The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 334 Witnessing the End of the Dynasty

Chapter 334 Witnessing the End of the Dynasty
"Besides, this may not be some kind of temptation by Zhang Wei. Our relationship with Baicao Pavilion is broken. He also wants to test our bottom line. I guess he just wants to test whether my family is willing to be a child with him. .

Niang thinks that it might not be a good thing to bear it, at least it can buy the Chu family more time to develop.

Anyway, Zhang Wei didn't dare to go too far at once.He still doesn't dare to force us to die!

Besides, those magical artifacts are nothing more than three melons and two dates, so it's not worth our match with Mrs. Zhang.I was the one who stopped your father from breaking up with Mrs. Zhang. "Chu Qi said.

"I also think that Zhang Wei is not worth provoking him all at once. Now that he is at the forefront, we will pay less attention to our Chu family." Qingmei said.

"What about the spells? You need to know that the little spells taught by our family are different from the Ling Zhifu outside. The Ling Zhifu outside doesn't know these little spells from our family." Wu Lang said.He has always been a spell instructor, and he knows all about the little spells of Ling Zhifu outside.Those small spells outside he felt like shoddy products.

"Let's just talk about the rain spell, if nothing else. We don't have the small cloud and rain spell, the small sweet rain spell, and the small shower spell, which are not available outside.

The advanced spells of these three small spells, falling clouds into rain, sweet rain, and showers, have never been heard of by those Ling Zhifu from outside.I also know that a few days ago, people from the Zhang family and the Guo family had inquired about the situation of our family's various spells with Ling Zhifu, who practiced magic in our family.He even got the spell training map. "

"Why send someone to learn after getting the pictures?" Saburo was puzzled.

"Ahem, I guess I still have to learn." Wu Lang said.

"Why?" Shiro asked in surprise.

"Because I found that it may be more difficult for them to learn to master small spells than to learn to practice exercises. I have taught many students. No matter how old or young they are. When they learn various exercises, It is fairly easy to learn. If it is particularly difficult to learn, it is estimated that you will soon give up being a monk.

As for small spells, I think they are too difficult.There are many people who have not mastered it after studying for several months.

There is no comparison with our brothers and sisters who can get one in a few days. "

Cough cough cough, Qingmei rolled his eyes angrily, "Whoever can fix one in a few days, obviously I can learn one in a few hours."

"Second sister, you are a pervert." Xiao Wu couldn't help complaining.

"Xiao Wu, do you want to die?" Qing Mei was furious.

"In short, they studied very hard." Xiao Wu said.

Chu Qi was also surprised, and she didn't want to understand why it was so difficult for everyone to learn spells.

So Tao Hua guessed a bit.

This has something to do with the Taiyin Stone Pagoda she carries on her body.

Her Taiyin Stone Tower can continuously increase her blood and talent.

But anyone who is close by blood will benefit from it.

Of course, if you want the Taiyin Stone Pagoda to exert this effect, you must practice the Taiyin Origin Sutra.

After practicing the Taiyin Origin Sutra, this effect can be continuously enhanced.

She lives as Chu Taohua, then her parents, brothers and sisters will be better and better talented, and the more they practice, the faster they will love!Now the peers are not obvious, and when the next generation is born, those little babies can have extremely aptitude.

Of course, if her parents choose to have more children, the effect will be the same.

Taohua didn't know about this peculiar buff in her previous life.Because the Baihuatian Bible she practiced has the effect of continuously weakening the various powers attached to the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.Later, she opened the second floor of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda because of an adventure, and discovered this secret from some leftover books in the bookcase.

Practicing all kinds of sacred and divine exercises will directly weaken the various power effects of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda. Only by practicing the Taiyin Origin Sutra can the various gains that strengthen the Taiyin Stone Pagoda be activated.

That is, from that time on, she began to be wary of Baihuatian Bible.

Because the companion treasure is his own, but there may be various hidden dangers in various exercises.The biggest hidden danger is the resurrection of the house.Just who is resurrected?It must not be Chuxi herself.

But now the person who cultivates it is Chu Da. With Chu Da's aptitude, he doesn't know how many years it will take to succeed in cultivating the Baihuatian Bible to the level of the altar.I don't know if her master is willing to invest a lot of spirit flowers to help her practice.

In Taohua's view, Chuda's only redeeming feature is her strong ambition.

Because she is very ambitious, even if she cultivates the Baihuatian Bible, Taohua is optimistic about her, maybe she will be the winner in the end.

"Ahem, cough, generally speaking, if there is no hands-on instruction for those small spells passed down by our family, you will not be able to learn them for a few years. Even if there are pictures." The cruel truth is silent.

My home is Chu Dashan, and it only takes a few days to learn a small spell.

"Then what should we do? Will you promise them?" Chu Dashan asked with a frown.

"Promise them." Taohua said.

"Why?" Shiro said dissatisfied, "Little Yao, what should they do if they learn those little spells and grow spiritual plants to run on us?"

"Now we develop fast, but they develop slowly. It takes at least a few years to learn one or two small spells. After a few years, we may not know what our family will develop into.

Besides, don't look at Miryang as if it is cooking with oil, but in terms of development speed alone, it is far behind Changyang.Miryang and Changyang are next to each other, so close.Sooner or later there will be a war.Let's delay him for a few years, and we can't decide who Miryang will belong to when the time comes.

If Miryang changes master, who cares about the Zhang family?
Even if Changyang is defeated, Miryang has lost a large number of soldiers, and if its power declines, they will definitely not dare to attack us again.Unless their Zhang family doesn't want to live in Miryang. "

After hearing Tao Hua's words, everyone gasped in unison.

"Is the Great Song Dynasty still there?" Chu Dashan asked.

"Father, do you think this Great Song Dynasty can last for a few more years?" Tao Hua asked. "Even if the emperor is still here, this country does not necessarily still belong to him." Just like in the previous life, the city owners of various places stand on their own, so what can the emperor do?
"Why do I have the feeling of witnessing the end of a dynasty?" Saburo said coolly.

"If someone can witness the prosperity of a dynasty, someone can witness the end of a dynasty. This is just like the law of life, old age, sickness and death. There is a beginning and an end, and there must be an end when there is a beginning.Taohua Road.

In her previous life, Taohua was probably too smart since she was a child, and she was a bit extreme in thinking and doing things. Nao's family discovered her early and began to use her.Later, when she grew up, she gradually learned to adjust her thoughts, disguise her likes and dislikes, and hide her emotions. Only then did she gradually evolve into the formerly powerful Patriarch of the Chu family.

(End of this chapter)

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