Chapter 330 Loom
"Qing Xing calls his master, Chu Dashan, Tang Shu. The two families travel frequently during the holidays. The master also takes good care of their family. The four older brothers are all in charge, and the elder sister is also in charge of the alchemy workshop. My brother-in-law is in Longshan. I'm a store manager in Fangshi, responsible for selling all kinds of spiritual fruits, elixir and so on, and I'm pretty capable alone." Chen Deng said.

"Have you seen them all?" Chen Shu asked curiously.

"I've seen it all." Chen Deng said. "Qing Xing likes to raise things. She took the initiative to go to the Chu family's breeding area to help raise rabbits. I heard from Qing Xing that the sixth uncle is very optimistic about her, saying that she is talented."

Chen Shu was speechless, the ability to raise rabbits? !

Not to mention Chen Shu, even Chen Shuniang is a bit underestimated. What kind of talent is raising rabbits?
"Really, the rabbit raised by Qing Xing has mutated into a special kind of white rabbit. It is only the size of a normal rabbit, but it is a very special kind of medicinal rabbit, which is much more nourishing than the normal mutated first-order rabbit.

It is said that this tonic rabbit can also wash away the impurities in the body, and has a slight effect of cutting the meridians and washing the marrow.Regular consumption can prolong life, and can also clean up the toxins of various elixir.I heard that this kind of rabbit has started large-scale breeding.When this kind of rabbit is on the market in the future, if it sells well, Qingxing can enjoy the first-class treatment and be in charge.

At that time, she can get double the salary, plus one ten thousandth of the rabbit's annual income as her personal bonus income. "

"Then how many years can I get this bonus?" Chen Shu immediately asked sensitively.

"Get this kind of rabbit and eliminate it." Chen Deng said.

"Wait, elimination, what is the elimination method?" Chen Shu asked again.

"Others have bred better medicine rabbits, and the family of this kind of rabbits will stop raising them. If they are eliminated, they will not have the bonus." Chen Deng said.

"That family doesn't raise it, can we raise it ourselves?" Chen Shu asked again.

"Yes, we can raise it ourselves now. The family doesn't care about this. Qingxing's family income is the income of the family's breeding, and the family doesn't care whether we raise it ourselves. Qingxing told me that after she gets married, she will Open a farm and specialize in breeding medicinal rabbits."

"You really are a good wife." Chen Shu immediately said with a smile.Old man Chen sneered. Could he marry his grandson?

"I think this medicine rabbit is designated to make a lot of money in the future, why is the Chu family going to be so lenient with you?" Chen Shu asked a little puzzled.

"The sixth uncle improved a duck that can be used as a mount. The family sold a lot of money on it. But every penny went to the sixth uncle. Later, the eldest sons of the sixth uncle raised ducks. They also earned a lot of money. I set up a family business. From then on, all kinds of things created in the family follow this precedent. So everyone can follow the family to buy a family business."

"The rules of the Chu family are good." Chen Shu said. "It's not about making money for a family, it's about making money for the whole family."

"Most people in the Chu family heard it well. But there are also some people who are not very good. Some people imitate the sixth uncle's family to raise ducks, but the ducks are not well raised at all. They are half dead all day long. They can't sell them by themselves, and they force their boss to take them. Duck, in the end, the owner asked people to drive them out. But the family was still yelling outside, saying that the owner didn’t care about the tribe, and didn’t let the tribe have a way to make money. I heard that Uncle Dashan was very angry and wanted to give up their family. Leaving the clan. It was the old people in the clan who stopped them so they didn't really drive them away. The family was frightened a bit, but they have become more honest recently."

After hearing what his son said, Chen Shu sneered, "There are all kinds of birds in the forest."


Qing Xing came to Tao Hua with the spicy dried rabbit meat she made.

Taohua was squatting in front of her house, brushing the plate of grape seeds she had prepared with the light of talent.The seeds in a wooden box are spread flat on a large plate, which is the bottom of the plate.Ten catties of seeds have to pick out those that are completely dead.

The rest is about five or six catties, of which one and a half catties is probably able to germinate.

Other original species will not emerge either.

But Peach Blossom has golden fingers, her innate supernatural power buff light, without brushing it once, the grape seeds are slightly fuller, and the vitality of the seeds is also thickened.

When the green apricot approached, the worst seeds had reached the level where they could be planted.

"Peach Blossom, what are you doing?"

"Qing Xing, why are you here? I heard that you are going to get married?" Tao Hua asked in surprise when she saw her.

"Why do you want to get married? It will have to be next year anyway." Qing Xing blushed embarrassingly. "Besides, you should call me Sister Qingxing."

"You used to call me sister." Tao Hua said.

"I was young at that time, and I was deceived by you." Qing Xing said speechlessly.She was also very speechless about Taohua tricking her into calling her elder sister when she was a child.

The peach blossom person is a big kid, although Qing Xing is actually a few years older than her, but she was able to trick Qing Xing into calling him sister when she was very young.Qing Xing called her elder sister for several years, and her parents couldn't handle it.Later, when Qingxing grew up and became more sensible, she realized that she was the older sister.

"Why did I deceive you? You are obviously greedy. If I give you a piece of jerky, you can call me sister for a day." Taohua complained about her.

"Peach Blossom." Can Black History stop mentioning it.Qing Xing shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything." Taohua didn't want to mess with her completely.

"By the way, what kind of seeds are these? They look like grape seeds?" Qing Xing pinched a seed and asked.

"It's grape seeds." Taohua said.

"What's wrong, you're greedy for grapes, are you planning to grow some grapes?" Qing Xing asked curiously.

"Yeah, I have this plan."

"Then I'll share some of the ones you grow. By the way, I'm getting engaged recently, will you come?" Qing Xing asked.

"I won't go, but I can send you the gift in advance." Tao Hua said.

"What gift are you going to give me?" Qing Xing asked.

"What gift do you want? Jewelry? Clothes? Cloth?" Taohua asked.

"Bring something affordable, I don't need those things." Qing Xing said.

"What is affordable, tell me." Taohua asked with a smile.

"Why don't you give me a loom. Later I'll weave floral cloth or something."

Taohua couldn't stop laughing when she heard this. "OK, OK."

"What's wrong, am I wrong. Is it useful to have a loom for jewelry? I wanted to buy a loom for a long time, but my parents just refused to buy it for me." Qing Xing said speechlessly.

"It's probably because I'm afraid you'll be tired. It's the same when you buy fabrics and make clothes directly." Taohua said.

"I can buy a few servants to weave." Qing Xing directly stated her plan.

"It doesn't cost much more if you buy the fabric directly." Tao Hua was puzzled.

"Save if you can, how can you save money if you live at home and don't worry about it?!" Qing Xing looked like you, a kid who hasn't grown up, knows anything.

Taohuapuchi was amused.

(End of this chapter)

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