The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 318 Diagrams and Spirit Vessels

Chapter 318 Diagrams and Spirit Vessels
Taohua continued to pull, and the last piece of bone that looked like a knot in the tail was pulled out by her.

She pushed the rest to Lin Changge, "Just put the rest in the shop that collects antiquities in Longshan."

"Are the remaining things worthless?" Lin Changge asked.

Taohua shook her head, "It's not that they are all worthless, but some things are fragments, fragments, and we don't need them for the time being, and they haven't been sent to the store over there for storage. If they encounter similar things, ask them to collect them. Maybe one day in the future I can get things together."

"Then tell me what these things are. At least let me know. These are my trophies. You can't let me give them to the shop over there for nothing. Besides, the shopkeeper over there At least you need to know which of these things are worth collecting the same kind.”

"Okay, I'm afraid of you. These things are useless.

These bone fragments are actually fragments of the inheritance of skills from about three or four monster clans.It's a pity that the complete inheritance of skills is broken.I don't know if these bone fragments can restore the original Yaozu skills in the end. "

"I'll go, it's really a monster clan's skill." Lin Changge was overjoyed, and carefully picked out these incomplete bone fragments into a small pile.

"This, it should be some kind of secret place, or the transmission key of the ruins. However, the conditions for the activation of this key should still be met, for example, if the ruins are unearthed, the latter can be passed on to open something. You can keep it for yourself." Taohua took one of the black ones The long wooden stick was picked up and thrown to Lin Changge.

"You didn't even remind me of such a valuable thing, what if I just lost it?" Lin Changge immediately screamed strangely.

"This is from the demon race. Just to remind you, you are a human race. Do the human race understand? If you practice the inheritance of the demon race, something will happen. Do you want a human to become a demon?" Tao Hua asked speechlessly.

Cough cough cough.Lin Changge rolled his eyes angrily at her panting words. "Didn't you tell me about the inheritance of the Yaozu?"

"I think you should send it to Longshanfang City for auction. This kind of interesting thing is destined to attract a lot of auctions." Taohua said with a smile.

"Then what's the name of this secret realm or ruin?" Lin Changge asked curiously.

"Wanshi Dripping Cave." This is what Taohua painted with Qi Tianjian.

After listening to Tao Hua's narration, Lin Changge frowned, "This name sounds very ordinary."

"You have forgotten that almost all the monster races deliberately cover up various treasures and places of inheritance. The more common the name, the more likely it is the sacred place of the monster race's inheritance. Do you remember the water cave of Wanliuchuan?"

"No way?" Lin Changge jumped up in shock. "No way?" he yelled again.

"Think about the grand occasion of the Wanliuchuan Water Cave back then. The Yaozu fought to the death for it, and how many powerful monsters of the Yaozu and the new generation of monsters of the Yaozu died in battle! Of course, they also died in the end. It’s not a disadvantage, the first ones who were accepted and led up by Shenting were those few monster clan rookies who got the inheritance in the Wanliuchuan Water Cave.”

"Wanliuchuan Water Cave, Wanshi Dishui Cave?" Lin Changge still couldn't believe there was any connection between them.

"You can think of it from the similar naming style." Even without using Qi Tianjian to scan, Taohua can still guess that there is an inexplicable connection between the two.

The main reason is that she has seen a lot in her previous life, traveled the world, seen many different scenery, coupled with her keen intuition, so this matter will not trouble her.

"However, since this is the Yaozu's inheritance key, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a treasure. Why did you ask me to send it for auction? If this thing is sent back to the Yaozu now, wouldn't something happen?" Lin Changge asked puzzledly.

"Compared to the turbulent rebirth on our side, the monster clan is too peaceful. Even if they may still be monsters now, or those monster clans that can transform themselves can only squat in their own secret realm and dare not come out. But It's not good for us to be too peaceful.

It's not good to let them accumulate power to develop!

This is also not good for the human race, and it will make the human race forget that they used to always promote each other and rely on each other to accompany their friends. "

Taohua touched her temples and smiled slightly.

Lin Changge couldn't help trembling.

I said in my heart that you just don't like the life of other people's beasts, right?

"Okay, I'll send it for auction now. What about the rest of these things? Are they all from the Yaozu?" Lin Changge asked curiously.

"This, it should be a fragment of a magic weapon. Judging from the texture, it should be a sword weapon. This should be a part of a remnant drawing. Look at the painting method and paint, the kneading of the leather, the final refining method, etc., It should be a residual map belonging to the human race.

It's over, I told you everything. "

While listening to Taohua's explanation, Lin Changge looked at the fragments and pictures over and over again. If Taohua hadn't told him, he would have really seen that one of these little things was a fragment and the other was a picture.

Especially the residual picture, no matter how you look at it, it is just an abstract line, okay? What the hell is this picture?

"What about the other three things?"

Taohua first threw the coccyx to Lin Changge, "This is a monster bone ring, just like our human storage ring. You can see what's inside. If you can't open it temporarily, just wait until you can open it." time to open it again."

When Lin Changge heard that it was a storage ring, Lin Changge's eyes lit up immediately, but he really couldn't open it. The other party's mental strength was far stronger than his current one, and he sealed the bone ring to death.

"This small stone is a small sealed spiritual vein of the earth attribute, and this small piece of wood is a small sealed spiritual vein of the wood attribute." Taohua placed the two small things in front of her. "These two small The things are useful to me, and I will turn them into family merit points for you later." She also used Qi Tianjian to brush up these two raising things, and gave herself a thumbs up.

Ow! !

Lin Changge cried out in disbelief.

"Small spirit veins with attributes, or two? This is impossible. In the past, we had worked so hard to fight and won not many spirit lands, and the spirit veins only had a small non-attribute spirit vein. How long did it take to regenerate? How did it appear? So many small attribute spirit veins?"

Tao Hua took it for granted, "What's so strange about this, there were a few attribute spirit veins in that place in the previous life, and I guessed at the beginning that there are probably some cave relics that were born in the early days here.

Back then, the aura disappeared so badly. In order to preserve some special spirit veins and prevent them from dissipating, the powerful monster clans pulled them out of the ground veins and sealed them up. It's only normal. "Taohua replied. Speaking of which, they also robbed Yaozu's things.

"No wonder, no wonder. In the end, you sent us a blueprint of monster lairs, and told us to dig out all of these lairs. We moved fast all the way, and we hurried all the way to complete the blueprint you gave us. As a result You actually got two small spirit veins with attributes! Patriarch, you are too good, this method is simply brilliant."

(End of this chapter)

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