The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 305 Renhe and Weilie

Chapter 305 Renhe and Weilie

Chu Changfeng felt a little sad in his heart, "I know it's hard for you, but Dashan, those people can complain a few words when they complain, and they can complain a few words when they complain, and it won't hinder you. But if you forcefully relocate all the clansmen in advance, Villagers, then there will be no more than a dozen people from the tribe who disappeared when the flood rose.

There were even children who were only a few years old among the missing clansmen.They are all human beings, all of our kindred. "

Chu Dashan shook his head directly. "Your thinking is wrong, you are playing a rascal and messing around. You put the key and responsibility of the matter on me. You always think that as the patriarch, I need to be responsible for the safety of every clan member.

So every clansman, whenever there is any damage, the first thing you think of is my responsibility.

Are you blaming me, blaming me? "

Chu Dashan said speechlessly.

Chu Changfeng's expression changed.

"You are wrong. As the patriarch, I have the responsibility to do my best to extend the family and help the old and the young. Make the Chu family more prosperous. It's not about being a nanny for everyone in the clan and cleaning up the mess for each clansman. Wipe your ass.

I can try my best to protect the safety of every clansman, but I can't guarantee that there will be any accidents after they leave my protection.

The flood in Bibo Lake put the village in danger, and I gave a solution.Wouldn't it be nice to move to a newly built town.There are houses, yards, shops, and terraced fields.What I can do for you, I have done.

I also paid so much money and food in advance.

I feel that I have done a good job.

As for those who refuse to move away, what does that have to do with me?What choice will have what result.Their family lost their relatives because of the flood. Is that my reason?Are you kidding me, didn't I tell them to move early?

I let it go.

Do you want me to feel guilty for your words?Sorry, I don't. "

Chu Changfeng's face changed again when he heard this.

"I will do things like this in the future. After all, this world is such a bastard. It doesn't know when the drought will start or when the flood will start. We may not be able to live in Xiaojishan for a long time and be safe.

If anyone among the tribe wants to seek peace, they can move the whole family to Miryang City. "

Recently, Chu Dashan has grown rapidly.

Heavy rain, natural disasters, floods.

The village was in danger, and the lives of tens of thousands of people were all on his shoulders.He, Chu Dashan, was just an ordinary farmer before.But now he needs to take thousands of responsibilities on his shoulders. In addition to holding on to his teeth, he still needs to hold on to his teeth.

He never told anyone how happy he was when he and Taohua designed the plan for the new town.

He never told anyone how he gritted his teeth and survived the days and nights of the new town from the start of construction until it was partially ready for occupancy and allowed the people to move to the mountains. He was just worried that he hadn't done it yet If it succeeds, the clansmen will be washed away by the flood.

Is there such a possibility?some.

Even Chu Qi knew that he stayed up all night and couldn't sleep.

He was secretly relieved when most of the clansmen had moved to Xiaoji Mountain.

As for the other people who want to move out and those who are not willing to move out, he doesn't care.Whatever he likes, he has completed his mission anyway.

After this incident, Chu Dashan has realized how to be a patriarch is a qualified patriarch. This incident even made him break the magic barrier of being responsible for every clan member.

As long as he sticks to the principles and always grasps the focus of family development and continuation, who can say that he is not a good patriarch?

Chu Changfeng was finished when he heard this.

Sure enough, Chu Dashan had reached a step he didn't want to see!
If it is in a prosperous and prosperous age, even if there is a natural disaster and civil disorder or something, as long as Chu Dashan always considers the people of the clan, after a few correct actions, Chu Dashan can accumulate his prestige in the hearts of the people.

He will become a "benevolent" patriarch.

But in this chaotic world, he didn't know who led Chu Dashan, and he went directly to the path of "Wei Lie" patriarch.

If Chu Dashan was a benevolent patriarch, the clansmen might not be so afraid of him, but they would follow his advice because of his prestige.But if Chu Dashan is a mighty patriarch, then gradually the family will become his one word.

In the future, the clansmen will fear him, as long as it is something he decides, the clansmen will not voice their opposition.

Even if the latter way of being a mighty patriarch is more suitable for surviving in troubled times, Chu Changfeng never thought of leading Chu Dashan to take such a way.

Because if Chu Dashan embarked on such a path, other clansmen would have nowhere to go.

But Chu Dashan went out of a mighty way, leaving him speechless.

"I know that since they moved to Xiaoji Mountain, they started to complain about all kinds of complaints since they were no longer life-threatening. There are no paddy fields, no well-built houses before, and no new houses built all their lives..." Chu Dashan said here All kinds of speechless. "I feel that I have taken good care of them. It's not because of me that they lost their paddy fields. I provide them with houses, yards, and nearby repaired terraces.

What else do they want from me? "

Chu Changfeng smiled wryly, "It's not that the flood flooded the old Chu village. Everyone has lost too much. Some families have lost all their wealth accumulated over several lifetimes. Those clan members who refused to move here are also reluctant to part with their property and paddy fields."

"It's greedy and almost stupid. If I and my family's lives are going to fight against the flood, I am also convinced."

What Chu Dashan said made Chu Changfeng stop talking for a moment.

"I have already sold them houses and shops at a low price. As long as they are diligent and manage well, it is not difficult to make money in Chu's Town. When they have enough money, they can buy Linpo land and The paddy field opened up near Xiaoji Mountain.

If I don't want to do anything but complain, then I can't make them rich again.

In a word, life is lived by oneself. "

Everyone has lost a lot in this flood, not only their relatives, but also the land and family property that they used to live on.Some people have turned from being rich to being extremely poor, and it is inevitable that their mentality will collapse.

But now that every family has losses, who will take care of you every day? How do you feel?

Speaking of the most convenient relocation, those villagers with foreign surnames snapped up some of the new houses and shops as soon as they came out.In addition to them, other villagers surnamed Wai and villagers surnamed Chu who lived in Xiantaozhuang also joined the rush to buy.

(End of this chapter)

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