The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 311 It is not a game for individuals to fight alone

Chapter 311 It is not a game for individuals to fight alone

The bison in the front row kept falling, and the bison in the back were also tripped.

Moo Moo's pitiful screams instantly removed the domineering arrogance of the herd of cattle going down the mountain.

The people of Miryang Guard and the hunting team saw the setback of the herd of cattle, and they immediately regained their spirits and stabilized quickly.

They each stood in a good position, separated and surrounded them, and constantly used heavy arrows to hunt and kill the weak among the buffalo herd!
Puff puff!
Calves in the herd kept falling to death with heavy arrows on their heads.And the other bison were either tripped over by them, or directly rushed over their bodies!

"Notify the team behind that we can start picking up dead cows. Be careful when dragging, don't make too much noise and provoke the buffalo herd back." Lin Changge carefully reminded the young boy beside him.

The kid nodded, then stepped on the branches of the forest as lightly as a cat and floated away.

This kid is an orphan who was separated from his family. He accidentally obtained a book of exercises and became a casual practitioner.In terms of lightness kung fu, it can be called outstanding talent.Lin Changge found him among the former loose cultivators, so he gathered him under his command.

The bulls have a strong impact and run fast. They quickly passed the iron ball area, but there is still a half-meter-deep pit area in front of their feet.

And there are five consecutive pit areas with different widths!

Thumping, thumping, the herd of bison who were not very good at jumping was hit hard again, and the bison whose hooves stepped into the pit fell forward one after another, and the bison behind them also fell together.

Those with broken legs, those who were crushed to death and injured, mooed and screamed.

From the cows coming out of the mountain, rushing down with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, to the iron arrow ball intercepting, falling into the pit to intercept.

However, with two moves, more than 800 bison were directly killed more than [-] heads. Although the remaining bison still came galloping, they had completed the bait task and had already occupied the arranged positions of Miryang Guard and Orion. They all built up their confidence in defeating the monsters.

It's just a monster!

Under the call of their own captain, from behind the boulder, behind the small slope, on the top of the giant tree and in various places, they kept using the heavy arrows in the army to kill the bison. They couldn't hit the head, and shot an iron ball under the hoof of the cow. It is also very rare, at least they slip and fall, and the possibility of standing up again is less than one percent.Because the herd behind will trample them to death directly.

The originally aggressive herd of cattle kept falling because of the front cattle, and changed from a wide formation of cattle to a longer and thinner herd of cattle.

As the formation of cattle grows longer and thinner, human hunters have more and more points to attack them. The longer the battle, the more dead cattle.

Moo moo moo, miserable screams sounded again and again.

The buffalo herd gradually fell into a disadvantage as a whole.

Just when the herd of cattle was about to rush out of the range of the Xiongshan Mountains, they suddenly moo...

A huge moo sounded from deep inside the mountain.

The buffalo herd immediately gave up their injured companions, and ran wildly, moo moo, and there seemed to be a series of responses among the cattle.

Following Moo, the huge cow cry sounded again.The buffalo herd then bypassed the minefield full of iron balls, bypassed the pit area full of pits, reorganized their formation, and launched an attack again.

But this time it was not as fast as the previous time, and it was full of momentum.

But at this time they had rushed out of the Xiongshan Mountain, without the dense forest of big trees, the impact of the buffalo herd would become stronger.Their group stampede can directly trample to death of the same kind, not to mention some heavy armored cavalry of human beings.

This is to play a decisive battle! ! !
Both Lin Changge and Yuan Feihu gathered at the last line of defense on the human side.

No matter the most powerful Miryang Guard or the most powerful Orion, they all gathered around the two of them now.

Everyone took good care of themselves and drew out their well-oiled weapons.

The time for shopping has come.

"Let go!" Yuan Feihu yelled loudly.

Again strange wooden arrows hanging from barrels were released from his ranks.

The wooden arrow flew into the bison in the front row and exploded after hitting the buffalo.

Thick smoke with bright colors billowed, and various bursts of crackling sounded one after another.

Shit, it turned out to be fireworks.

moo moo...

The herd was terrified, and the entire formation suddenly scattered in fear.Niu Niu crashed into a car, and tripped each other, which happened one after another.

"Kill." Lin Changge roared with a long knife in his hand, and led the team into the thick smoke.

At this time, when the cows are panicking and chaotic, the more they kill, the more trophies will be. If they attack at this time, they will run away later and there will be no trophies to collect.

"Chop the hoof." Yuan Feihu also roared and followed.

Originally, his blood was turned upside down, but his fierce aura suddenly faltered!
Damn, shouldn't you be shouting for beheading at this time? !
"Chop off the legs, cut off both legs and a cow, cut off quickly, and there will be no cattle after running away." Some experienced hunters saw their people froze, and hurriedly shouted. "Don't stand there stupidly, cut off the cow's legs quickly.

These bison are at least a few thousand catties of first-order monsters, hurry up, old nose money. "


But everyone was not idle, and rushed into the thick smoke to chase the cattle.

Moo...moo...wait until the big signal of angry moo sounding like tearing the world apart from the mountain came.

There are not many cows that have escaped completely, and these cows have fled into the mountains.

Cattle carcasses or disabled cows were all over the place, howling and struggling not to be kidnapped.

This time the herd charge failed.

This is the first group of super-large monsters that failed to sort out!

Mi Yang Ling stared at the scene in front of him with a monocular from a distance behind the mountain.

Hundreds of giant buffalo demons, is this the end?

"I'm not mistaken, this is the end. Passing is the iron spike ball, digging holes, and taking out fireworks. In the end, everyone went into battle and used weapons to make up for the knife. Did you kill such a large group of monsters so easily? "

Is the monk army I sent out too weak, or are the hunters too strong?
Zhang Wei didn't want to believe that the Orions were too strong! !
Wouldn't that be a slap in the face of myself, that the Miryang guards that I spent so much time cultivating are a bunch of idiots? ? ?
"It's not that those hunters are too strong. I think the performance of those hunters alone is not as good as your Miryang Guards. When hunting bison, seven or eight of them can cut off a bison's leg. Master Zhang, please take it." But Miryang Guard can cut off a cow’s leg with three or five people.” Chen Gong was silent for a moment before saying, “It’s because someone in that group of people has too strong a command ability. .The herd of cows was simply played by him between the palms of his hands, and they were easily played to death."

When Chen Gong said this, Zhang Wei suddenly said, "I mean, it turned out to be him. No wonder, no wonder."

"Who is it?" Chen Gong asked in surprise.

"It's Lin Changge, the former captain of Daliguan. He is the commander of that group of people."

Chen Gong asked in astonishment, "Is he the commander of those Miyang guards?"

"No, he didn't want to rejoin the army after leaving the army. So he became a hunter." Zhang Wei complained speechlessly.

Cough, cough, Chen Gong couldn't understand him anymore. "Why does he want to be a hunter?"

Zhang Wei sighed, and told him about Lin Changge.

"Speaking of which, he was also implicated by his adoptive father, but offending the prince is offending the prince. In the end, he couldn't even hold the border. So he was discouraged, so he simply became a hunter. I also sent someone to invite him out of the mountain , and was rejected by him several times."

Chen Gong was speechless. "It's a pity that such a person becomes a hunter."

"I can't help it. If you are interested, you can try to recruit him." Zhang Wei teased with a smile.

Chen Gong smiled and said nothing.

On the battlefield, the bison were quickly dragged away one by one, and the smell of blood was washed away by various medicinal powders.

The boys of Miryang Guard also joined hands with the Orions to go to the back camp to exchange military merits.

The hunters have replenished a large number of heavy arrows in the army.There are also various odds and ends.In addition to the heavy arrows in the army, they also exchanged a large amount of half-body leather armor.This kind of leather armor is light, and it will be used for hunting in Xiongshan Mountain in the future.

So very popular with hunters.

In addition to leather armor and heavy arrows, all kinds of firearms such as sky fireballs and sky thunderbolts are more popular with them.However, these gadgets are a bit expensive, and Yuan Feihu led the way to suggest exchange after discussion between the captains of each team.As a hole card, it is estimated that it will be used when going deep into Xiongshan.

I didn't see them using firecrackers to scare the buffalo monsters. A lot of firearms and thunder weapons might be able to play a greater role.

Yuan Feihu led the team to exchange various things, but Lin Changge was stopped by Xun Shijiao.

"Changge, are you really planning to stay in Xiantao Village as a hunter?"

"It's good, I think life is good now." Lin Changge said with great satisfaction.

Xun Shi frame looked at him speechlessly.

Lin Changge simply nodded, indicating that what he said was true.

"If you don't want to join Miyang Guard, I also have people at Qingyang Guard." Xun Shi framed, "Maybe in a different environment, you can have a better development."

Lin Changge said in his heart that you are really shameless. With your development, can you really be as powerful as my little perverted Patriarch?
What about Mi Yang, Qingyang Guard, now they are faintly inferior to my Changyang Guard who wears a vest, and you will be even worse in the future.

"I think Xiantaozhuang is really good. Eat whatever you want, stew whatever you want, and Uncle Dashan treats me very well."

Xun Shi frame was speechless.

"Although Uncle Dashan is a nice person, Chujia Town and Xiantao Village are developing well, but it is only a small place to grow spiritual plants after all. Do you understand what I mean?"

"The Imperial Court of the Great Song Dynasty is a good place. Didn't it move from the imperial capital to Anxia? Even Anxia and the others may not be able to keep it!" Lin Changge sneered.

Xun Shijiao: You can't say anything about me.

"You really don't want to be an official?"

"Whether I go to Miryang or Qingyang, what do I have? Can I avenge my adoptive father?" Lin Changge asked coldly.

Xun Shi frame was speechless.

Lin Changge and the others retreated to rest after hunting the cattle, and set up the camp directly next to the rear camp.It seems that there is no plan to take any action for the time being.

The hunters who have made a lot of money can't exchange all their military achievements into silver taels or spirit coins for the time being, so everyone put some good meat from the bison and monsters they harvested into a large pot to stew, and added All kinds of seasonings and the rich meaty aroma made the civil and military officials of the rear army greedy.

"I said they did it on purpose?"

"How much meat is this stewing? It's too deceiving. The smell makes me want to rush out of the camp and rush to their cauldron."

"Don't forget to bring your chopsticks and bowl."

"It's best to bring a small pot, and bring us some soup to drink by the way."

"How about brother, I'll give you money, and you can ask them if they take out? I really want to eat meat."

"Wait, I'll ask first." A certain big man went out with a pot in his hand.It was a long time before he came back with a big pot.

"Stewed fresh meat from first-class monster beasts, a pot costs 100 taels of silver, it's really expensive."

"Give me some, and I will share the money with you later."

"Give me some too. I want a big piece of meat and bone. It's really delicious."

A group of people ate the whole pot in a short time, feeling that they were not full.Then everyone raised funds and let the big man go to take out a pot.As a result, one pot has one pot!
In the end, many people in the army know that there are takeaways.

Even Zhang Wei and Zhang Xiu ate the takeaway bison stew.

"Don't tell me, this meat tastes really good, and it's really good to eat." Zhang Wei took his son to eat a big meal, and he was satisfied. "Speaking of which, how many pots of takeaway did the little monkey in Houjun buy?"

"I don't know, there must be a lot. Some of the carcasses of the bison herd were trampled to pieces. The army confiscated the cowhide, and the broken meat was confiscated. As a result, it was stewed by those hunters. They ate it and sold it at the same time. It is said that in recent days I ate it all day." Zhang Xiu said with a smile.

"These hunters really have brains." Zhang Wei laughed.

"This is a trick thought up by one of the hunters named Yuan Feihu. He used to be the head of the hunter's village in the mountains. Later, the village suffered from a flood of beasts, and many people died. He took the remaining villagers and fled to the old village. Chu Zhuang.

Old Chuzhuang accepted them, and then they all settled in Old Chuzhuang directly. "Zhang Xiu directly reported the things she investigated to her own father.

"When it comes to the real hidden dragon and crouching tiger, Chu Dashan has Lin Changge and Yuan Feihu, so it's no wonder this time the benefits are so good." Zhang Wei laughed.No matter how powerful Chu Dashan is, no matter how developed the Chu family is, he is still a cultivator of spiritual plants, and there is no positive conflict of interest with Zhang Wei.

"The Chu family has also formed a guard team of 600 people. It's okay to guard the house. If it's really fighting head-on, ahem, the combat power will be like that. Seeing them hunting, they can probably only fight with the wind, A little bit of setback, probably just a wave of collapse and being taken away." Zhang Xiu led troops all the year round, with sharp eyes, and at a glance, there was a problem with the guards from the Chu family this time.

A group of people who are afraid of death, it's really strange if they don't collapse when fighting a tough battle!

"Into the army, recruiting troops, I'm afraid of Chu Shinian, that kid is ruthless, and he formed an army with strong fighting power from the very beginning. Others, in the entire Northwest and Western District, no one can catch up with our father and son." Zhang Wei is very confident. Said confidently.

"Chu Shinian is indeed a big trouble." Zhang Xiu frowned slightly.

"Well, he is very good personally. But in this world, it is never a game for one person to fight alone." Zhang Weidao.

(End of this chapter)

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