. No matter what happens in the future, at least his boss will come up with a countermeasure.

"Anyway, we are small people now, so we can take care of ourselves, and we can't take care of other things." After the little civil official said this, he asked Chu Jinhong to help arrange the new team. Originally, he planned to arrange for them. of.However, the inspection and storage of grain is very time-consuming.He was not willing to wait too long, and besides, Chu Jinhong knew the people who came here, so the matter of arranging them fell directly on his head.

Chu Jinhong is naturally willing to do this job, why can't his deputy be stationed in the grain depot? !
What is it if he asks for leave and leaves for a while?
After the grain was put into storage, Chu Jinhong thanked you for bringing people to resettle.

The new camp is actually an open space with nothing.Everyone can set up a canopy by themselves, so that there is no place to sit when it rains.

Yuan Feihu and the others were about to be laughed out of anger.

"Oh, don't be angry, everyone. I heard that you were recruited to hunt monsters this time. They are responsible for cleaning the battlefield and picking up leaks. The main force of the battle is our Miryang Guards." Chu Jinhong quickly appeased everyone." It doesn’t matter if you don’t come, after all, we are all villages and towns under Lord Cheng Ling.”

Everyone understands this truth, even if Guang Jing is like this, it can be regarded as refreshing everyone's lower limit.

"Then can we pitch our own tent?" Lin Changge asked.

"Yes. This place is given to you to set up your own tents. By the way, although the army assembled early, you have to wait for people from Qingyang to enter the mountain. So, everyone will probably come here first. Stay for a month or more. It’s probably winter before you can enter Xiongshan.”

After hearing Chu Jinhong's words, Lin Changge and Yuan Feihu stared at each other, completely speechless.

"Master Chengling, why don't you assemble later, how much food will we spend if you arrive so early?" Lin Changge was puzzled.

"If there are too few of you, then Qingyang will not pay attention to Master Cheng Ling." Chu Jinhong said in a low voice. "The sooner you gather and the larger the number, the sooner Qingyang will feel the pressure and set off."

Lin Changge and the others looked at each other after hearing this.

"I guess many villages and towns are afraid that they will not be able to bear it. The food pressure is too great. Even we have to send people back to escort the food again." Lin Changge said.

"Stupid, isn't it? We're next to Bibo Lake. You get some boats, and you're afraid of losing food? You can eat fish and shrimp." Chu Jinhong rolled his eyes at him angrily.

Lin Changge also rolled his eyes back. "I'll vomit."

"We have been vomiting for a long time, and we get used to eating when we vomit, and we don't vomit after we get used to eating." Chu Jinhong told him calmly.

Lin Changge was speechless.

Over there, Yuan Feihu burst out laughing.

"Brother Yuan." Lin Changge said bluntly.

"I know I know I shouldn't laugh." Yuan Feihu raised his hand to beg for forgiveness, "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. I used to think that Miryang Ling Zhang Wei was a shrewd and powerful official. No When he was such a bureaucrat first."

Chu Jinhong said helplessly, "There will always be all kinds of troubles when the two cities work together."

"Then let's set up the tent first. Then I will find someone to get some food back in two days. We can't just eat fish. You are used to it. The people on our side haven't adapted yet. Then we will have to eat fish again." There are other moths. Let’s prepare with both hands, while catching fish and shrimps, and bringing back more food. Anyway, Chu’s town is not short of food.” Lin Changge thought, tossing back and forth in the cold weather, just look It is an omen that this time the monster hunt may not have a good harvest.

But he couldn't say what he was thinking directly, so everyone had to start pitching tents.The tents used in winter are very thick.There is also a thick layer of animal fur sewn inside.

Most are rabbit skins.

A low bed was also set up for everyone to sleep in. Although the back of the bed is hand-high, it is much warmer to sleep on the ground instead of directly laying on a thick leather mattress.

Chu Jinhong looked enviously at everyone setting up tents, "Oh, my house is not as good as yours."

"Then you can come and sleep at night, anyway, aren't you the only one in your house?" Lin Changge said.

"No, if there is no one at home, everything will be stolen." Chu Jinhong immediately disagreed.

"There are also thieves in the military dependent area?" Lin Changge asked speechlessly. "Does your army leader care?"

"No matter what, it's not easy for everyone. The military chiefs just turn a blind eye and close their eyes, pretending not to see it." Chu Jinhong complained, "I don't dare to put things at home."

"Then what will you do in the future?" Lin Changge asked with a frown.

"When I get a job in the future, I'll just change the house. As long as I'm not in that area, I can't be stolen." Chu Jinhong said with a little self-comfort.

Lin Changge was speechless.

"Did someone steal anything when you were a captain at Daliguan?" Chu Jinhong asked.

"No." Lin Changge said firmly.

"I don't believe it. Let's say that there are too many things like this in the Song Dynasty military camp, and we can't handle it." Chu Jinhong didn't believe him.

"Really not. When he was Lieutenant of Daliguan, he ruled the army very strictly. If he hadn't been discouraged at the beginning, he would not have fallen to your side." A man dressed like a middle-aged general with a beard walked in They just fixed the tent.

"Brother You, why did you appear here? You joined the Miryang Guard?" Lin Changge looked at the person in surprise, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Chief You, his former lieutenant general.Later he was promoted and transferred away.

"Oh, I was transferred to Zhang Yu's army. As a result, something happened to Zhang Yu and Fu Cheng died. The later Fu Cheng insisted on putting the blame on me. Isn't this trying to make me a scapegoat? I just left in a fit of anger Later, he was invited to Miyang Weizhong to serve as Zuo Sima."

The most important chief officer in the guard army is the school lieutenant, and then the left and right Sima.Zhang Xiu himself served as the school lieutenant, so You Daji, who served as Zuo Sima, was regarded as a valued and given a heavy responsibility.Because Miryang Guard has hundreds of thousands of troops.

On Ansha's side, you can worship Sizheng, Sizhen and other high-ranking generals.But this is among the Miryang Guards, Sima, you are at the top.

"That's not bad, Zhang Chengling is not bad." Lin Changge said.

(End of this chapter)

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