The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 321 Little Uncle

Chapter 321 Little Uncle

"How is that possible?" Shi Yousan couldn't believe it.

"It's impossible. I think she has been eyeing the maritime trade line early in the morning. If the Chu family can gain a foothold in it, then the family will develop faster and faster in the future." It's a pity that she died, so it's so good He really regretted that Chu Zifei didn't even participate in one of his strategies.

If he is allowed to participate in it, Chu Zifei believes that he can make this trade line better and earn more profits for the Chu family.

"How could Chuxi have thought of so many steps in advance?" Shi Yousan still didn't want to believe it.

"Chu Xi himself is smarter than other children, especially good at planning." Chu Zifei said.

This is a fact, and no one can deny it.

"But she is a girl, that's also true. As far as the head of the family is concerned, she is not suitable." Shi Yousan said stubbornly.

"But your young master is also not dominant. He is just the patriarch's concubine." Chu Zifei sighed.

Shi Yousan's face turned purple suddenly.

"Even if my young master is a concubine, he is still a boy."

"A boy alone cannot convince the crowd," Chu Zifei said.

"Then Chuxi is just a girl, how can she convince the crowd?" Shi Yousan asked back.

"She can't convince the crowd either," Chu Zifei said.

Shi Yousan suddenly closed his eyes at this moment, then raised his head and opened them again.Let the hot tears rush out of his eyes and flow down his cheeks.

Fortunately, fortunately, the backup sons of the direct line did not choose Chuxi as the main one.As long as the spares don't move, they still have a chance.

Before he came, Mr. Shaolang was awake all night, crying bitterly, afraid that all the disciples of the direct line would choose Chuxi.

He is a man, and he doesn't want to be Chu Xi's spare tire for the rest of his life.

Shi Yousan had seen the ecstatic excitement of his young master when he heard the news of Chu Xi's death, and he had also seen his heavy heart and sleepless nights when he knew about Chu Xi's return.

Speaking of which, their Young Master provoked whomever they provoked, but he was treated as a spare tire since he was born.

Their young masters are all the best in terms of talent and character, but there is a Chuxi above him, so the Chu family has always been controlled by that person, and their young masters can only read books every day. For fun.

The pressure of being a substitute became more and more repressed in his heart as he became more sensible and grew up.

He knew how happy Chu Xi was when he died, and how depressed he was when he learned that Chu Xi had returned.

Chu Zifei was something they could see, how could the masters around Mr. Shaolang not see it?It's just that everyone has no way to comfort Mr. Shaolang, because Chu Xi's foundation is much deeper than his.

In the Chu family, she has too many cloths, so she can easily regain the control of the Chu family.Their Young Master can only watch helplessly.

This kind of taste didn't drive a good child crazy, it's because they were educated and enlightened on weekdays.

"It's too difficult, it's too difficult for our Young Master. Zi Fei Lang Jun, Chu Xi did not return to Chu Chu, it is very likely that she was reborn in a branch of the branch family. It may even not be my blood of the Chu family.

Although she has regained control of the power of the Chu family, I still hope that the princes and young masters of Chu Chu can give more consideration to our young master.He is the qualified patriarch with the blood of Chu Chu. "

Chu Zifei felt uncomfortable seeing his tears streaming down his face.

"I can understand what you and your young master are thinking, but you have to know what the consequences will be if we choose your young master." Chu Zifei sighed.

"What consequences?" Shi Yousan asked puzzled.

"Chu Xi will kick us out and let us create another Chu family," Chu Zifei said.

Ah? ?

Shi Yousan looked at him in shock. "How dare she? How could she do such a thing?"

"There's nothing she dares to do. The Chu family's secret family treasury is in her hands. She controls all the offshoots, branches, servants, and generals of the Chu family. As long as she says a word, she can split the relationship between us and other clansmen." The connection between them." Chu Zifei said.

"How is it possible?" Shi Yousan didn't believe that a girl was so powerful.

"Don't compare your young master to Chu Xi's level. Your young master has always grown up under the guidance of various famous teachers. To put it bluntly, he has never had any formal experience. And Chu Xi did She has been in charge of the family since she was a child. She has experienced more things every year than your young man's life.

If you always despise her, you may harm your young master in the future.

And to be honest, the reborn Chu Xi seemed to be a different person from the previous Chu Xi.She has become more powerful, and her methods are more unpredictable, making people unable to guess the depth and original intention.I suggest that you'd better let your young master develop on his own, and if he falls into her hands in the end, there may be a chance of survival. "

What Chu Zifei didn't say is that if you don't develop very well and can't pose a threat to Chuxi, she might not even talk to you.In this case, even if it is a spare tire, that person can live comfortably.

Of course, if the other party can't see it, they have to fight with Chu Xi.

Then he doesn't care.

Although Chu Zifei said that Chu Xi was very powerful, but Shi Yousan still believed that his young master had a chance.

My young master is the son of the old patriarch.

Speaking of which, he is still Chu Xi's little uncle.

"In any case, as long as the direct descendants don't all fall to Chu Xi, then we, Young Master, will still have a chance."

Chu Zifei didn't know what to say to Shi Yousan's self-confidence.

Well, let him be.

Taohua doesn't know that she still has a little uncle who is eagerly thinking about her.

Early the next morning, Chu Qi pulled her out of the warm blanket.

"Let's go, let's make wine with mother."

Tao Hua stared at her mother with dazed eyes, "Mom, do you need ingredients for wine making? We have a recipe for wine, but we haven't got all the ingredients yet."

"No, it's ready. I asked Sanlang to go to Longshanfang City to sell it to me overnight. Come on, let's experiment with that recipe." Chu Qi said happily.

Taohua couldn't complain anymore.

"Okay, then let's go, first go and collect some ice lotus. Qingmu Ganoderma has it at home, Cishou Huaniang, you should get it? I will also get the cold spirit spring, and then get a few other accessories .”

"I also asked your fourth brother to pick the ice lotus, so you don't need to go. You can go to brew wine with your mother." Chu Qi quickly tidied up her daughter, and then pulled her hair that had not been combed yet. The daughter is about to leave, "Wait, hair." Tao Hua reminded her.

Chu Qi quickly combed her daughter's hair into a bun, making her look beautiful. "You're the one who has a lot to do."

(End of this chapter)

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