The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 308 Frustration

Chapter 308 Frustration
Qingyang has Chen Dazhi, and Miryang has Zhang Wei, neither of which is a place he can enter.

The changes in the northwest region are too fast, and it is difficult to gain a foothold in the city. Fortunately, he is still the king of the Song Dynasty, which is really embarrassing to his ancestors.But now it is not a question of whether to lose face or not, but a question of whether he can continue to stay.

The king of Gaoshan County said that even if the emperor ignored him, as long as he gave up his benefits, someone in the clan would be willing to help him.

After long-awaited calls, the pioneers of Qingyang finally began to appear outside Miyang City.

But the pioneers are only 5000 years old.

Zhang Wei said that there are too few relatives.

Chen Dazhi hurriedly passed the letter to him. The large army is still behind. I haven't collected enough food and supplies from my side, and it will take some time.Why don't you take someone to test the monsters in the Xiongshan Mountain first, is it easy to fight?
This is to use Zhang Wei as a pathfinder? !

But what they teamed up to hunt was Xiongshan, originally Zhang Weideli, Dangdang Pathfinder was not only for others but also for himself.After discussing with his confidants, Zhang Wei sent a small army into the mountain along a certain route they had agreed upon.

These small troops that entered the mountain were actually random cultivators recruited temporarily by Miryang.

Miryang City first issued a notice suddenly, saying that it was going to attack a certain area in the nearby Xiongshan Mountain and sweep the monster race out of the area around Miryang.Therefore, when recruiting demon hunters in various urban areas, the treatment is favorable.Priority is given to monks who are above the first level of Tongmai Realm.

The above treatments are really good, and the hunter also rewards spirit stones.So many monks who thought they could play a few hands signed up.Those who signed up were sent away within a few days, and then recruited every day, and every day some people were dragged towards the big army camp outside Miryang City.

This is the second time Miryang has recruited casual cultivators to hunt monsters on a large scale since Miryang announced it.The last time was around the time when the summoning order was issued, and the large barracks also began to recruit casual cultivators to form a monster hunting army on a large scale.

However, within a few days after this small team entered the mountain, bad news came out from the Miryang city magistrate's office.

Three thousand monks went to attack Xiongshan Mountain, but before reaching the foot of the mountain, they were attacked by the wave of monsters, and [-]% to [-]% of them died immediately, and few of them escaped alive intact.

As soon as the news came, Miryang was in an uproar, and the trend of enthusiastic registration disappeared immediately.

Many of those who signed up, but were rushed into the barracks before they had time, simply announced that they would not go.

Zhang Wei summoned his confidants again, and everyone calculated that the forces of the Xiongshan Yaozu in this direction are a bit strong.Let's go to another place to hunt monsters in the mountains.

Zhang Wei thought it was right!
As a result, a second monster hunting army was soon formed in the big army camp, still with 3000 people.This time, he changed the direction and finally reached the foot of the Xiongshan Mountain, but planted an ambush of monsters, hunted and killed all the visitors in a valley.

You Sima, the leader of the Miryang Guards, died in battle!Only one young general escaped back.

Zhang Wei's face turned dark and frightening after hearing the young general covered in blood and wounds describe the ferocity and insidiousness of the monster herd.

Zhang Wei discussed with his confidant for several days, during which time everyone quarreled and started fighting, and even Chief Miryang Weizuo Simayou was seriously injured.

Zhang Wei still accepted the suggestion of his confidant, and sent a third wave of people again, this time 1 people, five thousand casual practitioners and five thousand soldiers.The team leader is Zhang Xiu himself.

After Zhang Xiu left, Zhang Wei was actually worried all the time. Before that, he never felt how powerful the monsters were, or how powerful the monster race was.But reality hits the face!
The two temptations made him fail, and he failed miserably.

Do you want to say that there are many casual cultivators in the entire Miryang area?
Anyway, a lot.

The key is that as early as the reconstruction period in the Changyang area, a large number of monks' basic skills have been handed down, some of which are law monks and some are martial monks.

Martial monks have a lot of exercises.

Nowadays, there are many exercises practiced in the Changyang Army, all of which are from the Changyang area.

How rotten these exercises are, one tael of silver and five books.

Take your pick, pick whatever you want.

In the beginning, these exercises were only spread in the Changyang area, but in the past one or two years, for some reason, they have spread to the surrounding urban areas.

Although these exercises are not very good, they are indeed exercises that can make people become monks, okay?
As a result, the number of monks in the northwest region increased dramatically.

These cheap exercises made the Chu family's secret collection of exercises less precious.It forced Chu Dashan to come up with more exercise books for everyone to choose to practice.

I heard that cheap exercises have been introduced to the Zhangyu area recently, and the Fu Cheng over there was furious.

But there is no way to prohibit it, because too many exercises have been brought in.

Even if it is not allowed to spread in the city, there are countless people selling it in towns, villages and other remote areas.

It's really making money. The wholesale price of these exercises is only [-] yuan for a book, and they sell for [-] yuan. Isn't that bloody money?
The printing is okay, and there are color pictures.

It's a blood-spitting big sale that can't even get a discount on the cost. Who knows how many days it can be sold.So everyone crazy wholesale sale!

Because of the influx of cheap exercises, Zhang Yufu Cheng and the surrounding city orders strongly condemned Chu Shinian's irresponsibility.Dumping bad exercises at low prices is simply outraged by both humans and gods.

Chu Shinian replied very quickly, and he also strongly condemned this hateful act of malicious dumping. The problem is that he can't find anyone.Especially recently, he himself is too busy, busy with Fangshi, hunting monsters, and guarding Longshanfangshi.

Would you like everyone to send someone to help find these hateful book dumpers?
Zhang Yufu Cheng: I believe in you, grandpa!
All the government orders: The thief shouted "Catch the thief, it's strange to find out!"
In the end, everyone checked their own cities to prevent them from selling books openly.

He was so angry that Baicao Pavilion and several other forces vomited blood for three liters!

It's not that they can't tolerate the existence of casual cultivators in Yun'an Continent, and they can't stop the existence of casual cultivators anywhere.But here in the northwest, especially in the original Myitkyi Prefecture, the number of casual cultivators has increased too much.Compared with other places in Yun'an Continent, the density of casual cultivators here is more than a hundred times that of others, and this speed is still accelerating.

Otherwise, Mi Yang would have killed six thousand casual cultivators all of a sudden, and Zhang Wei might not even have frowned.

Then it was easy to form 1 people and sent them out again.

It's a pity that the third time to hunt monsters in Xiongshan still ended in failure, and this time the large army was still blocked outside Xiongshan.This time the herd of beasts simply came to a head-on. On a small plain in Xiongshan, the human army and the monster army fought in the form of a team battle. The two sides fought fiercely for more than two hours, and finally the human army The crash and escape is the end.

Too fierce!
Zhang Xiu brought the last remnants of the defeated army back to the large army camp outside Miryang City, and the news of the army's defeat spread throughout the entire Miryang area.

After listening to Zhang Xiu's personal experience, Zhang Wei finally realized how powerful monsters are today.

(End of this chapter)

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