Chapter 313

"Where did the big brother come from? The hunting team registered here does not have you."

Before Chu Jinhong came, he had inquired about the ins and outs of the reporter, and knew that these guys had caused a lot of trouble for their hunting team in Chujia Town.

You must know that those sparrows have flown away for many years, who knows if they will fly back to seek revenge on them in the future!

Especially this team, obviously using others as a shield is really not a good team.

"We entered Xiongshan Mountain from another place. If we knew that you were hunting together with such a hunting team, why would we go by ourselves? We must follow you." The leading man leaned over to Chu Jinhong's Complain around.

"I heard that you got a lot of sparrow eggs?" Chu Jinhong glanced at the sparrow eggs that Lin Changge and the others hadn't had time to divide.

The other party immediately understood, "I'm going to ask someone to send a sparrow egg to my brother. I can't let my brother make a trip for nothing, can I?"

"Brother, you are wrong to say that. We came here because we received an emergency report that the hunting team here was attacked by a group of flying monsters, so I came to support urgently. Seeing that you are all right, it is naturally hello and I am good." Hello everyone.

Isn't it an accident to see the monster egg, since I saw it, I simply took you to the rear army camp to exchange the monster egg.There is everything in the camp of the rear army. You can change any pill, any skill, and any weapon.Let's go, big brother, let's go to the rear army. "

The other party's face suddenly turned dark and ugly.

Wanting to run away, the Miryang guards around them were staring at them one by one with weapons in their hands. Don't run away. As we all know, monster eggs are rare and precious. If they can find a good buyer, they can make a lot of money.

But if it falls into the hands of the rear army, although they can use the exchanged items, they lose the opportunity to maximize their benefits.

One in and one out, at least 10,000+ taels of silver flew away.

A man in the team leader with a suppressed fierce look in his eyes wanted to draw his sword and kill someone immediately.What a wrong step, wrong step, when they were blocked by five small hunting teams before, they should have ignored them and killed them directly.

Chu Jinhong led his brothers to forcefully suppress the hunting team that didn't dare to do anything, and he also helped Lin Changge and the others take away the sparrow eggs that had no place to store and took up space.Lin Changge watched someone glared at him viciously for several times before being pushed away by Miryang Wei, with a happy smile on his mouth.

My heart said, boy, when you arrive at the rear army camp, this time I can let you take away an egg, my lord, and I will take your surname from now on.

The fact is the same. When the rear army heard it, a hunting team from nowhere ran into our hunting area, using our people as a shield, and trying to run away with precious monster eggs. Isn’t that true? Want to take advantage of us.

Hold on, you have to get him.

If it was a hunting team registered by themselves, they wouldn't dare to attack in such a grand manner. After all, Zhang Wei, the city magistrate, also moved into the camp in person.

So everyone, be careful, you can still eat quite full if you play tricks on exchanging items.

But this money from the heavenly demon beast eggs is definitely extra money, and it is not profitable if it is not profitable.

What?You said no, have you all given points to other hunting teams?Hehehe, we don't believe it!

Not to mention how energetic the brothers in the rear battalion concocted some disobedient guys, and squeezed out the monster eggs they brought back bit by bit.

It is said that a batch of Lin Changge's trophies brought back by Chu Jinhong also attracted attention after the rear army.

When these batches of balls were put into storage and counted as military exploits, Zhang Jaw hooked his arm around Chu Jinhong's neck. "Brother, you are not kind."

"What's wrong with me?"

"It's been a few times. Are you eating alone? It's good. I don't know if you think about your brothers, right?" Zhang Jaw complained angrily.

"What's the benefit? I'll just run for someone." Chu Jinhong said with a smile.

"Go for a trip and share [-]% of the monster eggs?" Zhang Jaw rolled his eyes angrily. "Where is such a good guy, give me a dozen."

Chu Jinhong burst out laughing.

"I thought so too, didn't this happen by chance."

"I found out that the hunting team in your town is not only powerful, but also very lucky. They ran out for a walk and brought up a batch of monster eggs." Zhang Jaw said with a particularly exaggerated expression. "I've decided. If there is anything to contact you over there in the future, you must take me with you. If you dare not take me with you, I will prevent you from leaving the camp."

"I'm talking about the head, you are a captain who commands tens of thousands of people, can we show some face?" Chu Jinhong couldn't help complaining.

The development of Miryang Guard is too fast, and it has been expanding its army. The original small army has become a school lieutenant with 500 people.

"Do you have military merits for your face? Do you have combat power points? Don't think I don't know that your thousand-man brigade has long been on the award list because of the income from the buffalo herd. You boy can't always eat your own mouthful Oil, and then let your brother starve." Zhang Jaw looked like a rascal that if you really don't take me to play, I'll ruin the mess.

What else could Chu Jinhong do, so he nodded and agreed.

For several days in succession, Lin Changge and his team went deeper and deeper into Xiongshan Mountain, and they harvested more and more. On this day, they even harvested a batch of wild goats and four or five sika deer.

At night, when we returned to the campsite near the Houying tent, many teams had returned early.

Everyone talked about the harvest in the past few days, and they all harvested a lot.

Lin Changge was listening to a group of big men chatting outside, who hunted more prey, who hunted better, and who hunted the most thrillingly.

Yuan Feihu walked to him silently, and then said lightly, "Did you hear it?"

Lin Changge nodded.

"Recently everyone has been hunting so smoothly. It seems that except for the first batch of bison we killed, all the large monsters in this male mountain have disappeared. This is the first unusual place, and the other is that we The hunting party spread too loosely.

Everyone entered the mountain separately and hunted separately, even with Miryang Guard and Qingyang Guard as the general support.But the division is too scattered, once something happens, it will be too late to save people.At least they know what's wrong.

Isn't this sincerely delivering food to others?Thousands at a time. "

Lin Changge didn't speak after listening, something flashed in his eyes.

Yuan Feihu continued, "If I were that demon, I would let all the hunting teams enter the deep mountain. Anyway, the Xiongshan Mountain is huge. From the outside to the inside, at least dozens of peaks must be climbed. At that time, we will drive more small prey to us." Hunting is used as bait, as long as there are many prey, you don’t have to worry about the hunters not taking the bait. It won’t be long before each team will be more scattered and go deeper into the mountains. As long as it lasts for three to five days, our few people will be completely scattered in the mountains inside.

At night, they only need to send out fast monsters and powerful bison monsters, giant wolf monsters and so on to attack our team at night.At that time, everyone will not be able to escape the deep mountains if they want to escape for a while, how many people will be able to go back in the end? "

"So the key is still the bait, it depends on whether you get the bait or not." Lin Changge said.

"Then do you think this side will take the bait?" Yuan Feihu asked.

Lin Changge smiled mysteriously.

Will be hooked!
But three days, because a large number of monsters, cubs and eggs suddenly started to be harvested.There are also some rare spirit grass and other things.

Zhang Wei and the others rarely ordered a final sweep to wipe out all the monsters nearby, and they were ready to withdraw and go home.

I heard that I am going home, and this hunting is coming to an end.

The members of the hunting team cheered just now, and the year-end festival is coming soon, so it's better to go back earlier.Anyway, everyone has made a lot of money recently.

Lin Changge looked at the camp where the atmosphere was extremely active and festive, with indifference in his eyes.

The hunting teams set off again, and everyone was full of energy and momentum!
The Chu family town's team even rushed into the mountains quickly, quickly brushing away the other hunting teams behind them.

"Go, go, I found a small tree with little red fruits in a hole in the ground over there."

"Over there, over there, that three-tailed fox has gone into that wood."

"What is the yellow fruit with the size of a human head on the tree? Do I need to pick it off?"

"Pick it up, pick it up, and dig up a nearby small tree by the way, maybe you can sell it for money."

"Come on, come on, why is this piece of grass in the shape of black silk, hey, is this a bug?"

"Hurry up and put it in the sealed box with jade chopsticks, maybe this thing can be sold for money."

"There are too many bugs in this area, put them all in a box?"

"Hey brother, are you stupid? Just find a few more people and put it in dozens of sealed boxes. What if you can't buy it? But remember this place, if you can sell it for a higher price, we will sell it This landmark was bought for a sum of money.”


"Oh, it's just an old bear's den. My God, look what I saw, what are these fiery red crystals?"

"It's okay if you don't know, take it away first and then talk about it."

"Yes Yes."

"Hey, why is there such a thing in this fox's den? Some seeds? Isn't it weird?"

"Put it in a box and take it back for identification. What if it's useful?"

"Everyone should be careful when searching. Once you find a monster's lair, you must take a look at it and dig it out if you find something good."

"I know, I know."

After several days in the mountain, everyone gradually discovered that there are still some good things in the lairs of some monsters.

Yuan Feihu and his team have been advancing rapidly. Even though they found that they missed a few monster lairs, they didn't look back and continued to rush to the front by leaps and bounds.

The speed is astonishingly fast, and there is a feeling of rushing like a wolf.

Even when they rest at night, they don't set up camp anymore, and just lie down in the wild.

And the rest time has become three hours a day!In the past, it was at least four hours!
For five days in a row, the various hunting teams in the front sent all kinds of good news of the harvest back to the rear, and also transported a lot of spoils to the rear camp, but Yuan Feihu's team did not.

No news, no loot!

Their team has been running ahead, and no matter how hard the team behind them chased them, they couldn't catch their shadows.

However, a large number of cleared lairs, as well as the fresh remains of monsters, can still prove that Yuan Feihu and others are indeed in front of the major teams.

At this time, the saying that there are treasures in the monster's lair has been known to everyone.

Maybe there are some special mineral deposits, maybe some special crystals, and some raw ores of spirit stones, special medicines, spirit grasses, etc. can be found.It is said that they can be sold for a lot of money!The problem is that you have to find someone's lair before you can get the stuff.

So for a hunting team that has been harvesting ahead and running ahead to harvest all kinds of treasures, everyone is simply envious and jealous.

The problem is that everyone relies on their legs, why do they run so fast?
"Is it okay?" Lin Changge asked Yuan Feihu who was killed beside him covered in blood.They were attacked by a group of cheetahs in the forest.There are more than 100 cheetahs in this group of cheetahs. Except for the less powerful cubs who have just grown up, the other old leopards are particularly sinister and vicious.

The claws are terrible, either on the head, or digging out the heart.

"It's okay, there are a few seriously injured, and they have been stabilized with medication. Are we going to break out of the encirclement?" Yuan Feihu asked.

Lin Changge shook his head.

"Among the monsters arranged to kill us, there are monsters of the fourth rank and above. Otherwise, they would not be able to suppress so many large groups of monsters and surround us silently."

"So, the hunting operation organized by Miyang Guard and Qingyang Guard will fail again?" Yuan Feihu said playfully.

"This kind of hunting operation is doomed to be difficult to succeed from the very beginning, it just depends on the size of everyone's losses in the end." Lin Changge sneered. "But we passed the steep mountain, and this is the next position.

There is a small lake in this location, and the small lake is the exit of the underground river I mentioned.We steered the boat and walked along the dark river, probably going out from the exit of an underground dark river in Bibo Lake. "

"Speaking of which, there are quite a few aquatic monsters, especially in Bibo Lake." Yuan Feihu said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, there is definitely danger, but there is no danger. I sent people to scout the road before." Lin Changge's words made Yuan Feihu slightly satisfied.

"Then after we leave, what will happen to Miyang Guard and Qingyang Guard? The whole army won't be wiped out, right?" Yuan Feihu asked with a frown.

"How is it possible, you underestimate Miryang and Qingyang too much." Lin Changge gave him a look of ignoring them.

Then he called the embarrassed team behind him and accelerated again.

When we got near a certain small lake, the sky was already as dark as ink, and the magic weapon boats were released one by one, and then everyone carried the wounded on first.In the end, there are young and strong people standing on the shore and waiting in full battle.When the young men boarded the boat, in the dense forest behind them, pairs of Youlan's eyes were full of bursting killing intent.

Aw, um, moo...

All kinds of animal roars sounded in the forest at night.

Human screams can be heard clearly from miles away.

The Miyang Guard and Qingyang Guard, who fell behind the major hunting teams, immediately gathered their subordinates and nearby hunting teams without saying a word, and then ran out of the mountain overnight with their subordinates and belongings.

As for those hunting teams that can't be contacted when they go deep into Xiongshan, what are they, can they compare with their Miyangwei and Qingyangwei brothers?
The screams continued for three days.

(End of this chapter)

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