The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 320 At that time, the spiritual energy hadn't recovered yet

Chapter 320 At that time, the spiritual energy hadn't recovered yet
"I am the head of the family as a collateral lineage. Do you think those direct lineages will obey me, especially if I am a girl?" Taohua looked at Lin Changge speechlessly. Innocent.

"But you are Chu Xi, you are the head of the family!" Lin Changge said.

"The problem is that I told them that I am Chuxi, do they recognize it?" Taohua asked.

Lin Changge was dumbfounded.

"The current situation is that everyone has a hole card. The direct line does not want to recognize me, the patriarch recommended by the collateral line. Regardless of who I used to be, when I was Chuxi, I didn't see that the direct line had any trust in me. .

They reluctantly recognized me as the head of the family, but it was because I was the daughter of the direct line back then, and maybe my fate was better.

How could a group of people who are arrogant and arrogant in their bones agree with a little doll as the head of the family.So all they gave me was a title. "

Tao Hua said very self-aware.Although she is smart and good at scheming, she doesn't think that everyone should like her and agree with her.

People who don't like her think that she is just a slightly smarter girl, and there are many people who don't have any extraordinary effervescence.Especially the sons of Chu Chu!

"But you also got their help in your previous life!" Lin Changge said speechlessly.

"But I also paid a high price. Could it be that the mines, spirit stones, and spirit veins I paid for were all fake? After all, they took advantage of me because they took advantage of my own race. Some people took advantage of me and arranged for me secretly No."

Lin Changge was left speechless by what she said.

"Then do you really want to give them up completely?" Lin Changge said regretfully.

Taohua shook her head. "We are not children anymore. There is no need to use them because we hate them. I know how to use those people."

When Tao Hua was young, she had also been hurt by those guys, and those people were sometimes not as useful as collateral disciples.She once thought about combing them together so that everyone would work together for the rise of the Chu family.

But she forgot that people have selfishness, especially after the age of 40 or [-].

They want to fight more for their own children and grandchildren.

People who were originally reserved would also become extremely cruel, as if they would hold on to their interests and not let go.Really let Chu Xi see what kind of lower limit a person's shamelessness can make.

Cooperating with those people turned into a blatant profit distribution battle in the end.

Speaking of which, Chu Chu did have some capable men and women, but Chu Xi didn't set his sights on them from the beginning.As soon as she came back and regained control of the Chu family, she set her sights on recruiting outstanding talents such as collaterals, branches, and servants.

What kind of craftsmen, what kind of special technical personnel, she even took the pot away.

As for the talents for governing the country, the talented military generals, the intimate and friendly relationships with various nobles and official families, the deep dynastic connections, etc., thank you, I don’t need them.

Her goal is to cultivate the Chu family into a family of monks, not to seek to usurp the throne!
So since she was reborn, she has never had contact with those direct descendants.

Besides, in Taohua's view, as long as the children of the collateral line are given a chance, their talents will not be inferior to those of the direct line.

When Taohua was talking with Lin Changge about Chu Beizi, Chu Zifei's mansion in Miyang City.Chu Zifei also received Shi Yousan who came in a hurry in his small flower hall.

"Lang Jun, have you taken care of my affairs?" Shi Yousan asked Chu Zifei as soon as he came.

"I contacted you, and they told you to think about it." Chu Zifei nodded.

"What, think about it again? When are those guys going to think about it?" Shi Yousan said very dissatisfied.

"It's okay for you to get angry at me, and I can't control them." Chu Zifei said speechlessly.

"Others don't know, but I don't know about you. Now you are in charge of contacting the entire direct descendants." Shi Yousan said gloomily, "You won't give us a few words of kindness ?”

"Is my kind words useful?" Chu Zifei rolled his eyes, okay? "Besides, where are the direct descendants and how to contact them? Don't you also have a brochure in your hand. You have everything I have, or you can contact them yourself."

Shi Yousan's face flushed immediately.The direct descendants are more arrogant than each other, and his greeting card will be thrown away if people don't even read it.His surname is not Chu, even if he was the commander of the secret guards of the Chu family before, it would be useless.

"I really can't wait any longer. Miyang Chu Dashan's family doesn't say anything, they even built a town for themselves. What kind of thing is that Changyang Chu Shinian? He can still occupy a large market. Our Shaolang is really We can't wait any longer, if we wait any longer, he will fall far behind Chu Shinian and Chu Dashan, and it's hard to say whether he can develop in the later stage."

Shi Yousan said.

"Then let's develop, no one is stopping you," Chu Zifei said.

When Shi Yousan heard this, he became anxious immediately. "There is Baicao Pavilion Guo Peng behind Chu Dashan, and Miyang Ling Zhang Wei. He can naturally develop better. Then who is he backed by in Chu Shinian? If she turns around and forcibly annexes the entire direct line, our young master What will we do then?"

"Things you can see, others are not fools! No matter how Chu Shinian can jump around, he is just a leader of the hidden guards. Everyone knows who he respects. After Chu Xi came back, he secretly re- Taking over the Chu family, but not returning to Dichu, presumably she has resentment towards him.

But no matter how resentful she is, we are also a family.

If one day, she is strong enough to annex Dichu, then we can accept it.Of course, not everyone can drive Chu Chu's spare sons. "

Chu Zifei said with a solemn expression.

Shi Yousanyi's words changed immediately, "Are you speaking on behalf of yourself or all the Chu Beizi?"

"Of course it represents all the spare children." Chu Zifei said proudly, "This is the unanimous opinion of everyone."

"Why can't you agree to support my young master? How is he not as good as Chu Xi? If Chu Xi can do anything, he can do it." Shi Yousan asked angrily.

"Then let him get Longshanfang out and show us."

Ahhh, Shi Yousan looked at Chu Zifei in shock. "Isn't Longshanfang City the family's plan? You must know that Longshanfang City will have to invest in it for at least several years, even more than ten years, starting from the geological survey. How old is Chuxi?
At best, she just picked up a ready-made family plan for nothing. "

"What is the plan of the Baijian family? Longshanfang City was created by Chu Xi with one hand and one foot, and he has not touched any of Chu Chu's preparations! When she first started the geological survey, her spiritual energy had not yet recovered!"

(End of this chapter)

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