The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 315 The first mention of the cold spirit spirit wine

Chapter 315 The first mention of the cold spirit spirit wine
"What are you talking about? Isn't the Chu family the Ling Zhifu's family established with the support of the Miyang City Order?" the old lady said.Although the old lady said so, in her heart she didn't really admit that the Chu family was from Ling Zhifu's family.

What is a family of monks? It is called a family of monks who have inherited at least three or five generations of monks.

It's a pity that before the spiritual energy recovered, many monks' families had cut off the monks' inheritance, and only the family's secret law books and other things were passed down.

When the spiritual energy recovered again, the family members picked up their own inheritance again and became a monk family again.

So now, as long as you have completed the inheritance, you can say that you are a family of monks.

For example, the Chu family can be called Ling Zhifu's family.

But in fact, after they moved here, they found out that the inheritance of the Chu family was not their own, but they got it unintentionally.

And their Hua family is indeed the inheritance left by their ancestors!

Comparing these two phases, their Hua family actually has more regions.

Even before the spirit revived, the Hua family was famous for cultivating rare flowers and trees.

"Which city magistrate would allow his family to have such a fast-growing family that owns so many fields of spiritual fruits and medicines? Most of the people with such abilities are recruited under their command to become their guest ministers or subordinates. servant.

Only in this way can the interests of these families be maximized, right?

Wasn't our Hua family destroyed in the end because we didn't want to be recruited? "Hua Shuyu said.

"This..." The old lady also became confused.

"Besides, if there is no one behind the Chu family, even if the city order does not act, the nobles and official families in Miyang City can still watch the Chu family earning more and more money every day, won't they be jealous of making money like gold and silver?
So although I don't know who is behind the Chu family supporting it for the time being, there is definitely someone. "Hua Shuyu explained to her grandmother.

"But what if the Chu family is just lucky enough to be here today? What if Zhang Wei, the city magistrate, has ulterior motives and specially reared the Chu family?" the old lady asked.

Hua Shuyu was stunned, and he couldn't say that there was no such possibility.

"Shu Yu, look at our family, we really can't stand any turmoil. I think we should be more on the safe side. Let's develop ourselves first. As for it, it's not too late for us to join the Chu family. Anyway, we will Live in the Chu family town."

Hua Shuyu nodded silently after listening to her grandmother's words.

Their Hua family really doesn't have any impulsive capital anymore.

After the New Year Festival, the weather is getting warmer day by day, and soon it will be time for spring planting again.

The spring planting in the ninth year of Yuanwu was about to begin, and Chu Dashan called his daughter and son together again.The family has a meal together, and then sums up what to plant in the new year.

Let the maids serve tea first, and everyone sits around Chu Dashan.Chu Dashan sat alone in front of the big round table, looking like a salted fish old man, and said happily, "Last year our family planted a lot of black pearl upland rice.

Although this batch of upland rice has not mutated into spiritual roots, it has an excellent taste, and the supply is in short supply no matter it is in Longshan Fang City or our own Fang City.If I hadn't asked people to sell them in a fixed amount every month, this batch of upland rice would have been sold out long ago.

So this year I have to plan to plant a thousand acres, what do you think? "

"I think Dad, you can plant a hundred acres to feed our family." Chu Sanlang spoke first. "There is no need for our family to grow upland rice. Is our family short of food? Besides, there is no drought, so there is really no need to grow food. Dad, why don't you just sell the seeds to the tribe and the villagers, and then recycle them into their hands upland rice."

"I think Dad, you can give them the seeds directly. After they finish planting the upland rice and harvest it, they can be directly dragged into our granary. At that time, we can just pay them silver or spirit coins." Shiro once again gave Saburo's suggestion to upgraded.

Cough cough cough, Chu Dashan pointed his thumb directly at Saburo and Shiro, tall, really tall.This trick was better than he thought.

"If this is the case, our family will be able to harvest at least 800 million catties of grain if we plant [-] mu in the village. It's a good deal." Chu Qi said happily.

"Okay, just follow this method." Chu Dashan clapped his hands and said. "Another thing is, didn't our family harvest a lot of green wood grass mushrooms last year? After drying and processing them into dried grass mushrooms, there are about 900 catties per mu, and 850 million catties in [-] mu of grass sesame fields. Dried grass mushrooms. This is too much. Even if our herbs are sold in Longshanfang City, but in order to maintain the price of Qingmu grass mushrooms, we dare not ship in large quantities. So there are more than [-] million left in stock catty.

This is because we have exported a large amount of dried Aoki Mushroom. As we all know, there will still be a large amount of Aoki Mushroom mature this year.When the time comes year by year, our Cyanwood Grass Mushroom has accumulated too much, if it is not handled properly, it will be destroyed, or if it is directly smashed in the hand, it will be bad. "

"Father, it's impossible to press so much Qingmu Caozhi. Now that the weather is no longer dry, we can start the wine making business again. It would be great to just turn Qingmu Caozhi into Qingmu Caozhi wine.

If some herbs are added to brew the health-enhancing and life-prolonging wine, then there is no need to worry about the market in the future? "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

"That's a good way. But our family doesn't have a recipe for making health-prolonging wine?" Chu Dashan said.

"I have it. I bought the recipe from Longshanfang City. This recipe is called the recipe of Hanpo Lingjiu. It uses the spring water of Hanpo Lingquan and the stems and leaves of the ice lotus. Lotus seeds are also available. There are twelve kinds of herbs such as Cishouhua and Qingmu Caozhi.

This wine recipe is not a high-end recipe, but its ingredients are rare.First of all, this prescription would not be valid without the cold spirit spring.

So when I found it, I felt like it was a wine recipe tailored for our family.

So I sold it, and it cost me more than 1 spirit stones. "

When Tao Hua said this, Chu Dashan immediately said proudly, "Father will give you two Wan Lingshi as pocket money."

"Thank you dad." Tao Hua flattered her very much.

Chu Qi made a look of blindness, his eyes are too hot, how old is he, and he loves to act like a baby!

In fact, this wine recipe and Hanpo spirit marrow were both obtained by Taohua in that place.It is very likely that the original owner worked so hard to use the cold soul spring to figure out the wine making recipe bit by bit, which can just make perfect use of the cold soul spring.

Faintly cites the cold spirit spring, because the cold air hurts people, in fact, the use of the spirit spring is not effective.But if it is brewed into spirit wine, it will be different. The medicinal materials can just reduce the effect of cold air hurting people, and can also turn the cold into an essence and mix it with other medicinal effects to synthesize the effect of nourishing the body and prolonging life.

(End of this chapter)

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