Chapter 310
This position is not good or bad in the overall attack sequence.

Although it is easy to be attacked, but if it cooperates well with Miryang Guard behind him, it can really make more achievements.

After discussing with Lin Changge and others, they chose a suitable hunting and marching method.

At the beginning, we divided into small groups and went into the mountain, and then selected the location, set up traps, traps, traps, lassoes, etc. After all were arranged, we began to release the incense.

Followed by the big and small monsters, they were attracted by the beast luring incense and rushed towards the trap area.

Those who can eat it by themselves, the team members will pick up the monsters that entered the pit by themselves.If he couldn't eat it by himself, he either asked the nearby team for help, or asked the Miryang Guard behind him for help.

The proposed half-dead monsters were dragged to the rear army in large numbers in exchange for military merit.

When they dragged the monsters to change their military exploits, they found that the hunting teams from the villages and towns that set off first everywhere had good results. After all, they often go into the mountains, and everyone is very good at hunting some monsters.

A pheasant that is too fat to fly, a rabbit that is about the size of a wolf, and a big snake with a thick waist.

Pull back one by one, one by one.

Hou Jun's feet don't touch the ground, and the disassembly and sorting of fresh monsters is busy and orderly, almost becoming a slaughterhouse.

Chen Gong was a little surprised to see many civilians and hunters in messy cotton clothes constantly pulling the trophies to the rear army, and asked Xun Shijia next to him in great doubt, "Didn't you say that your first three probing attacks were frustrated? ?”

"It's a setback, but it's not hunting small animals. At the beginning, they were also pale when they encountered a large herd. But this time, including you, we dispatched a total of 10,000+ people. Everyone hunted together, even if they all hunted small animals. Beast, that also swept across this mountainous area.

After sweeping this time, there will be no trace of monsters in this mountain area for a short time. "

Chen Gong nodded.

After harvesting a large number of rabbits, pheasants, squirrels, birds, wild ducks, foxes, weasels and other small animals, Lin Changge and others exchanged a large number of military crossbows with more lethality from their military achievements.Yuan Feihu asked someone to sweep the area they walked through again, and collected many useful mature wild herbs and elixir.

"Why don't you even spare herbs?" Lin Changge teased him when he saw it.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat." Yuan Feihu said as a matter of course. "If you're not in charge of the family, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive."

"Okay, I'll let someone fuck me later."

The hunting teams in various villages and towns all cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding.Each advance has a limited depth.Probably started laying traps, setting up various small tools for trapping animals, digging pits for trapping beasts, and then luring beasts around with incense to lure them into the pits.

Very cunning and steady.

The progress in a day is only three or four miles, the distance of one or two hills.

However, they did a good job. After the team passed, no matter whether it was monsters or beasts, whether it was herbs or elixir, not a single hair was left behind.

Whether it is Qingyangwei or Miyangwei, they are extremely complaining about this kind of progress.

The problem is that the harvest is huge. There are hundreds of millions of them. Even if the entry is not fast, the harvest is good. All kinds of pheasants, wild ducks, hares, foxes and other monsters have accumulated two big piles of meat.

Hundreds of thousands of catties!

For this reason, Zhang Wei ordered people to transport the monster meat back overnight.

As for the criticism of the Qingyang Guard and Mi Yang Guard, he pretended not to hear it.Zhang Weizhen smiled and teased Chu Zifei who came with him, "Sure enough, you guys are so cunning and cunning, you gave me such an idea. Let the hunters and mountain people from each village form a team to take the lead. It is good for our army to be in the middle. This way the attack can be done." , Retreat can be defended, and it can also let the hunting teams develop their strengths. Sure enough, we have gained a lot."

"Beast hunting, it's not necessary to face the enemy head-on. There's no need to make it so formal. It's better to let the mountain people and hunters who are better at it take the lead. They will be more able to use tools and terrain, and they will be more comfortable in the majestic mountains."

After listening to Chu Zifei's words, Zhang Wei agreed, "I was wrong a few times ago. I thought that as long as I sent troops over, I could casually kill the monsters in the Xiongshan Mountain. Ahem, but it turned out that I was killed." The group of monster beasts have been educated."

"Even if we have harvested now, we can't be careless. The beasts may have gathered and hidden near us." Chu Zifei reminded him.

Zhang Wei nodded knowingly, and they were well prepared this time.

On the second day of hunting, Yuan Feihu and the others clearly felt the difference.

A large group of things approached, and the nearby group of small monsters were scared away by them.Lin Changge didn't enter the dense forest and ran back after a while.

"A large herd of bison appeared nearby, with a total of more than 800 heads. Can you eat them?"

Yuan Feihu frowned, "It's a bit too much. It's impossible for us to eat it. Once we defeat or kill the buffalo herd, the surrounding large herds will be stimulated by the smell of blood. At that time, if we Run away, and the spoils will be lost."

"Discuss with Chu Jinhong and the others behind, and let them come up to help." Lin Changge thought for a while, and felt that it would be shared with the Miyang Guards of Shou Nian.The main thing is that they can't drag the loot away so quickly.

Lin Changge and the others first specified the strategy of interception and diversion, and then finally delineated the location of the encirclement and annihilation.

When Chu Jinhong came up with five hundred brothers, everyone had already started digging a trap.

Chu Jinhong and the others helped dig the pit when they came up, and it was past noon when the pit was dug.

After setting up the traps one by one, everyone began to hide. Lin Changge led his team to lure the bison.


A group of moos came from the depths of the mountain, and then Yuan Feihu led a team pretending to be hunting small monsters nearby, and even picked herbs, while Lin Changge was responsible for the unlucky boy who accidentally attracted the buffalo herd with his eyes!

Seeing Lin Changge and the others lure the herd of bison over, the people on Yuan Feihu's side yelled and ran around in fright.

Yuan Feihu was surrounded by remnant soldiers, and before they could get into formation, a large group of buffalo monsters had already rushed out.And it came straight to their array.

The timing was well chosen.

Moo, moo, moo, they seem to be able to hear the cheers of the buffalo monsters in their ears.

The hooves rushed towards them frantically stepping on the whirlwind!
Including those who had already avoided the Miryang guards, and saw hundreds of huge bison rushing down like houses that could move, they suddenly panicked.Some people squatted on the tree branches and cried out in surprise.

"Let it go!" Ordinary wooden arrows shot iron balls with iron spikes on the only way for the cattle.


One by one, the buffaloes that were charging very excitedly stepped on the barbed iron ball the size of a human head, and the hooves did not crack, and the cow fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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