Chapter 333
"Speaking of this water-gathering spirit formation, it is actually a broken and nameless water-gathering formation that I referred to. Later, I specially found someone to repair the formation, and they renamed it the eight-direction water-gathering spirit formation. I deduced and perfected this formation After a while, the key is to put the Qianyuan poly kettle in.

With the core of the entire Qianyuan Water Gathering Pot Formation, I think this eight-direction Water Gathering Spirit Formation will definitely have some wonderful effects. "Peach Blossom said.

In fact, the water-gathering array in all directions was used on the overseas spirit island in her previous life.

It used the entire eight-direction water-gathering array to occupy 81 overseas spiritual islands in a certain place.

In that area, the power under her command is no weaker than that of the Longshan family.

It's a pity that as soon as she finished that side, the family dragged her back again, forcing her to return to the family to deal with all kinds of messes.This has happened several times, she is really disheartened and has no enthusiasm for work.

The painting she is painting now is the eight-direction water-gathering array that has been used in countless legends and myths in the overseas spirit island after she has improved it many times.

She also arranged her into three floors.

Yes, her sister Qingmei only saw two floors.

In fact, this spiritual array has three layers, and the last layer is an underground array embedded with the Sutu Spiritual Array.She had already handed over that formation map to the fat worm, the master of the Five Elements Spirit Vein, to let him dig and build it underground.

The eyes of the formation are [-] earth cores with three attributes of water, earth and wood and two small lifelines with two attributes of earth and wood.

Sutu Lingzhen is a single-attribute earth core.Because they are constantly absorbing the power of the earth and stars, they are gradually transforming into star cores.

However, the eight-direction water-gathering array has a three-attribute core, which is also an innovation.

After all, the Sutu spirit array is a new spirit array she researched with reference to the original ancient method.Of course, if there is no Fatty, it is not easy for her to make it out, but with the help of Fatty, she only needs to tell Fatty the algorithm, and Fatty will be able to place all the cores in the right place by himself. .He can even control and use the underground formation more skillfully than her.

Taohua was very good at designing various large-scale formations in her previous life.For example, the Dragon Scale Panspiritual Formation in the Dragon Scale Land on the outskirts of Longshanfang City.In fact, Taohua has participated in the design and transformation.Her modified design was even appreciated and affirmed by the team of geologists who specially designed various blueprints for her.

The last three-layer formation, Peach Blossom’s setting is that the ground vein formation at the bottom, the Qianyuan water-gathering array on the upper layer and the eight-party water-gathering array on the upper mouth are three-dimensionally nested, intersecting each other to wrap and seal the entire depression stand up.

In this way, it is not only a single compound formation, but also can form a large-scale complete combination formation with the Sutu Spirit Formation.

"It's just that, wouldn't it be good to plant spiritual plants in that depression? Why make it a lake?" Qingmei asked puzzled.

"Because simply planting spiritual plants consumes the largest and fastest aura of wood and soil, which is not conducive to the turnover balance of the five elements aura. Therefore, it is really necessary to create an area dominated by water aura and water-attribute spiritual plants." Taohua Road.

Qingmei frowned after hearing this, "Then according to what you said, our family still needs to build two other fire aura and gold aura areas?"

"This one is short of rare treasures for the time being, so we can't get it." Tao Hua said.

Qingmei looked at her speechlessly.

Taohua Kaba Kaba looked back at her sister with big eyes.

"Okay, you're right. Let's do it." Qing Mei compromised. "Draw it well, I'll leave that depression to you."

Hulala, hulala, the wind and rain are coming again.

It's just the beginning of spring! !

It rained continuously.Waters such as Bibo Lake skyrocketed again.

"The drought has just passed, so is there going to be a big flood?"

"It's already been posted." Taohua said speechlessly, "Fengyang City, which was flooded last year, has not yet been flooded. The walls of Chengyang City have been soaked down, and rotting corpses are everywhere with the flood. "

"Can you stop talking?" Ome, who usually loves cleanliness, was about to vomit.

"My sister was injured, so I haven't gone out for the past few months. It's miserable outside." Tao Hua explained to her very straightforwardly.

"So many people have died, is that really good? The more people die, the more monsters will develop." Qingmei said in a stern voice.

"A lot of people died in Yun'an Continent, but there are too many people in Yun'an Continent." Taohua didn't tell her sister that when Yun'an Continent lost its aura, many blessed places were self-appointed or sealed.

Before they were completely sealed, more mortals and monks moved into them.

With the further recovery of aura, those places will be opened again, and then the mortals on Yun'an Continent will be replenished, or even more.

They are small and weak, so it's good to live well, but it's better to live well.

"Second Lady, Sixth Lady, the master invites you to come over, saying that he has something important to discuss." A maid came to deliver a message.

When Qingmei and Taohua walked to their father's study, they found that the whole family was present except for the elder brother.

"Has there been a letter from elder brother? Did he say when he will be back?" Qingmei asked.If it's almost a year since the elder brother left home, it's time to come back.

"They said they would come back in two or three months." Chu Dashan said.

"Father, why did you ask us to come back to discuss?" San Lang asked, he was called back directly from Longshan.

"That's the thing. Didn't Zhang Wei come here before and leave again? Didn't Guo Peng also take his second master to our place for a few days before leaving. This time the two families sent us a letter together, He said he wanted to send someone to our house to learn those small spells." Chu Dashan said with a gloomy expression between his brows.

"Why? Are you planning to steal our family's inheritance?" Shiro's brows were about to pinch a mosquito, and his tone was the most intense.

"Silang." Chu Qi couldn't help scolding.

"In the past, our family managed to collect a few books on refining magic weapons, which were procrastinating and costing spirit stones. They were optimistic and asked to copy them directly. Then they said that they didn't tell us, and they made a lot of them. The low-level artifacts occupied our family's market, which greatly damaged our business. Several items could not be sold as soon as they were made. Losing wages and materials, and also hurt the mood of the artisans in our refining workshop .

What's the matter, are you going to play the same routine again this time? "Shiro said.

Taohua asked in surprise, "Miryang is so shameless, why do such things?"

"It's not an order from Zhang Wei in Miryang, it's a good thing done by the head of the Miryang Guard Arms Workshop in Miryang." Chu Qi said. "He just relied on himself as the uncle of Dalang Zhang Xiu. Last time we got rid of a concubine and a favored young master of the Zhang family. If we really want to tear ourselves apart with Zhang Xiu this time, it would be really good. Stand opposite Zhang Wei. Why bother, it’s not worth it for that little money.”

(End of this chapter)

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