Chapter 335
"But why did they focus on our little magic?" Saburo asked puzzled.

"Actually, our family's little spell has been targeted by others. It's just that some people suppressed it before, and no one dared to mention it.

After all, our family spirit planted too much area.

Besides, our family has a spiritual formation, which can artificially create the effect of spiritual veins.There is a huge difference in the effect of planting spiritual plants with and without.With the spirit array, spiritual plants can be planted on a large scale. Without it, spiritual plants can only be planted one by two.

The problem is that the spirit array is also expensive, and the number of spirit stones consumed daily can drag down some poorly functioning forces!Restricted by Lingshi too much.

Moreover, it is not easy to arrange the spiritual array, and only a master of the array can complete the design and arrangement.This is difficult to replicate.

So everyone knew that the spirit array was effective, but no one copied it.

But our family's small spell is not the case. Although it is also very difficult to learn, it is not completely impossible for people to learn.

Besides, its effect is very good, and it is used, so it is not surprising that it is targeted by outside forces.As far as I know, many casual cultivators living in Chujia Town and Chujiafang City have long been eyeing it.

But because it is too difficult to learn, it has not been spread until now, and many people who have learned one or two small spells with great difficulty have directly joined the Chu family. "Qing Mei said.

After entering the Chu family, you can learn more small spells.

"Well, the planting area of ​​our Lingzhi has more than doubled at once, and it is reasonable for those people to be unable to sit still. They came to investigate us, but what is there for us to investigate? Where is the land, everyone in Lingzhi They can all see it, but don't talk about the spirit array, no matter how good the effect is, it is useless for them to be reluctant to build it themselves.

Those guys, wandering around our property so many times, probably finally decided that our home is worth moving back.So they chased those Ling Zhifu all day long to talk about the learning and practice of small spells. At that time, I guessed that they fell in love with our little spells.Sure enough, within a few days after they went back, they brought up the matter of wanting to learn small spells. "Chu Dashan said.

"Then what's going on with the Guo family? What are they getting involved with the Zhang family?" Shiro asked puzzled.

"Probably because we have too many spiritual plants in our family, I'm jealous." San Lang said. "I saw a lot of this in Longshanfang City. The key is that Lingzhi is too expensive. A few days ago, I collected a 500-year-old wild ginseng. The elixir has a great chance. In the end, I gave 80 yuan of spirit stones.

At that time, the sons and brothers of the family sending ginseng fought. In the end, one died and three suffered bloody injuries before they stopped.I think that old man is about to cry to death, and he also said that wild ginseng is a thing that harms people.Might as well not dig it up. "

"80 yuan of spirit stones can probably enable a family of mortals to live carefreely for several generations. It's not surprising that they kill people." Shiro said.

"Fourth brother, why don't you say that their family's character is not good and they are too greedy. That thing is in our house, who can fight over it?" Goro snorted disdainfully.

"Our family grows spiritual ginseng, a thousand ginseng per mu, it's crazy to fight over a wild ginseng." Qingmei complained speechlessly.

Chu Qi had a headache.

Chu Dashan grinned when he thought of the various young seedlings all over the hills in his home.

"What is Taohua doing recently? I haven't called you for several days, and you can't remember to eat."

"I don't want to use the big depression in our house. It's been left there for several years. What's the point of leaving it unused? The land was bought with money." Taohua said.

As soon as he heard this, Chu Dashan became upset.

"Xiaoyao, our family has planted [-] mu of spiritual plants this year. Look, can we develop the concave land in a few years?"

The key is that there are too many wastelands to manage, and there are not so many people available.

"Okay, the land reclamation over there has to be arranged in advance, and this one has to be built in advance. Father, do you think we should design it earlier?" Taohua asked.

"Should." Chu Dashan nodded.

"Then let's take our time, I haven't finished designing the blueprint yet." Tao Hua said.

"Are you going to design the formation map yourself?" Chu Dashan asked.

At the beginning, the Sutu Spiritual Formation in Taohua Nong was good, whether it was the Sutu Spiritual Formation on Xiaoji Mountain or the Sutu Spiritual Formation on Xiantaozhuang, the effect was very good.The most important thing is that her little helper is very good at handling the earth spirit array.

"Yes." Taohua answered him.

"Then you can do it." Chu Dashan agreed, "Father supports you. If you need anything, I will find it for you."

After the family meeting, Chu Dashan agreed to the request of the Zhang family and the Guo family, but he also said that he did not have so much energy to train too many people for the two families.One family will be given three places.

Cultivate six more at a time.The study period is three years, and you can learn five small spells.

These trainees are different from the Ling Zhifu trained by their own family. The Ling Zhifu trained by their own family only needs to learn a small spell to contribute to the family.But Dai Pei must learn and memorize all kinds of small spells as much as possible, so that he can try to pass on what he has learned to the family members after returning home.

According to the learning speed of normal human beings (not counting perverts) as inquired by the Zhang family and the Guo family, the time to learn five small spells in three years is actually a bit tight.Learning four is just right. Whether you can learn five or not depends on God's will.

There are more than two hundred Lingzhi husbands in the Chu family, with varying levels of good and bad.

Now I am still teaching the small magic class, there are about 120 people, and the rest have simply given up on small magic after learning one or two small spells.

120 two people, mostly with small classes, and the teaching is more casual.Whoever is particularly good at a small spell will be the teacher of the small class.

Qingmei, Taohua and the others are all teachers who are not there, and they are temporarily absent from class, so they come to lead the class temporarily.

Anyway, teaching everyone to learn small spells is not difficult for those who know it, but not for those who are difficult.

After the Zhang family and the Guo family sent people in, because the learning progress was different from other small classes, the Chu family simply recruited some casual practitioners with Ling Zhifu's talent from Fangshi to teach small spells together.

The new monks are mostly in their teens or twenties.Although everyone has heard that the small spells taught by the Chu family are particularly difficult to learn, but after hearing it, they still feel that it is no different from listening to heavenly scriptures.

Just like the little cloud and rain technique Qingmei gave them.

Even though Qingmei drew them a diagram of the movement of spiritual energy and told them four or five times, everyone's eyes were blindfolded, and they didn't listen.

Puff puff puff, several people impatiently tried to imitate the diagram of the aura flow, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.The spiritual energy in the body ran away, slightly hurting the lungs.

(End of this chapter)

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