Chapter 316
"Then where do you want to build a wine cellar?" Shiro asked hurriedly.

"Is there even a need to ask? You don't need to ferment or cellar the wine you brewed?" Chu Dashan asked back.

"Then how about letting me take charge of this important matter of wine making?" Chu Qi said eagerly.

"Yes." Chu Dashan immediately gave strong support. "My lady will definitely do this."

"Huh? You didn't want me to be the leader when making wine at home, so you insisted on inviting fourth uncle. Why did you let me take charge of the whole work this time?" Chu Qi asked puzzled.

"Our village used to be closed, and there were a lot of people who were jealous and gossiping. I didn't want them to pay attention to you behind their backs.

It's different now, there are so many female monks, and they have a lot of careers to do.

Women in our village run shops, and there are quite a few small workshops. Compared with those people, no one talks nonsense anymore. "

Indeed, with cultivation, many women have boldly stepped out of the house to do things with the men at home.

The emergence of the monks has also greatly changed the concept of the villagers. In the past, many people valued sons over daughters, thinking that daughters were losers.Now everyone is looking at talent, and those with monk talent, both boys and girls, are worth cultivating at home.

It was Chu Qi who gave his man an angry look.Then someone said enthusiastically, "Okay, leave the brewing to me."

In fact, she is too idle.

She used to do everything in the house by herself, but now there are maids and servants in the house.If you need to do something and move your mouth, just supervise it.The two daughters in the family often went out and didn't know what to do, so they left her at home alone, and she was too lazy to rain on Lingzhi.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't do it, the Chu family has already cultivated four Ling Zhifu who can master the small cloud and rain technique.But being able to use it flexibly is still different. This Ling Zhifu who has mastered the little cloud and rain technique can only be said to be better than hard work.

Anyway, I can always use a certain amount of brushes every day and night.For the rest, Qingmei catches up with Qingmei Nong, and peach blossoms catch up with peach blossoms.

Hula lala, go directly to the advanced version of Xiaoyunyushu, Hanging Clouds Turning into Rain.

Then the clouds were low, the rain was dripping, hula la and some gusts of wind were blowing, and a forest of about ten acres in front could directly rain heavily with spiritual energy for a quarter of an hour.

And the heavy rain here is still falling, and the cloud on the other side is drooping again, and the heavy rain is dripping.

Peach Blossom is able to control the rain while holding the spirit stone. The rain on the top of the mountain has not yet finished, and the last piece of forest at the foot of the whole mountain that has not rained has already become cloudy again.

Such a violent casting of spells has already made those newly promoted Xiaoling Zhifu, who are still a little arrogant in their hearts, have completely lost their arrogance.

It's better to keep your head down and work, your own small spells still need to be tempered, tempered.

The owner's family is full of magic perverts.Although they don't need to compare with magic perverts, they should be better than the so-and-so in the same period, right?

In addition to the Lingzhifu who have learned the little cloud and rain technique, there are also Lingzhifu who have learned the important little magic of rooting and sprouting.This little spell is easy to learn, so nearly 20 people have learned it so far.

Although everyone's level is not very good, but 20 people work together, the effect seems to be very powerful.

Especially when Xiao Wu led them to act together.

"In addition, the snake saliva fruit at home sells well every time, and the price can be raised. How about we have more varieties?" Chu Dashan said again.

"It's already [-] mu, that's a lot." Saburo said.It's just a kind of fruit specially used for detoxification, so why grow so many?Since he is the person in charge of the spiritual fruit shop in Longshanfang City, Chu Dashan couldn't continue speaking when he said this.

Then Taohua said, "Let's not plant a thousand mu more. Be prepared. Reserve some, and don't sell it for the time being. It's okay. The main thing is that I can feel that the recovery of spiritual energy has accelerated, and the worms in Xiongshan are also mutating quickly. I I am worried that their toxicity will increase greatly, and when the time comes, they will fly out in a black mass, which will be troublesome."

Kekeke, the whole family looked at Taohua in horror. "No way?" San Lang's face turned blue.

Shiro also had a dark face.

"Think about it, Xiongshan is so big!" Taohua gave them a look that you understand.

"Father, I think it's better to plant another three thousand acres of snake saliva fruit. We've been beaten up by one thousand and one thousand mu. Let's stock up more." Sanlang said. "If no one opens up wasteland to grow herbs, father, you can hire more part-time workers. Anyway, there are many casual cultivators waiting to work in Fangshi.

Isn't it just Lingbi, just don't be too stingy. "

Chu Dashan nodded in panic.

He had never thought about the bugs in Xiongshan before, but now he felt that he had to think about it.

"Can our Sutu Lingzhen resist insects?" Chu Dashan asked Taohua.

"It's possible, but it needs to consume a lot of spirit stones." Tao Hua said bluntly.

"It's impossible for bugs to stay here all the time, and they won't starve to death." Chu Dashan looked like you've been fooled by your father.

"The large-scale defense is opened, how can it be opened for half a day and a day, and live for three or five days, right? At least three to five thousand spirit stones, you have mental preparations." Taohua said.

Cough, cough, Chu Dashan's face was full of pain. "I admit it, I admit it."

In his opinion, instead of being poisoned by bugs at that time, it is better to get rid of disasters with flower spirit stones.

"In addition, do we need to plant spiritual ginseng this year?" Chu Dashan asked.

"Let's plant it. Anyway, we have someone to open up wasteland, so we can make more varieties. Dad, you can just recruit more permanent workers." Taohua said. "Father, if you are worried about the problems of long-term workers recruited from abroad, you can give priority to finding clan members and let them recommend their in-laws and uncles. As long as they are willing to work, it doesn't matter whether he is a monk or not, and he has qualifications. You can enjoy better treatment, and those without qualifications can work harder and earn more in our family as long as they work hard."

Qingmei nodded and said, "I think my little sister's idea is feasible. By the way, Dad, I think you should go to Guo Peng again and ask him to find more usable spirit flower seeds for our family, as well as some seeds of other spirit fruit trees .Our family has more than 7 mu of land, and we have only planted less than [-] mu of land. I don’t think there is any need to keep it empty. After all, the size of the Chu family is here now. We have Ling Zhitian and our own family The town and Zijiafang City also have shares in Longshanfang City.

No matter how low-key we are in the eyes of others, we are not low-key.So there is no need to continue to suppress the planting area of ​​Lingzhi.

Expand it however you want.As long as Zhang Wei is not a fool, it should be impossible to send a large army to destroy us. "

Chu Dashan gave his eldest daughter a direct look. Who knows if the shrewd Zhang Wei will become a fool or a lunatic in the future! ?
(End of this chapter)

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