The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 312 The First Human Race

Chapter 312 No.1 family dog ​​leg

When Lin Changge answered his tent, he realized that Chu Shinian had arrived.

Brother Nian was dressed in a luxurious black robe with dark gold thread patterns, and his handsome face was cold and hard.His eyes are as sharp as a sword, but now he is leaning on the short side like a big cat, looking lazy and dangerous.

"How did you come?"

"That kid Chu Moyan was sent to Anxia by the Patriarch. There is no one to deliver the news for you, so I can only let me take a look." Chu Shinian was opening his eyes, and it was that young hero with an aura of [-] meters. up.

"I thought you would be too busy with the sudden extra work of Fengyang and Changyang." Lin Changge complained angrily.

Since his last life, he hadn't had a good impression of Chu Shinian, okay?

He has always felt that this guy is extremely insidious and cunning, the kind of stubble that eats people without spit out bones.

Even now that he knows that Chu Shinian is a freak raised by the perverted little patriarch, he has never changed his bad impression of him! !
So he never had a good attitude when facing Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian didn't think much about it, he wasn't born again.As for Lin Changge's bad attitude towards him, every time he sees him, it's either his nose or his eyes... Chu Shinian deeply feels that this is another person who envies and relieves his hatred for him!
He has been outstanding since he was a child, he is good-looking, smart and clever, but his relatives are too shallow, his biological mother passed away due to dystocia, and his biological father has always thought that he is not his own son, just like his unscrupulous grandparents and uncles, thinking about killing him every day he.

If it weren't for his own cleverness, he would have disappeared long ago.

When he was four years old, he ran into a secret guard from the Chu family who had returned from a mission, and was brought into the dark manor, and entered the secret guard system ever since.

Since then, he has never returned to his former hometown.

Although the training of the hidden guards was harsh and difficult, for Chu Shinian it was like a fish in water.By the time he got to this day, he had already cultivated a super big heart. There were too many entrapments, jealousy, and framed things surrounding him in these years.

Even those weird, perverted, and lunatics can be easily handled by him, not to mention that Xiao Changge is at most exquisite in his words, or a little indifferent in his attitude and tone.Really nothing!

"I've already handed over those trivial matters to the subordinates. If I had to do everything myself, wouldn't I be exhausted?" Chu Shinian raised his eyebrows.

"Really, fake? They all said that you are a workaholic. As long as you have something to do, you will work crazily every time, and supervise everyone to work hard together." Lin Changge taunted him.

"Which one of them?" Chu Shinian raised his eyebrows again.

"It's just..." Lin Changge quickly covered his mouth.I almost got caught up in the conversation.

"Sure enough, you kid has been in the Great Song Army for a long time, so you haven't lost your mind?" Chu Shinian teased him with a smile.Although he didn't know where the head of the family came back from Bala, he must have been sent by the family.

Chu Shinian did not specifically ask about the other party's background, but seriously reminded him, "Be careful what you say in the future, many things in the family cannot be leaked casually. I don't want to be busy, and I will be busy later. deal with you."

"What is the reason you came to find me this time?" Lin Changge asked speechlessly.

"Here you are." Chu Shinian handed a jade cocoon to Lin Changge, and explained to him carefully.

Lin Changge took the jade cocoon, listened to the explanation, and rested again from the second day.

The other teams had gone into the mountains to hunt, so they rested.

Lin Changge also asked the hunters to prepare a large amount of stewed beef and beef bones.

Everyone ate spicy food three times a day, and returned to the tent to practice after eating.It is so delicious and delicious to raise, and what is eaten is pure monster meat. As a result, within two days, the hunters and casual cultivators who came together this time made breakthroughs one after another.

After the breakthrough, everyone's combat power became stronger, and they didn't take it seriously for a few days less hunting.

Of course, in the past few days, the rear army camp has harvested a large number of Xiongshan hunters.

Whether it is Qingyangwei or Miyangwei, let the hunters under their command take the lead in hunting animals.

Because of the fruitful results of the battle, the rear army camp will be moved this time.

Lin Changge and the others naturally received the news, but they still followed the rear army camp and stayed in love with the rear army camp.

Even though many hunting teams had gone to the depths of Xiongshan to station, they did not move.

Early this morning, "recheck the equipment, clean water, dry food, various medicinal powders and herbs. Check if the leather armor is damaged. Count the number of arrows in the quiver. If there are less than [-] arrows, quickly replenish the arrows." Yuan Fei Tiger roared.

Lin Changge and Yuan Feihu's guards, Orion, and casual cultivators are ready to go.

"Repeat, after entering Xiongshan, you must obey the arrangement, don't leave the team without authorization, and don't disobey orders and run around. The monsters in Xiongshan can eat people." Standing in front of everyone, Lin Changge emphasized again.

"With strength alone, we are no match for monsters. Don't be foolish enough to fight head-on with monsters. Do you need to use your brain to know?" Lin Changge pointed his finger. "Okay, I won't say much more. Each team and the team count the number of people, and let's go."

They entered Xiongshan Mountain again. The Xiongshan Mountain in this direction is not high.Moreover, the first few hills were trampled down by the previous team.

Except for some worthless trees and grass, there is nothing left of them.

Just when everyone had walked through several hills and relaxed their vigilance a little.A large number of sparrows rushed over from the top of the head...

These sparrows were almost as big as the ordinary eagles before, their eyes were red, and they looked irritated, rushing towards them viciously.

"Fire the arrows." Yuan Feihu roared, and the arrows of the heavy arrow team behind him flew out one by one.

Puff puff puff, sparrows kept falling from the dense formation of sparrows flying.

"Open the net." Lin Changge watched as the sparrows were about to rush over everyone's heads.Only then did he speak out calmly.

Immediately, someone fluffed up a large net.

"Ow, my head."

"Aw, my eyes."

"Oh, the face was scratched."

The formation on Lin Changge's side was in a mess.

As the sparrows thumped and fell into the big net.

Under the big net, those who had time to run while covering their heads and faces would at most get scratched or something on their backs.After all, even with a net, the claws of sparrows are as sharp as hooks.

Those stupid people who didn't cover their heads and faces naturally either scratched their faces or blinded their eyes.

But as long as people don't die, it's not a big deal.

This guy's sparrow flew too suddenly, and he didn't give everyone a little time to react.Although both Yuan Feihu and Lin Changge fought back.But people still get hurt.Besides, more sparrows ran out of the temporarily opened net.

The main reason is that the people who collected the net were caught by the sparrows and interfered, and the net collection was slow.

"Apply powder to the injured person." Lin Changge continued to explain.

A few faces were scratched, and only one eye was scratched.Fortunately, they didn't grab the eyes directly, so they specially purchased from Lingshanfang City, which can decompose new wounds, and this guy's eyes can always be kept.

Bad Eyes is a man in his twenties. When he heard that his eyes could be hugged, he burst into tears. Obviously, he was frightened before.

"I quit, I quit this hunting."

When Lin Changge heard this, he quickly found someone to send him away.

"Is there anyone who doesn't want to continue hunting? Hurry up, and we will send you away together." As a result, except for the man, no one else left.

After Yuan Feihu and the others reconvened everyone to regroup, "Wei Ping, ask someone to go ahead and see what's going on, why are these sparrows attacking us so fiercely?" Lin Changge said.

"Okay." Wei Ping came back after going out for a while. "There was a team ahead of them who stole the old nest of the sparrows, and took away all the eggs from Laos. The sparrows naturally chased and killed them. They jumped back and forth all the way, and found several hunting teams to serve as shields for them. As a result, those hunting teams were all attacked and killed by sparrows, and now that team happened to be surrounded by several hunting teams. The two sides were arguing.

Those hunting teams who died insisted that the team that stole the eggs hand over ordinary eggs, or they would not let them go. "

"Let's go, then let's go too. If you hand over half of the eggs, you have to take them all out and leave them in the Xiongshan Mountain." Lin Changge coldly greeted the hunting team members behind him and rushed forward aggressively .

When their team rushed to a valley, they happened to see five hunting teams surrounding an overnumbered hunting team, and the two sides were quarreling.

At this time, Lin Changge and the others came.

As soon as they came, they immediately surrounded the single hunting team with a small number of people, and under the signal of Lin Changge, they also pulled out long and short weapons one after another, and set up their bows and arrows directly at the heads of those people .

"Brother, what do you mean?"

The big-faced man in black, who was surrounded by the hunting team, sang to Lin Chang with a dark and ugly face.

"What do you mean? What do you mean? You violated the rules. The sparrows raided us and killed our people. What do you think I want to do? I want revenge. If we die, you have to die." Lin Changge said sharply.

"We didn't think about it either, so we took some sparrow eggs." The other party said with a dry mouth.

"Do you understand the rules? You took the eggs or cubs of the herd monsters. In order to prevent all the hunters from being retaliated, you can only escape to places where there are no people. You actually fled to our hunting area because you deliberately blocked us." Die, so that you can escape smoothly?" Lin Changge said angrily.

"Brother, brother, we really don't know. No one here has traveled to the mountains before, and no one was born as a hunter. How do we know where to escape? Besides, we didn't get there first, and we can chase so far? "The other party's tone softened, and he no longer spoke harshly like Gan Cai treated the other hunting teams.

After all, there were too many hunting teams gathered this time, more than 1000 people.And their own hunting team, even if they are all monks, only has more than two hundred people.

"You killed our people, okay, let's just say that you don't understand the rules? Then our people will die in vain? How can there be such a reason in this world? How about you put the monster egg Take them all out to compensate us. Or you all go to die. Anyway, this is Xiongshan, so the hunting team is still a thing?" Lin Changge threatened angrily.

"You..." The other party was half-dead by Lin Changge's words.That monster egg was also brought back by them desperately, okay?

"Yes, yes, take out all the monster eggs for us. Our people didn't die in vain, we need to cultivate them."

"Yes, yes, take out all the monster eggs."

Seeing how tough Lin Changge and the others were, the other hunting teams immediately had a backbone.The appearance of agreeing with Lin Changge made a noise.

"No, that's the egg that we worked so hard to get back." Someone in the besieged hunting team shouted angrily.

"Then kill you all." Lin Changge raised his hand, and the sound of bow and arrow winding, and the friction of knives and guns immediately silenced the surrounding noises.

"Half. We can hand over half of the bird eggs. This time we got these monster eggs at a price, and we lost half of our team members. Everyone has casualties, and our casualties are the heaviest. If we don't take half of the birds If the eggs go back, our people will die in vain, and the young and old in their families will not get anything, how will they live?"

The words of the team leader of the other party immediately aroused the sympathy of the other hunting team members and captains.

Even on his own side, he lost the killing rage he had before.

After all, just now everyone was attacked in disgrace, and many people were injured. They were depressed, but the culprit was quickly found, so everyone held their breath in their chests, and wanted to kill them to avenge themselves and others.As a result, people said that they didn't know how to do it, and if they hurt them, it would be considered an accidental injury. They also said that half of them died.

In this way, the breath that everyone had held back was dissipated.

In this battle, it is impossible to win the opponent in one go.

Lin Changge snorted coldly in his heart, well, you are lucky this time.

In fact, Lin Changge thought of who this was when he saw the other party's face!

Isn't this the No. 1 dog leg next to the Great Demon King of Bibo Lake in the future?Being a dog's leg to a fish, this guy really confuses the people.

It's a pity that now is not a good time to kill him openly, and it can be regarded as a temporary spare of his life.

Half of the sparrow eggs sent out were the size of goose eggs, and there were more than 1 of them.Ahem, it seems that this group of people really took a lot.Lin Changge guessed in his heart that the other party definitely didn't take out half of them. These eggs should only account for [-]% or less of the monster eggs they got.

But these are not too few, and the captains of the hunting team who didn't see the dead were all satisfied with their eyes.

"Wei Ping, when will Jin Hong and the others come over?" Lin Changge asked.

"In a while, oops, they're here."

Just when the hunting team released the monster eggs and was about to run away quickly, Chu Jinhong brought his 1000 horses and just surrounded the hunting team.

Run, where to run, don't take out all the monster eggs for me, grandpa and your surname.

Chu Jinhong looked at the other leader with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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