The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 314 I Don't Believe They Have No Power Behind It

Chapter 314 I Don't Believe They Have No Power Behind It

Zhang Wei, Chen Gong and others withdrew from Xiongshan in fear, and hastily set up and dug more than a dozen traps around Xiongshan, arranged many traps, and rebuilt a temporary camp.

Then everyone did an inventory, and the loss of their own military guards was not that big, including those who were attacked by monsters, lost, and their own people accidentally injured themselves, and the loss of staff was only one-tenth of the total number.

Both Zhang Wei and Chen Gong can accept this.

But the Orion teams in various villages and towns suffered a bit big losses.Some teams didn't come out at all, and no one ran out of Xiongshan alive.

But for the time being, it's not that the iron-toothed people just can't run back.

After all, they are hunters. In the deep mountains and old forests, there may be some who can survive.

The biggest loss was the casual cultivators recruited temporarily this time. Most of them did not act with the guards, but formed their own teams to go deep into Xiongshan to hunt beasts.

Although these people have high cultivation and great abilities, Xiongshan is not friendly to human beings.

So these casual cultivators managed to escape to less than half of the total number in the end.

But don't say, after this wave of monsters and beasts, the spirits of these people are different.

"Old Lin, Lin Changge, you guys even ran out?" The temporary camp belongs to the area where hunters camp in various villages and towns. Someone saw Lin Changge and others who had already set up their tents and couldn't help asking in surprise.

At this time, Lin Changge's hair was messed up, and his clothes were torn, either with holes or strips, and his thighs were almost exposed.

But no one dislikes them, because everyone has this virtue.

"Emma, ​​running wildly in the middle of the night, my heart is about to jump out. I vomited blood and ran. Fortunately, this is an old forest in Shenshan, and we are familiar with the road, otherwise those big and small monsters would have taken them away." Lin Chang Ge covered his heart and looked overly frightened.

"Don't mention it, the wolves all over the mountains and plains have big eyes like lanterns. That night, a little guy in our village screamed out of fear, and was dragged away by the old wolf while squatting on a tree. "

"Why don't you make the kid dizzy?" Lin Changge asked in confusion.

"At that time, everyone was shocked. Alas, I just had no experience. If I knocked people out at that time, our village wouldn't lose so many boys."

"The number of times to enter the mountain is still small. If you have rich experience and meet the old hunters in the mountain leading the team, no matter how many monsters there are, you can run back as long as you sneak attack." Lin Changge said.

The other party also acted as supportive as you said.

"The village next door to ours is led by the village chief's relatives, who are from the mountains. They led the team without losing one person, even if a boy stabbed his foot, the wound is not too deep. More than 100 good people have all been brought out. "

"I'm leading the team in our town. It's okay. There were a few serious injuries, and everyone was brought back in full length." Lin Changge praised himself in front of the man.

"Sigh, our village lost eight young boys this time. Sigh, I have a headache. It will be miserable when I go back." Out of a hundred or so people, he could lose eight, almost all of them brought back.Already a very good leader.

"You're not bad, I heard that some villages were wiped out by the army?" Lin Changge asked calmly.

"More than one village has been wiped out." The other party lowered his voice. "Many villages are not close to Xiongshan Mountain, nor are they close to Xiongshan Mountain for hunting. They are too unfamiliar with Xiongshan Mountain. When they see that the prey is easy to hunt, they go crazy and rush everywhere instead of taking the mountain path."

"Ha, isn't that courting death?" Lin Changge also complained in a low voice.

"That's not it, even hunters don't go to the special areas where the herds hunt, but the safe mountain paths that we have specially stepped on. They didn't just run into those places that are especially suitable for hunting the herds. It would be miserable."

Lin Changge nodded in agreement.

Mountains have mountain paths, and beasts have animal paths!
Most hunters who have hunted in the mountains all year round know that some areas are not sensitive, and they should not enter unless they can.That is the exclusive hunting ground for the beasts.On the contrary, in some areas, the physical talents of the beasts could not be used in special sessions.

This area is suitable for hunters to wander, and it is called a mountain road in the mountains by hunters.

However, many hunters tacitly keep such secrets in the small circle of hunters and do not disclose them to the public.

"Don't worry about that much, after we finish exchanging things, everyone will go back to their homes. I'm already homesick." Lin Changge deeply missed the Chu family's spiritual fruit.He had eaten up all the spirit fruits in his inventory, and the taste of the spirit fruits outside was not as good as the spirit fruits grown by the Chu family.

"Oh, I miss my wife and the little bunny at home too."

After the two exchanged their homesickness, Lin Changge said goodbye and wandered elsewhere. When he wandered back, Yuan Feihu had brought back a box of spirit coins, bows and arrows.

"Is this all the military merits have been exchanged? So fast?" Lin Changge asked in surprise.

"Meet Xun Shijia, Mr. Xun, he greeted the civil servants in the back camp, and exchanged it for us in advance." Yuan Feihu ticked off while making accounts.

"Should the spiritual coins be distributed now, or wait until the time comes?" Wei Ping asked happily.This time, the harvest was quite a lot, and the spirit coins were all brought in box by box.

"Go back and send it. First settle the material and weapon money that Dashan paid in advance, and then divide the spirit coins. The material and weapon money will be settled with bows and arrows." Lin Changge clicked deliberately.

All the captains in the camp had no objections.

At the beginning, it was agreed that the loot would be theirs, and Uncle Dashan didn't mean to ask for money, but this time everyone has earned so much, it doesn't make sense to let Uncle Dashan lose money.

"Uncle Feihu, how much can we share this time?" A boy from the Yuan clan ran up to Yuan Feihu's side very dog-leggedly, and asked while pinching his shoulders.

"For the settlement part of the back camp, one person can divide about two or three hundred spirit coins. The small captain and the big captain will be divided separately. In this operation, if you perform well, you will get more points, and if you perform poorly, you will get more points. Less. You understand this." Everyone nodded.

They all understand the rules of entering the mountain.

If you don't understand, I won't play with you.

"In addition, our last batch of loot will be processed to Longshanfang City, and it will be settled in the form of spirit coins later. Because we finally dug out a lot of monster lairs and got a lot of things we haven't seen before, so we waited for those things After identification, I reckon that one person can earn at least seven or eight hundred spirit coins." Yuan Feihu thought about it, and roughly estimated.

"So many?" The young man said in surprise.

"Almost. You know how much loot we got in the last wave." Yuan Feihu laughed.

The young man also laughed.

Miyang Guard and Qing Yang Guard waited in full force outside the Xiongshan Mountain, squatting on guard for seven days, but no herd of beasts came out from the mountain.In the past few days, there have also been sporadic Orions and casual cultivators, young and strong, who have come back.

When people come back, there will naturally be relatives crying, and if they don't come back, everyone will cry too.

Zhang Wei couldn't help being cried by them. Seeing that the group of monsters showed no signs of coming out of the mountain, he simply asked everyone to disband and go home.

When Lin Changge and the others returned to Chujia Town, they missed the New Year Festival.

Although I missed the New Year Festival, Chujia Town is still very lively.The returning warriors received a warm welcome.On the second day after they arrived at home, the second income of [-] spirit coins per person was also delivered to them.

It turned out that they had exchanged a lot of rare ores and rare spiritual herbs, and when they sold them in Longshanfang City, they returned a large sum of spiritual coins.

You must know that one spirit coin can be exchanged for 100 taels of silver.

More than 1000 spirit coins... All the people who participated in this hunt immediately went to the pinnacle of life.

What a big bet on family wealth! !

This is passed on to future generations.

Even those who were seriously injured, they generously asked someone to buy good medicine for themselves, and recovered their injuries.

Of course, those small captains, big captains, thousand captains, Weiping, Yuan Feihu, Lin Changge and the others harvested more spiritual coins.

It's just that everyone agrees not to say anything.

With money, those who buy houses buy houses, those who buy shops buy shops, and those who buy land buy land.A lot of mountain land near Xiaoji Mountain was sold out at once.However, due to the existence of the Earth Spirit Formation underground in Xiaoji Mountain, the prices of the mountains and fields here have become very expensive.

Any one mu of hillside land is 500 taels per mu.If you want to find four or five two acres of land, you will be gone.In this way, the original land near Xiantaozhuang, and the slightly expensive hillside land that everyone bought when they first moved to Xiaoji Mountain, the 41 mu land is extremely precious.

The villagers held the title deeds tightly in their hands, and they would not sell them alive or dead.

But the land is expensive, but you can buy more shops and real estate in the town.After all, a few hundred taels, thousands of taels can buy a small shop, or a few sets of small yards, because this time I earn a lot, so everyone spends five or six shops, and five or six out of the house.Once you buy and buy a batch, you can earn a lot of money every month just by leasing them out.

In addition to the aborigines, the casual cultivators who were temporarily recruited this time also chose to settle in Chujia Town, where the environment is good and the aura is strong.All kinds of resources are abundant, so if you don’t stay here, why don’t you go to live in the expensive Miryang City?
As soon as these casual cultivators moved over, they invited many relatives and friends to move in.So the Chu family town is actually very lively in winter.In particular, Chujiafang City in the mountainside is as warm as spring, and there are various potted flowers in full bloom.

It is really suitable for playing Taobao.Some nobles in Miryang City started to come to play together.

"This pot of tea flowers is so beautiful. Let's buy it." A noble lady tugged at the sleeve of the young man next to him, and the young man immediately said, "Buy it."

"And this pot, that pot, I want it."

"Buy buy."

As soon as the big client left, the old man's flower shop suddenly lost one-third of the blooming flowers.

"Ah, old Ding, you are so smart that you can sell so many flowers by planting flowers!" The aunt next door looked at Lao Ding with envy and nodded.

"I also learned this from others. The Chu family's flower shop sells very well. I heard that they are all spiritual flowers, and they are very expensive." Lao Ding sighed.He is a gardener himself, and after moving to Chujia Town with his son, he didn't want to just stay at home every day with nothing to do.It happened that his son bought a shop in Fangshi, so he was thinking about what to do.The Chu family got a large number of spiritual flowers from nowhere and opened a flower shop.

He also planted some beautiful common flowers and learned how to buy and sell them, but who knew they were still selling well.

Chu Dashan, who sits in Chujia Town, was visited again.

The person who visited him this time was the second son of the head of the Hua family who came last time.

The young man is only in his early twenties, and looks like a boy or a girl.But his beauty is very sharp, and he doesn't look feminine, just a very good-looking young man.

For such an eye-catching young man, Chu Dashan actually liked to receive him very much.

It was Hua Shuyu who secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Although Chu Dashan likes to look at himself more, but his eyes are not evil in his heart, at most he sees something beautiful and seems to appreciate it.Unlike that bastard who killed his father and brother and ruined his family.

The Hua family fled all the way here, and they really couldn't continue to flee.His mother has persisted to the limit, and if she doesn't cultivate for a while, she will die early.

Fortunately, the Chu family took them in.

"Uncle Chu, I'm here this time to buy another four hundred acres of mountain land from you."

Chu Dashan nodded directly, "Okay, but you can't plant varieties that damage the aura of the land and pollute the veins. If you do, I will drive you out. The land will also be taken back."

"Uncle Chu, don't worry, as long as I am here, I will never do such a thing."

Chu Dashan nodded, he still trusts this young man, but it is one thing to be trustworthy, and another thing to sign a contract.

Since the establishment of the Sutu Spirit Formation area and the aura has become more intense, new rules have been implemented in both Chujia Town and Xiantao Village.To plant spiritual things, the contract must be patched, and it is not allowed to plant plants that damage the underground aura and pollute the ground veins.

Once discovered, the whole family was expelled and the land was taken back.

"The various flowers that your family grows sell very well. If your family grows some beautiful flowers appropriately, I will push them to Longshanfang City for you." Chu Dashan said.

When Hua Shuyu heard this, she was overjoyed immediately. "Uncle Chu, only the flowers in our family can enter Longshanfang City?"

"I think it's okay. Let's try it. If the market is good, I think your family can grow up just by selling flower seedlings." Chu Dashan said.

Hua Shuyu was pleasantly surprised at first, and then calmed down.

"Then I will work harder in the future, and I will definitely plant the flowers well."

"Okay, work hard." Chu Dashan encouraged.

The Hua family moved here after the Chu family town was established.There are dozens of family members.Most of them are teenagers, infants, women and children, and there are almost no adult men.

I really don't know how they came all the way to Chujia Town.

Before the Hua family took the initiative to visit him, he never knew that there was a family of monks who specialized in cultivating spirit flowers.

The other party probably also mastered similar small spells like his family's Wanmu hair growth, rooting and sprouting.However, the effectiveness is probably limited, so it can only provide about one or two hundred pots of spirit flowers every day, and they are all ordinary spirit flowers.It's the kind that is low and easy to trigger.

At first, their family bought 600 mu of mountain forest land, [-] taels per mu.Because the location was good, it was Hua Shuyu's own choice.And it is not far from Xiaoji Mountain.

At that time, Chu Dashan knew that the Hua family actually had some family background.

However, the spiritual flowers planted by their family were really pretty and energetic, so Chu Dashan set up a shop to sell fresh flowers.The business turned out to be good.The Hua family also kept accumulating wealth with the help of sharing, and they planned to buy another [-] acres of mountain land in just a few days.

Chu Dashan thought in his heart that if he had been around for a few years like this, he might be a Chu family again.

Hua Shuyu replied that she bought the three-in-one courtyard in Chujia Town, and went directly to her grandmother.His mother was also at his grandmother's side.

"How is the matter going? Are you willing to sell it?" The old lady fled all the way. Her hair, which was originally black, is now covered with silver threads.There are also many more wrinkles on the face.But the spirit is pretty good now.

"I bought four hundred acres, and the land deed has been completed." Hua Shuyu nodded.

"From this point of view, the Chu family, husband of Ling Zhi, has no intention of suppressing us." The old lady pondered.

Hua Shuyu chuckled, "How could someone think of suppressing us? The Chu family owns shares in Longshanfang City, and they have more than [-] mu of spiritual fruits and medicine fields, as well as medicine refining workshops and equipment refining workshops. , By the way, now there is Chujiafang City. Just in Chujiafang City, the Chu family can earn at least hundreds of spirit stones in a month. The silver and spirit coins we earn are earned by others. Stone. It’s not even on the same level.”

"That's what I said, but if our family is steady and steady, it won't take long before we can start a flower family again with the help of spiritual flowers. Our family didn't have ten thousand mu of spiritual flower fields at that time, but our family had thousands of mu of spiritual flower fields. That only took your father five or six years.

Your child's talent is no worse than your father's. I believe that sooner or later our family will return to the way it was when your father was around.I'm worried, when the time comes, the tree will attract the wind again... Sigh. "

When Hua Shuyu heard this, hatred immediately appeared in her eyes.

"Grandmother, I know all about it. If it doesn't work, I will take the initiative to lead everyone to join the Chu family."

"What?" The old lady was taken aback. "What are you talking about? What is going on in your head, kid? Even if we want to serve a certain powerful force, we don't have to choose the Chu family."

"Grandmother, our family suffered a loss in the first place, and there is no power behind it. It was people who manipulated us however they wanted, forcing our eldest brother to death, and killing our father. They did whatever they wanted. Our Hua family was fattened by them. Meat." Hua Shuyu said.

"Since you know, you still want to bring the whole family to join the Chu family. Our Hua family is fattened meat, so isn't it the Chu family?" The old lady asked in surprise.

"Grandmother, the Chu family has developed too fast and too well. I don't believe they have no influence behind them." Hua Shuyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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