The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 343 The Key Worth 17 Spirit Stones

Chapter 343 The Key Worth 170 Spirit Stones

"How is the layout of Chunshui Lake and Dayan Lake in Fengyang?" Taohua asked again.There are no particularly famous mountains in Fengyang.There are only hilly lands composed of small hills, and because there is no cover of lush forests, it is difficult for large groups of monsters to survive here.

Although the land monsters here are not powerful, there are Chunshui Lake and Dayan Lake which are slightly smaller than Bibo Lake.

Both Chunshui Lake and Dayan Lake are swamp lakes.There are swamps and lakes.

There are places with deep and shallow water, so aquatic species are extremely rich.After the spirit energy revived, more and more groups of aquatic monsters were entrenched here.

Fengyang was not in Taohua's hands before, so she couldn't hold back.Now that Fengyang has fallen into his hands, Taohua naturally began to arrange to clean up the monster colony in Lianghu.

"Chunshui Lake and Dayan Lake are connected to the river, and the river is surging. Aquatic monsters are pouring into the two lakes continuously. It is really difficult to clean up." Chu Shinian said with a headache.

"It's also simple, just increase the hunting and killing, and prevent them from converging on a scale that can cause chaos." The aquatic monsters are actually all kinds of monster fish.Why do you want to kill all the demon fish? What do you eat if you kill them all? "Pay attention to the monsters, and kill them as soon as they appear. As long as there is no leader of the monsters, the monsters are our resources."

With the leadership of the monster clan, the monster beasts are terrifying combat power.

This is how Xifeng Lake and Bibo Lake were occupied at the beginning.

Chu Shinian thought about it in his mind, "Then we are short of manpower."

"Fill the population of Xifeng City first. Then plan to build a city in Fengyang area. Fengyang is fine. That place is not suitable for building a city." Taohua thought for a while and said.

Chu Shinian thought in his heart that Fengyang City was not submerged.Now there are only ruins such as the city wall.

"That's all right, that's it. I'll go back first."

"Okay, besides, you send Zhu Kangnian a message to ask him to collect some old food. Whether it is spiritual food or ordinary food." Tao Hua said.

"Why?" Chu Shinian asked curiously.

"I am worried that the Zhao royal family will impose heavy taxes. I heard that the refugee rebellion in the southwest seems to be getting worse. I am also worried that they will continue to increase their troops. So you'd better continue to recruit some refugees." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian nodded to show he understood.

In a few days, the news of tax increase came from Miryang City, saying that during the summer harvest and autumn harvest this year, due to the needs of the war, taxes had to be collected two years in advance.

Isn't this fatal?

I heard that as soon as the news spread, many farmers near Anxia City directly abandoned the land, and ran away with their families.

It is better to go to another country as a refugee than to be exiled by the whole family because you cannot pay taxes in China.

Anyway, Anxia City is not too far from other countries.

The farmers near Anxia have all fled, let alone the citizens in other places.Everyone was panicking, and everyone wanted to run away.The northwest side is the closest to the Great Wasteland. Although we know that there are more violent bandits in the Great Wasteland, there are still a large number of refugees and farmers running there.

More than [-]% of the population has been lost in Miryang alone.

Of course, not all of them went to the Great Northwest Wilderness. After all, it was too far away.But there is no far place where you can indeed run into the Orion Village in Xiongshan.

It's not easy to get in there, and there are no taxes.

Why don't you come in and collect a tax?

Monsters are not easy to mess with.

In Changyang and Fengyang, there is no such thing as a three-year tax.

If you don't say it, you don't ask for it.

"Although there is no tax for three years, there will be more corvees this year." Changyang Fengyang official notice said. "This year the corvee is in charge of food and housing, and I will be paid three coppers a day."

When the people affected by the disaster heard about it, this job can be done.

After working in corvée for so many years, it was the first time I heard that the wages were paid back.Although three coppers are given a day, it is better than nothing.

Because of the wonderful policy given by Changyang, many refugees who did not run far went to Changyang to work.

Digging mountains to build roads, clearing rivers, digging canals and digging lakes.

In short, it is repairing and repairing.

But the food is really good, the staple food is all kinds of coarse grains.The dishes are all kinds of wild vegetables, game, and lake fresh.There are enough fish and shrimps, anyway, this kind of stuff can be caught a lot.

When the king of Yaoshan County found out that Chu Shinian hadn't announced the tax collection, he sent an official document asking him why he hadn't moved.

Chu Shinian replied immediately, Changyang City and Fengyang City paid the tax for three years out of their own pockets.Chu Shinian said that there was nothing else but money, and he paid for that little tax by himself.

The prince of Yaoshan smashed the study again angrily, "Chu Shinian, you are a traitor who has ulterior motives and buys people's hearts."

The problem is that even if Chu Shinian knew what the Gaoshan County King had scolded him for, he didn't pay him much attention.

Brother Chu is busy with many things.

The day of Longshanfang City's auction of the key to the Holy Land of the Monster Clan's Inheritance has finally arrived.

The auction venue was almost packed with people.

All boxes on the first, second and third floors are full no matter how expensive they are.

The box income for this day alone was [-] spirit stones.

Then one came out and the other was quickly photographed.

What is the incomplete inheritance of the Yaozu, Miaopai.

What is the incomplete treasure map of the monster race, Miaopai.

What rare material, Miaopai.

What spiritual plants, spiritual objects, Miaopai.

What rare seeds, Miaopai.

What second- and third-tier monster materials, Miaopai.

Wait until the key appears at the end.The audience enthusiastically almost lifted the cover of the house.

The last key actually fetched a sky-high price of 170 million Lingshi.

This key said that it caused a crazy fight just after it was brought out of Fangshi.I don't know who will win in the end.

Longshanfang City also suddenly became the focus of discussion in the entire Yun'an Continent.The whole continent is talking about it and that key.

In the past, there were four square cities in the Wanji Mountains.Now Longshan has become a veritable capital city.

When everyone mentions the Fangshi in the Wanji Mountains, they will talk about Longshan Fangshi, as if several other Fangshi disappeared out of thin air.

Similarly, the turnover of Longshanfang City is booming.Several other square markets are in decline.

This made the shareholders of several other square markets look extremely ugly.

If it weren't for Longshanfang City not accepting new shares at all, they might have to sell their shares and throw themselves into the embrace of Longshanfang City.

"Let's think of a way together. If this continues, we will not be able to continue our business." Several large and small shareholders of Fangshi gathered together and started a discussion meeting.One of the shareholders couldn't wait to speak out.

As soon as he said it, everyone started to say something to you, and I complained endlessly.

"How about we also get some weird things to auction?"

"Aren't you following the trend?"

"Following the trend is better than no wind at all, right?"

"That's right, that's right, let's learn whatever is good."

"Then we don't have any keys to auction."

"I recently got a small fire-type spiritual vein."

"Emma, ​​you are willing to put up a small spiritual vein for auction, so I'll take a small spiritual vein too, but mine has no attributes."

(End of this chapter)

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