The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 307 Foreign Aid

Chapter 307 Foreign Aid
Looking back, Qingmei told her sister what her father told her, and then said with special emotion, "Father said that our family has no way out! It is true that the changes in the past few years have been too great. Ever since the spiritual recovery, our family It just changed like flying from an ordinary farmhouse. Now I can’t say what our family has become. Cough cough, I always feel like my father is being pushed away, and I can’t do it if I don’t.”

Tao Hua felt very guilty when she heard this.

My heart said, did I do it too hastily?She checked it carefully again, and thought to herself that there was nothing, it was all guided by the situation, and there were no traces left or anything!

Or his sister's intuition is too accurate!

Hmm, that's probably the case!

"Then sister, who do you think pushed Dad?" Tao Hua asked back.

Qingmei was stalked.She simply rolled her eyes, "Probably pushed away by this weird world!"

Here in Miryang City, because of the mass gathering, various news spread everywhere every day.

For example, which town has the least number of people, only a poor few hundred people, for example, the young and strong gathered in that village have only one person without food, or the city ordered the adults to open a granary to pay for their food.

Then there is the news of other cities.

For example, Fengyang, under Changyang's full rescue, Fengyang City, which was soaked in the water, finally even the last puppy or pup was fished out.However, the residents of Fengyang who had moved to various hilltops were still short of food and clothing. In order to save themselves, they proposed to work in Changyang.

This kind of work boom has ushered in the great development of Changyang City...

In fact, Chu Shinian was finally molested by them, and Ai agreed to their request.But he accepts those who are willing to work hard, and goodbye to those who are not willing to work hard.

When Chu Shinian first occupied Changyang, for his own development needs, he recruited most of the craftsmen and workshops from all over the place.So Changyang later became a big workshop area.Later, in order to expand the workshop, Chu Shinian even tore down several pieces of the city wall.

In the end, the city walls were simply torn down.

It's a toss after repairing and peeling.But Zhu Ting, the nominal city order, doesn't care, so who else can control Chu Shinian! ?

Without the city walls, Changyang expanded several times in size, and the spread out workshop areas began to erode the waters of Xifeng Lake in reverse.When the water in Xifeng Lake rose, Chu Shinian even asked people to dismantle and rebuild the flooded area into a dock repair area.

This is also the reason why he was able to support Fengyang later, because there were many ships.

But since the people in Fengyang started working for him, Chu Shinian was pleasantly surprised to find that there were such down-and-out literati in Fengyang.Literacy, some talents and cultural qualities, but they fail in repeated tests, or have no money for scientific examinations.

These people either teach and set up a library, or simply sit in the shopkeeper or accountant, and still insist on copying books for exams, selling calligraphy and paintings, and writing scripts to make ends meet.After these people were absorbed by Chu Shinian, he turned around and threw them out to teach children to read and write.

This has led to the addition of many large and small schools in and around Changyang City recently.Chu Shinian stuffed the children of the family members of the army, the family members of the official system of the city magistrate, and the children of officials from various places into it first.Finding that the filling was not enough, the villagers inside and outside the city, the townspeople, and the children of the city residents were also stuffed in.

The hearts of the people are soaring, and people everywhere in Changyang are spreading his reputation!
Recently, even the children of refugees are stuffed in it!
This led to more and more refugees dragging their families to him!

Chu Shinian didn't have the idea that children need to have a happy childhood. Children from poor families are almost unable to eat, so what else do they want to have a happy childhood.Hurry up to read and read, and require three months to learn basic literacy.

What, if you can't learn how to divide into classes for three months, if you can't learn anything, go to exercise your body, learn martial arts, and if you can't, learn to farm.

You can't even learn how to farm the land to move to the head office, can you?
If you have learned well, continue to give opportunities to go to school, just like how the dark guard system cultivated dark guards at the beginning, diverting a batch of those who are not good enough to keep up with the progress of learning every period of time.

Talents are outstanding, and those who can keep up with the progress will naturally be divided according to individual talents.

In fact, this kind of high-pressure, high-intensity learning, many children give up directly, unable to keep up with the progress.

But if you give up, you will be assigned elsewhere. This kind of learning is essentially a screening of ability and willpower!
For ordinary parents, class division is not a bad thing. Learning progress is different, and it is not good for anyone to rub them together, and it is also a blow to children.For those smart parents, the screening is quite different.

In their view, this is a real step up for their descendants!

In the end, if these children were good in all aspects, Chu Shinian would simply throw them into the secret guard system for training.The dark guard system is more comprehensive in cultivating children, and it also involves the cultivation of some family concepts, outlook on life and other ideological aspects.

However, the children cultivated by the dark guard system are quite dark in thinking, and there are some who are slightly extreme.

In the past, the Changyang Chu family still had real ethnology, which mainly focused on cultivating Confucianism and officials.It just complements the dark guard system with one light and one dark.

Later, the officialdom of the Song Dynasty was corrupt. In order to preserve the family, many officials of the Chu family resigned and returned home.Ethnology also gradually declined, and finally became a good place for the young princes of the Chu family to hang out.When Chu Xi accepted the family, she found that the family studies had completely collapsed, and even teachers were a problem.

In addition, there are a group of direct ancestors standing in the way of her head, so Chu Xi simply sends out the talents who need to be cultivated, anyway, don't they just send more money? !
What Chu Shinian did greatly stimulated Zhang Wei and his son.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Wei also summoned his confidants to study countermeasures.It is certain to run a school, but it certainly cannot be as big as Chu Shinian's.Chu Shinian dared to run thousands of schools, it was because Chu Shinian was really rich, and he controlled Longshanfang City so he could have no money.

Although Miryang also made a lot of money in Longshanfang City, he couldn't afford such a huge amount of money to run a school.The key is that not all of Miryang's resources are in Zhang Wei's hands, and Zhang Wei knows it well.

If Chu Shinian had a deeper foundation than him, he definitely didn't have one.

But if Chu Shinian is allowed to discover like this, Zhang Wei feels that sooner or later their father and son will be forced to give up Miryang!

Zhang Weixin said, it seems that I have really thought about it carefully, the suggestion of the clan.

Chu Shinian really developed too fast, the whole guy's brain was moving too fast, and he was too thoughtful.

If he wants to keep Miryang, it might really be impossible without foreign aid.

The one who thought the same as him was the King of Gaoshan County.This time the flood engulfed the surrounding areas of Chengyang, and soon Chengyang City would also be engulfed.The king of Yaoshan County was forced to live in the small Yuyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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