Chapter 319
"I just guessed. I didn't expect to find the spiritual vein before. It happened by coincidence." Taohua laughed. "Speaking of which, we are lucky! To be able to get two small spirit veins with attributes at one time is no one's luck."

In the previous life, Chuxi paid the most attention to the Yaozu sites near the family's Lianghu and Xifeng Mountains. Her attention to Xiongshan Mountain was still a second level.But who made her have a good memory.She remembered exactly how many spiritual veins appeared in Xiongshan Mountain, when they appeared, and whether there were attribute spiritual veins.

"I made a picture of the monster clan's martial arts, skills, monster weapons, spiritual veins, etc. in each area of ​​Xiongshan in the previous life, and at different time periods. I can roughly infer that the part of the mountain where you went hunting should be available at this time. A relic similar to the caves inherited by the Yaozu appeared.

This ruin should be very dilapidated, it doesn't even have any restrictions, and any monster with spiritual intelligence can walk in. "

Taohua guessed.

"What, then can we go in and have a look?" Lin Changge asked with enthusiasm.

"The key is the cave of the Yaozu. Even if there is no restriction, we cannot enter it. Unless it is completely abolished." Taohua said with a little regret. "If it is forced to enter, it will be regarded as a great cause and effect with the monster clan. In the future, this relationship will have to be repaid."

Lin Changge immediately said, "Forget it." In his previous life, he had seen how big karma was paid back!Besides, there are many ways to use the law of cause and effect in Shenting, but he doesn't want to try it at all.

Taohua gave him a look that counts you as smart. "Besides, we've already got two small spirit veins with two attributes."

"Then can you tell me the general location? Let's not go, someone is willing to go." Lin Changge suddenly smirked.

"You mean those who actively cultivated the Yaozu skills?" Tao Hua was thoughtful.

"Anyway, didn't those guys all turn to the monster clan in the end?" Lin Changge said, "Let them fight those monsters now, anyway, they are idle anyway."

"That's all right, I'll draw you a picture of the approximate location. I guess there should be nothing inside, after all, even the small spirit veins with sealed attributes have appeared, and the things inside are probably given by the monsters who went in first. Occupy and divide up." Taohua said.

"By the way, Patriarch, why can the monster race seal those small spiritual veins, but our human race rarely has such a thing happen." Lin Changge asked.

"Actually, there are quite a few small sealed spiritual veins in our human race, but our level was too low in our previous life, and we couldn't get in touch with this circle at all." Taohua said, "I heard people say that in certain small circles, all kinds of precious Items are settled with sealed spiritual veins."

Lin Changge was speechless: It's simply inhumane!
Instead of using spiritual stones for settlement, the spiritual veins are used as currency! !

"Then we can get in touch with those small circles now?" Lin Changge asked.

"Instead of getting in touch with those small circles, it's better to form one yourself." Tao Hua said.

Cough, cough, Lin Changge almost choked the tea he drank into his nose. "Patriarch, you are so powerful, you actually want to form one yourself?"

"Actually, it's just an anonymous auction. Don't worry, I'm familiar with this routine." Taohua said.

"Patriarch, in your previous life, did you ever think about forming a game by yourself?" Lin Changge asked gossipingly.

"Well, I really thought about it, but at that time Zhu Yongnian always delayed my orders." Tao Hua said lightly.Zhu Yongnian always said that he had some concerns and couldn't fulfill her orders.

Sure enough, if the person was replaced by Zhu Kangnian, nothing would happen.

"It's amazing that you can bear him to the end." Lin Changge said.

Taohua shook her head, "I can't even hold back those guys from Changyang Dichu, let alone him. No matter how bad Zhu Yongnian is, he returns me a large sum of spirit stones every year. Although those spirit stones are much less than what he earns, it's not Return the family dividends in proportion to what we said before."

"I think Changyang Dichu and those people are now appointed to regret letting you die suddenly." Lin Changge said.

"To put it bluntly, they didn't want my boss to overwhelm them. If you don't palm, you don't palm. It just happens to kick out the group of rice worms." Taohua said lightly.

She has no hatred for her being killed. In her previous life, she had done all the benevolence and righteousness to those people in Chuchu, and finally defended them, but it was because the first great elder made a trick before she died, forcing her to use the way of heaven as her own. Zheng swears to treat the people of Dichu favorably and promises not to abandon them.

Only the chief elder and herself knew this secret, that's why she forbeared Chu Chu for so many years, but once she was reborn, the chief elder died six years earlier than her, so naturally she would not ask her to give up God swears by the evidence.

To put it bluntly, how many shackles on her body have been lifted by a rebirth? !
Although it is very hard to start a new stove, she really has nothing dissatisfied, just work harder, and she built such a huge family business bit by bit.

"Then when do you plan to contact those people in the direct line?" Lin Changge asked, he knew in his heart that in order to raise the family in this period of spiritual recovery, the Chu family really tried their best and made a lot of preparations.

After Peach Blossom's rebirth, those who were activated and fished out were collateral elites, the most typical being Chu Shinian.But there are also many talents in the direct line.If these talents don't use them, they are fools.

"Don't be in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?" Tao Hua said indifferently.

"But I think the people over there seem to have started to contact the elites of the direct line. Probably the first elder and the old patriarch have explained to the direct line before they died, and that guy also brought a group of people who support him A member of the Chu surname." Lin Changge was referring to a certain spare tire of Chu Xi.

Now he has grown into a handsome young man.

The most rare thing is that he is a boy, not a girl.Compared with Chu Xi, the Chu clan has the advantage of innate recognition of him!

"It's just a clown, if you really follow him, then follow him." Taohua said with a smile.

"Actually, there are quite a few elites in the direct lineage, why should we push the direct lineage to him?" Lin Changge disagreed with Tao Hua's words.He himself was originally a child of the direct line, and he naturally had a good impression of the talents in the direct line.

"What is my identity now?" Tao Hua asked him back.

"You are Chu Dashan's little girl."

"Then my direct line or collateral line?" Tao Hua asked again.

"Of course you are a collateral!" Then Lin Changge opened his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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