The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 303 The House

Chapter 303 The House
"Let's just let it go, although there are still some boys who are blinded by money and go to the old forests of Xiongshan all day long, but we don't do this job anymore. By the way, I came this time because of the entrustment of Second Brother Meng , Brother Meng's consciousness is that his old mother wants to move the family out of Guicun and move to Chujia Town.

You also know that the recent flooding is too serious. Whether it is Xifeng Lake or Bibo Lake, it will kill people. The place where their house is too low-lying, there is no water, and it is impossible to run out of the water. . "Jing Mai said bitterly.

"I remember that all the elders in Brother Meng's family are fifteen or sixteen?" Chu Dashan tried to recall and asked.He was a ranger too early, and now he doesn't remember many things clearly.

"What, I'm nineteen, my wife is married, and my son is already in my mother's womb." Jing Mai said.

puff! ~
Chu Dashan said helplessly, "The boss of Brother Meng's family grows up so fast!"

"That's right, you and that kid haven't seen each other for five or six years, right?" Jing Mai slapped his legs with a smile.

"Yes, the last time we saw each other was at the full moon feast of the old son of Brother Meng's family." Chu Dashan said.

"Pfft, Brother Meng's daughter-in-law gave birth to another pair of twins, so his old son has already changed." Jing Mai said speechlessly.

Chu Dashan slapped his head, "Brother Meng, this is wrong, why didn't he tell me that he has another pair of twins."

"Don't mention it, Brother Meng offended someone. When he had the twins, he was hiding from the limelight, so don't mention you. Except for those of us who are close to Brother Meng, no one else knows. "Jing Mai said with a smile.

Chu Dashan was speechless, staring at Jing Mai as if he wanted to punch him a few times.

Jing Mai quickly corrected his attitude and stopped teasing him.

"Mrs. Meng wants to move the whole family here. When the time comes, Big Brother Meng's family, Second Brother Meng's own family, and Third Brother Meng's family will all follow. So the yard needs to be big. It is best to have a big yard like yours. "

Chu Dashanxin said that my family has such a big yard, does the Meng family have so much money to buy it? !

"My yard is quite big, but the price is also high. The land alone is at least 1 taels. Can the Meng family pay this price? And how many people are there in the Meng family? "

Jing Mai didn't say a word, there were no thirty mouths, and there were twenty mouths.

"In Xiaoji Mountain, the higher the mountain top, the more expensive the price. If the Meng family wants to move here, it is best to find a big yard near the foot of the mountain. The price is not expensive, but it is still affordable." Chu Dashan gave A good suggestion.

Because of the rising water, everyone felt that it was not safe to live at the foot of the mountain.But the problem is that Xiao Jishan himself is standing on a gentle slope.It is neither the foot of the mountain nor the Bibo Lake that can be flooded.Therefore, the houses at the foot of the mountain are not only cheap, but also very strong and spacious.

"Will that be unsafe?" Jing Mai really asked.

Chu Dashan quickly explained to him again, and then assured him, "I set up a lot of guest houses, post stations, carriage and horse shops at the foot of the mountain. If they can be wiped out by the flood, why should I repair them?"

When Jing Mai heard it, he was happy.

"Why doesn't Mrs. Meng separate her family? Why don't so many people gather together and make trouble all day long?" Chu Dashan asked puzzled.

"Old son and grandson, grandma's lifeblood, don't you understand?" Jing Mai was a bit unworthy of second brother Meng when he said that he was angry.Both the long room and the third room are favored by Mrs. Meng, but he is caught in the middle, raising the second son of the whole family and not being treated by the old man.

Chu Dashan nodded understandingly, "If you want to talk about a house, there is really a suitable one. The main house has eleven large rooms, the left and right side rooms have five rooms each, and there is a row of back rooms, a total of twelve rooms.

As far as living there is enough, it turns out that the place was built as a carriage and horse shop, and a lot of livestock were stored when the town was built.So it's not very clean and smelly, so it needs to be refurbished and cleaned. "

Jing Mai became energetic when he heard it. "It turned out to be a carriage and horse shop, that's not bad. The yard should be big enough, right? After all, there are carriages and horses."

"That's right, the yard is very big. Carriage sheds and barns were built on one side of the wall. Two rows of opposite caravan sheds and barns were also built in the spacious area outside the wall. Even when there was a flood later, there were no caravans." I walked back and forth, so it was left vacant." Chu Dashan explained in detail.

"That's no problem. The flood will always recede, and the trade roads will always be open. In the future, the business of the chariot and horse shop will be booming. Not to mention the large yard can accommodate many people, but are you really willing to sell it?" Jing Mai said.

"Look at how many vacant houses I have up and down the mountain, in the mountains and outside the mountains. Do you think I am short of a yard. But let me tell you, my brother is still clear about the account. I will sell your yard, but it will definitely not be lower than Cost price!"

After Jing Mai heard this, he immediately said happily, "Oh, you really are a good brother, for the rest of your life. By the way, if your yard is really sold, how much money will it cost?"

"400 taels! It's a real cost price. The whole town knows this number. The ground in my yard is padded with big green bricks. It cost a lot of money to build it, and the bottom of the house was also built with green bricks. Yes, very stylish."

Besides, his carriage and horse shop is really big, if it sells less, he might as well give it away for nothing!

"Oh, it's that high-walled yard I saw near the foot of the mountain on the way into town?"

"Then there are many courtyards below, which one are you talking about?" Chu Dashan asked in confusion.

Uh... It's Jing Mai's turn to have a headache, because he can't explain clearly.

Seeing that Jing Mai himself couldn't tell, Chu Dashan gave up helplessly. "Okay, okay, I'll let someone take you to have a look later."

"Why don't you let someone take me to see it now?" Jing Mai asked excitedly.

Silently, Chu Dashan asked someone to take him to see the house, and it took more than half an hour for him to go there.When Jing Maixing came back in a hurry, Chu Dashan had finished his meal.Turning around, Jingmai made up for him with hot vegetables and rice. After he finished eating, the two brothers talked about the topic just now while drinking tea.

After experiencing the excitement of looking at the house just now, now Jingmai began to look sad.

"That house is really good, but 400 taels is too expensive. Brother Meng can't afford that much money. 40 taels is about the same."

"For 40 taels, you can't even buy the bricks for the wall of my house. The bricks for the wall of my house cost 65 taels." Chu Dashan complained speechlessly.

"The courtyards in your town are almost more expensive than those in Miryang City." Jing Mai complained.

"Whether the yard is expensive or not depends not only on the land boundary, but also on whether real materials were used when the house was built. You see, the land of my house is really not expensive now, only more than 2000 taels. But I even use the cellar. It was built with big blue bricks, so I spent more than 700 taels just to build this house." Chu Dashan said in his heart, the main reason is that there are more than defensive formations under the house, which is too expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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