Chapter 344
Everyone, you have a word, and I have a word.A lot of good things came out.

Just listening to it makes people think that if they also held a large auction.Should be good too.

So it was settled.

Everyone made an appointment to hold this auction in Panshanfang City, which has the best location.Of course, the shareholders of other major markets who have taken things will also get their compensation and returns.

After Taohua got the auction booklet, she asked Zhu Kangnian to find someone to buy things.

Especially a few small spirit veins with and without attributes.

"This small spirit vein with attributes is probably a fake. Someone took it out for auction and appointed someone to buy it back. These small lifelines without attributes are probably real auctions. No matter how high the spirit stone is, try to take it down as much as possible."

Zhu Kangnian got Peach Blossom's confession, and immediately arranged for someone to go secretly.

The auction in Panshanfang City was really lively, and many people came.In the end, the good things that were put up for auction were all sold out at high prices.

Panshanfang City, also known as Longshanfang City, became famous later.

But the old fox who was in the business didn't understand that although the auctions in Longshanfang City were expensive, they were not rare!

The things of the monster race are not very useful to the human race.

However, Panshanfang City sells either mines, spiritual veins, or various rare resources.Everyone won't sell these things easily, and the more you keep them in your hands, the more valuable they will be.This time, in order to gain fame, everyone made a move.I don't know if I will regret it in the future.

So Taohua successfully acquired two small non-attribute spiritual veins with more than 30 spiritual stones.

These two small lifelines were not properly sealed, and their roots were lost. Even if they came into contact with the seals, it would be difficult for them to become spiritual veins. It is uncertain how long it would take to accumulate them into small, non-attributed spiritual veins.No wonder people put it up for auction!

This is really treacherous. In name, everyone sells small spiritual veins, but in fact, these small spiritual veins have long since lost their shape, and cannot be regarded as real small lifeline messengers.

Fortunately, Taohua didn't get it to be a spiritual messenger.

The small spiritual veins that he had just acquired were thrown directly to Xiaopang along with the sealed peach blossoms.

Xiaopang has a small mouth, and he swallows it into the intestines.

"These two things are too thin, and they are not nutritious to eat." After smashing the small mouth, Xiaopang complained.

"You are a small-scale spiritual vein now. If you want to grow to a medium-sized spiritual vein, you need to devour at least a hundred small-scale spiritual veins before you can be promoted to a medium-sized spiritual vein. These two small-scale spiritual veins without attributes are considered to be my gift for you. Send it as a snack." Tao Hua said.

"Yeah, I need at least five hundred non-attribute small spiritual veins, or one hundred attribute small spiritual veins. It would be better if there were twenty for each of the five elements." Xiaopang said shaking his head.It is the Five Elements Spirit Vein, at least devouring and absorbing more Five Elements Spirit Vein is best for it.

"There are too few revived spiritual veins now. I think it will not be easy to find more spiritual veins that can be devoured for you. But I will try my best to get them for you." Tao Hua said reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" Xiaopang asked suspiciously. "I heard from those casual cultivators in Fang City that it is extremely difficult to find spiritual veins. Where did you go to find so many spiritual veins for me to devour and upgrade?"

The main reason is that it is really different from ordinary spiritual veins, it is an extremely rare five-element spiritual vein.

"It may be difficult for others to find so many small spiritual veins, but I can." Taohua smiled and rubbed the chubby who took the initiative to condense the body of a cloudy white snake in front of her.

There are two cute little paws growing on this little white belly, and the little tail is also wagging, leisurely and wanton, obviously living a good life with little things.


Tao Hua pinched the little thing's head again, "Naturally, you have to trust me."

"Okay, little Taohua, please do your best, I will raise a few more baby trees for you in the future." Xiaopang said with a talkative look.

"Our family has set up a large number of spiritual arrays, but the spiritual plants at home are still growing very well. The more time passes, the more the outside world will suspect us. You still have to be careful to hide yourself well." Taohua reminded it.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. Oh, by the way, the two peach trees in your house also need the blood-origin fruit tree you dug up. They will be promoted to the first level recently. Are you willing to let them be promoted?"

After hearing Xiaopang's words, Taohua was very surprised. "How come? You have upgraded to a spiritual vein, and none of them have advanced to the first level. Why are they going to the first level now?"

"Of course I helped them. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to advance to the first level for at least ten years on their own. Recently, I collected all the auras from other unrelated places and provided them in a concentrated way. Therefore, their recent growth soon.

It's a pity that if they want to transform into the first order, they need more aura.I'm a bit reluctant, so I'm here to ask you. "

Xiaopangrou said in pain.If it's a normal amount of aura, it doesn't feel bad no matter how much it absorbs.But if those three things are advanced, they must absorb the psychic fluid they have accumulated.And it needs a lot of psychic liquid.It is very reluctant.

"Then don't let them advance for the time being. Recently, I plan to set up a large spiritual array. When several large spiritual arrays are activated together, a small-scale spiritual wave will be summoned in a short time. Then you will let them Advance. This way you won't waste a lot of your accumulated aura."

Hearing Taohua's words, Xiaopang immediately nodded happily. "That's it, that's it. By the way, what kind of spiritual array are you planning to set up this time, or is it the Sutu Spiritual Array? I will create the core of the earth."

"Ah? What? You know how to make earth cores? Do you have a finished product? Let me see?" Taohua really didn't expect Xiaopang to have such a talent for formations, so she couldn't help asking.

"Okay, hey, let me show you." Xiaopang directly split a seam in the ground, and a palm-sized core popped out.

The upper six layers of formations are exquisitely carved.

Taohua pinched the ground core and looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help but praise, "Little Fatty, your talent is really good."

"That is, that is. You also said before that to make the core of the formation, I have to learn the basics of the formation for at least a few years, and I have to learn the basics of carving. You see, it took me less than two years It's done." Xiaopang said triumphantly.

Tao Huaxin said, it turned out that the spring dragon had an extremely outstanding talent in the designated formation, or had studied the formation all his life.That's why Xiaopang is so strong.

"Little Fatty, your formation talent is actually stronger than your sister Taohua, sister is so happy."

Hehehe, Xiaopang's laughter is so embarrassing.

"From now on, my sister will collect more books and pictures on this topic for you, and you should study more. Maybe you will be the next grand master of formation in our family, Xiaopang."

(End of this chapter)

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