Chapter 345
Chu Zifei looked at the person in front of him, and said sarcastically, "I thought you wouldn't come to me."

"I don't want to come, but Chengqian came to persuade me several times to get my sons and daughters to unite. We can no longer continue to be like this. If this continues, Chu Xi can be crushed to death like an ant at any time. us."

"Boss, that's a matter between you and Chu Xi, and I won't get involved. You can do whatever you like." Chu Zifei said indifferently.

"Third brother, you...why are you so cowardly, you are so happy to let the side branch ride on our necks?" The visitor asked aggressively.

"It's better than a smart fool like you." Chu Zifei sneered.

"Third brother, can you still talk properly?" The angry man wanted to leave, turned around and walked two steps, then suppressed his anger and turned back to continue talking to Chu Zifei. "I don't understand. What do you like about Chuxi? How can she get your favor? Why can't you see Chengqian?"

"How can I have a crush on him? You have a crush on him, isn't it because you are the illegitimate son of the old patriarch like him." Chu Zifei said. "Now that you brothers are practicing, you are satisfied with him, he is satisfied with you, and you are both satisfied with each other, so do you need to see whether others are satisfied?"

"Chu Zifei..." The other party's eyes burst out with a vicious and killing light.

"I know you want me to die, but I'm standing here, do you dare to make a move?" Chu Zifei said coldly.

"Chu Zifei, don't think that I dare not touch you." The other party said.

"If I die, the disgusting deeds of your past will spread throughout the genius. Let's see if you, a celebrity, will be ruined in the end." Chu Zifei is not afraid of him, he loves whatever.The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.

The popular eyes were scarlet.

"What exactly do you want to help Chengqian. Put aside the grievances between the two of us. You should know why I don't support Chuxi. The branch of the sect must not seize power. The direct branch is the direct branch."

After hearing what he said, Chu Zifei said coldly, "I finally know why Chuxi refused to contact us after he came back. It turns out that all of us are idiots like you. No wonder Chuxi gave up on us."

"Chu Xi, Chu Xi, you have Chu Xi in your eyes and in your head. What's so good about Chu Xi?"

"Are you really stupid or fake?" Chu Zifei asked.

"What do you mean?" The other party shouted loudly.

"When you were accumulating wealth and cultivating dead soldiers, they had already planned Changyang and dominated the city. When you engaged in refugee armed forces and ran across the wilderness, they all built Longshanfang City and built The underground waterway leads to both the sea and the land.

When you tried your best to plan to reunite the power of Chu Chu, they all expelled all the backbone figures from the branches and branches to plan the overall situation.

You are one step late, one step late, one step late, one step late.With your brain, you still want to plot against Chu Xi?
Chu Xi has never treated you like a dish. "

Chu Zifei said angrily.

"Accordingly, everyone is a descendant of the Chu family. You almost missed it, and it's not that you can't live on. If you want, you can also develop a career on your own outside. But why do you have to hug Chu Xi to death? Can you Hit her hard? Why am I so unbelievable."

"Chu Zifei..." the other party roared in embarrassment, and followed him to suppress his anger. "You always say I am like that, are you willing? If you are really willing, why do you stay in Miryang, why do you go to other places to find a wise master, and then assist him to become a king and emperor?
You stay here stubbornly, and you drag everyone here, so you can't let go of the Chu family.

Besides, the Chu family has already risen, the difference lies in whether the head of the side branch is leading or the head of the direct branch is leading.But you have also seen that Chu Xi is now the head of the side branch. "

That's right, what everyone said is correct.

But so what?
"Didn't the head of the direct branch be killed by you?" Didn't Chu Xi die suddenly?

Chu Zifei continued to sneer, if Chu Xi hadn't died suddenly, wouldn't she still be the head of the direct family.So who is to blame?
"Chu Xi didn't die violently, and she is not from Chu Chu's bloodline. Yu Xuan has already said that." The visitor said again.

Speaking of this, Chu Zifei couldn't laugh or cry, "You are so shameless. When Chu Xi was born, he was born with a divine vision. How could such a child not be a child of the Chu family. You don't have to look for reasons so absurd and uninhibited." .Chu Yuxuan is addicted to wearing a cuckold for himself?"

"Hmph, if there is a strange image, it must be the son of the Chu family. I think you are really confused." The other party looked like Chu Xi had something wrong, and she didn't look like the son of the Chu family.

"Even if that Chu Xi is not the son of the Chu family, the current Chu Xi must be the son of the Chu family, because she has succeeded the Patriarch again." Chu Zifei said.

"So what, an offshoot Patriarch." The visitor sneered.

"No, you still don't understand Chuxi." Chu Zifei smiled wryly, "You have repeatedly accused her of being the head of the side branch, and of not being worthy of running the family. She will make big moves."

"What else can she do, everything about her comes from the Chu family." The visitor laughed angrily.

"No, everything about her comes from her clever strategy. It's not the Chu family. Without the Chu family, she can go farther than anyone else."

"Chu Zifei, I think you are in a daze. Do you support Cheng Gan?"

"Just like you look down on Chu Xi, I also look down on Chu Chengqian. If you have to support him, you can support him yourself." Chu Zifei still did not let go, he would not support Chu Chengqian.

That guy will not bring light to the Chu family.

"Okay, okay, okay, I think you are determined to part ways with all of us. Since you are unwilling to support Chengqian, let's wait and see. One day, you will regret it." The visitor shook him angrily. The sleeves are gone.

Chu Zifei's confidant butler stood silently behind Chu Zifei, silently sending him away.

"My lord, if that one leaves, I'm afraid that the children of Chu Chu will get one share for two."

"I don't care at all how many points are divided. Everyone has his own ambitions. It's just that if those people really go to trouble Chuxi again, I don't think Chuxi will let them go easily this time. Why bother, Li Chu cultivated It's not easy for everyone."

"Master, I really feel that it is because everyone's affection for Chu Chu is too deep, so they all followed him because of the provocation." The housekeeper said.

"Well, I can only say that all of this was a coincidence. Chu Xi was born a girl, and the elders put shackles on her in order to let her serve the family with peace of mind. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the shackles are, they can't lock her. Born divine.

Up to now, not only has she been divorced from Chu Chu, but her wings have grown hard.Those people still want to restrain her and pick her peaches, it's just a fool's dream. " Chu Zifei sighed deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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