The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 331 Rank 1 Qingyang Grape Seedlings

Chapter 331 Tier [-] Qingyang Grape Seedlings
"You started living at home before you got married?" Tao Hua burst out laughing.

"I'm the one who got a fiancé for a reason. I'm no longer an ignorant little girl. Naturally, I'm thinking about the future. Who is like you? How old are you, and you still look like a little urchin?" Qing Xing was annoyed He pinched his sister's tender face.

It is said that the girls of the Chu family are all good-looking, so there is no difference in appearance, but the green plums and peach blossoms are also very good-looking.None of the little sisters of the same family can compare.

But who makes my mother-in-law a great beauty!

Speaking of which, the girls of the Qi family are good-looking, and many members of the Chu family are married to Lao Qizhuang.

Qing Xing left not long after she arrived, and then Qing Mei came over.

"I saw Qing Xing just now, she also said that she invited me to her engagement banquet, I said that I might not have time to go, but there must be presents." Qing Mei saw Tao Hua earnestly brushing the seeds, and sat aside with a smile.

"Then sister, what are you giving?" Taohua asked.

"She said she wanted a set of equipment for raising silkworms from me, and I agreed." Qingmei said.

"She's planning to raise silkworms, and she knows how to weave. She told me she wanted a loom." Taohua said speechlessly.

"Qing Xing probably thinks that the jewelry for the headgear is too expensive, and she can't wipe it off, I'm sorry. So I choose this kind of affordable and useful ones." Qing Mei thought.

"Probably. The jewelry that our family gave when Sister Lamei got married was sprayed on by Sister Lamei for a long time later." Tao Huaxin said with lingering fear.When Lamei got married, her sister gave her a pair of big nobiles, the kind inlaid with precious stones.She gave a pair of thick gold bracelets, also inlaid with precious stones.

In the end, she was laughed at by Sister Lamei for a long time, and she said that it was too dirty, it was eye-catching, and said it had no practical value at all.

"Elder sister, why don't you give her a hundred silkworm eggs. A set of silkworm breeding equipment is basically only a dozen or two. Back then, Sister Lamei's pair of gold hairpins was more than that." Taohua said .

"All right." Qing Mei replied.

So within two days, Qing Xing received a gift from Qing Mei and her sister.

"Qing Xing, Qing Xing, the two Qingmei sisters from your Uncle Dashan's family have dragged people over to deliver things." Qing Xingniang called out her little girl at the top of her voice.As soon as Qing Xing walked to her main room, she found that all four sister-in-laws had come.

And there was a look of envy, jealousy and hatred on their faces.

"what happened?"

"Sister-in-law is clever. When my sister-in-law went out, she got a pair of golden hairpins and a pair of gold bracelets from Qingmei and her sister. But sister-in-law, you are different. The two sisters of Qingmei sent you a set of foster care directly for you. The silkworm tools are brand new, and there are a hundred spirit silkworm eggs. There is also a magic weapon loom. It is a magic weapon loom, the kind that can directly weave rune marks, and they gave us three thick books The thick weaving book explains how to weave runes and flower marks on it."

Qingxing's sister-in-law said sourly.

"Come on, I'm all around the loom to join in the fun. Qingxing doesn't care what her surname is Chu, it's normal for her to get something. It's useless for you to be envious, even though you didn't reincarnate well and didn't reincarnate into a good family." Qing Xingniang angrily pulled the eldest daughter-in-law aside.

"Mother, did Taohua really give me a magical loom?" Qing Xing also opened her eyes wide at this time and asked in disbelief.

"That's not true. The two young ladies of your Uncle Dashan's family are generous masters. You just ask them to give them some practical things when you are kind. But the things they are kind enough to give you are not as good as your sister Lamei. ?
It's not that your elder sister Qingmei brought you the silkworm seeds, and your peach blossom sister sent you the magic weapon loom. "

After hearing this, Qing Xing covered her face happily, and cried, "I knew they were thinking of me."

"We're all sisters who grew up together, how can we miss you?" Qing Xingniang gently hugged her little girl. "Your Uncle Dashan, your aunt, and your brothers all sent you good things. The jewelry, hair and fabrics from your Uncle Dashan and your aunt, and your brothers gave you a box of spirits one by one. Coins come. It is for you to see what you can buy yourself.”

"Then I'm better than my elder sister. When my elder sister got married, they sent them silver bills." Qing Xing said dumbfounded.

"When your sister got married, your brothers didn't have so many spirit coins." Qing Xingniang also laughed.

Taohua brushed the buff light for several days one after another, coughing, coughing, and then quickly picked out the seeds that she had brushed to death again, and threw them to another plate.

In the first three days, when the peach blossoms were illuminated with buffs, the seeds returned with good results, the vitality became stronger, and the seeds became more and more full.

But starting from the fourth day, the effect of this buff light is not only good, but also the phenomenon that the seeds no longer increase vitality, but quickly wither and die.

It's as if after a certain threshold is crossed, the seed can't take it anymore.

Taohua studied it for a few days and thought it might have something to do with the potential of the seeds.The more potential a seed is, the more it can withstand more gains.

What used to be a large plate of five or six catties of seeds turned into a total of five hundred seeds, each plump and dark, with faint patterns on the seed skins.

Taohua simply found a place near her home, opened up a hundred acres of land, and then planted a full hundred acres of land according to the standard of five vines per acre.Rooted and sprouted, rooted and sprouted, and after all the grape seedlings were unearthed, Taohua finally discovered the correct use of the light of gain.

All the grape seedlings are actually first-order Qingyang grapes.

The light of gain actually directly promoted the grape seeds with no rank to the first rank after emergence.Of course, there may also be reasons why this kind of seed is very unusual, but Taohua feels that her buff light should also be a major contributor to the first-order grape seedlings.

The biggest difference between the first-level Lingzhi and the non-level Lingzhi is that they have begun to generate their own precious light.Although this first-order precious light is still very faint, it is almost invisible to the naked eye.At first, many animals and plants could sense it.

In the distance, Qingyang spirit peaches are moving without wind, as if they are celebrating that they have many new friends.

The big green-headed fish in the small lake kept leaping out of the water, as if they all wanted to see what was so great about the newly sprouted first-order spiritual plants.

Many small animals in the valley also wanted to come and have a look.It's a pity that there are people watching here.

The long-term and short-term workers employed by the Chu family are not vegetarians. They dare to come here to harm Ling Zhi. !
Another black-and-white rabbit ran out suddenly, and a naked curly-haired lamb had its head squeezed. After picking it up, Taohua silently told the long-term workers who followed her to strictly guard the grape seedlings here.

(End of this chapter)

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