The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 304 Don't Be the Patriarch of the Good People

Chapter 304 Don't Be the Patriarch of the Good People

Jing Mai couldn't complain anymore. "You're not lying to me, are you? Even if you use big blue bricks, it's impossible to spend more than 1 taels?"

"There are arrays arranged inside and outside this house, you know, I'm a monk now." Chu Dashan decided to tell the truth.

Jing Mai immediately had a headache.

In fact, not to mention the layout of the array, Chu Dashan's courtyard is also the largest on the top of the mountain, and the houses are all multi-storey, with good materials and magnificent atmosphere.No matter how you look at it, it is not a house that can be repaired at a cheap price.

"If you're looking for cheap ones, look at those adobe houses in the villages near our town. Three rooms only cost a tael of silver." Chu Dashan said contemptuously.

Jing Mai wanted to say goodbye to him directly, but he was poor and short-sighted.

"Brother, think of a way." Jing Mai rubbed him.

"If you want me to tell you, tell Brother Meng carefully. Everyone is not young. It's time to start a business. You said that you have been just fooling around and finally you are old? Just like you, in your twenties, hurry up You're thirty, and you don't have a wife or a child, what do you think is going on?"

"What do you mean?" Jing Mai said angrily.

"I mean, you told Second Brother Meng that we all pooled money together to give the carriage and horse shop to the next. Then you converted the back room into a three-story building. By then, everyone would have a house to get married and have children. It's okay. Then go to the horse shop business, you have a lot of people, don't ask for more money, at least food and clothing will not be a problem in the future."

After hearing this, Jing Mai hesitated.

"If you think it's okay, I can lend you 400 taels first. When the carriage and horse shop opens, you can pay me back. Anyway, you and I can't trust it, but I can trust Er Ge Meng, as long as he borrows it. I will get the money immediately .”

Jing Mai must have straightened his neck and stared.

"I said you don't know who your brother is if you earn two dollars?"

"Ha, among our group of brothers, who can compare to Brother Meng? That's a man with promises. Can you do it?"

"Ma Dan, I also have loyalty."

Chu Dashan smiled ironically.

"Okay, I'll go back and talk to Brother Meng about it."

Chu Dashan thought it would be possible, but it didn't, and he didn't know what was going on in Brother Meng's house.Meng Er specifically asked Jing Mai again, but Mrs. Meng changed her mind again and did not come.

It was Jing Mai who hesitated in front of Chu Dashan for a long time before saying, "Second brother Meng can't come, do you think it's okay for my family to move here?"

"What? Your family moved here?" Chu Dashan looked at him in surprise.

"I told my father about the carriage and horse shop you mentioned, and the fact that Brother Meng couldn't come later. My father thinks that this carriage and horse shop is very good, and he wants to do it. I am the only one in my family. son.

But I also have five older sisters, brother-in-law.The children in their family are quite big, so if my family does it, there will be no shortage of manpower. "

"You can do it if you want, but 400 taels! Can your family come up with this money?" Chu Dashan asked.

"That can't be specified. My parents, sisters, and brothers-in-law pooled together, and they only pooled 26 taels. After the yard is sold, we still need to repair it. The store in Chujia Town can only be opened when the business road is reopened." Get up, so our family has to keep 60 taels in reserve. So, so, can you lend me 200 taels?"

"I'll lend you 200 taels, but your name must be written on the land deed, and the IOU we issued must clearly state that your yard cannot be resold until I repay the money.

I also requested that the IOU must be filed with the Yamen. "

As soon as Jing Mai heard it, he knew that Chu Dashan was worried that his sisters and brothers-in-law would steal the family's land deed and resell it. In the end, both Jingmai and Chu Dashan were cheated.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

This kid Jingmai was very quick in his work, within three or two days, he finished the land deed, and even found a few brothers to clean up the yard.

With a spacious yard and a big solid brick house, Father Jing was overjoyed as soon as he moved in.In the end, not only Jingmai's sisters and brothers-in-law, but also Jingmai's few hard-core brothers who had a particularly good relationship also moved their families over and joined him.

The yard was sold to Jingmai, and many members of the Chu clan were unwilling to accept it, so they went to Chu Dashan several times.Chu Dashan just disappeared.Love ye ye ye drop.

Seeing that they couldn't do it, everyone recommended Chu Changfeng to have an interview with him.

Chu Dashan was speechless.

"You say good things and no one will think of you. This kind of thing will definitely come to you."

Chu Changfeng was also very helpless.

"Who do you think I provoked?"

"Anyway, it's definitely not me. Do you think it's that slutty member of the clan who cheated you all day long?"

"It's either you or that brat Chu Changhua." Hearing Chu Dashan's words, Chu Changfeng spouted angrily.

Chu Dashan was speechless, deeply feeling that he was more wronged than Dou E.

"In the future, you should do less of this kind of thing, so that the clansmen won't stare at you all day." Chu Changfeng said.

"My surname is Chu, but it's impossible to give all the benefits to the same clan. You tell them not to daydream." Chu Dashan sneered when he heard this.

Chu Changfeng hurriedly said, "You don't have to be angry, everyone has suffered a disaster recently, everyone is in a bad mood, and they are full of confusion about whether they can live in the future. Naturally, it is no good for everyone to stare at it at this time. I don't ask I know it's unrealistic if you can back down or something. But I also hope you can be more considerate. Even if they yell a few times, they can't do you any harm. "

Chu Dashan pinched his forehead, and indeed he could only disgust me.

"But who is easy? It's not easy for me either. I just helped my good friend."

"I know that too. I didn't say I won't let you help, or that I have a problem with you, right?" Chu Changfeng said.

Chu Dashan nodded.

"What I mean is, don't be angry, just ignore their words. But when you plan to follow up in the future, it's best to take care of those of the same race who are about to have trouble living."

"Of course, I can't be the patriarch for nothing." Chu Dashan said seriously.

"Back then you didn't force the clansmen to relocate, did you bother them to make trouble?" Chu Changfeng couldn't help asking for a moment.In fact, he had been hiding these words in his heart for several days.He couldn't figure out why Chu Dashan didn't force the clansmen to relocate. If all the clansmen were forced to move, then no clansman would disappear in the flood.

"They don't trust me as the patriarch. Since they don't trust me as the patriarch, what should I do to be responsible for their life and death?" Chu Dashan asked unusually coldly.He didn't want to talk about the idea that the little girl gave him.

I also don't want to be a good patriarch in the eyes of the tribe.

Even if he is capable, he is not willing to always clean up the mess and wipe the ass of the clansmen!

(End of this chapter)

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