The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 348 Chu Junqi and Chu Xi

Chapter 348 Chu Junqi and Chu Xi
"That can't be helped." Taohua said.As Chu Xi's previous life, he encountered calculations from the very beginning.The Baihuatian Bible she got had its own problems.

They calculated the Chu family and her for a whole 1000 years, and she was in the game almost as soon as she landed.

At the later stage, she dared not continue to practice the Hundred Flowers Natural Sutra!
It's really a rebirth to be liberated.

So after being reborn as a peach blossom, she never thought of going back!

"What if it specifically troubles you in the future?" Lin Changge asked.

"Get rid of that later. It's just looking for trouble with me now. What do you think is Chu Da? And Chu Chengqian, these are chess pieces. I guess it's still looking for me. After all, compared to someone else from the Chu family , I am the most suitable Dao Ding." Tao Hua said.

Lin Changge's face immediately changed.

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to it anyway. We were hunted down like that in our previous life, and we had a narrow escape, so we've gotten over it." Taohua looked calm.When she first found out that she was being hunted down, she was really terrified.After all, none of the people who were found carrying heavy treasures died well.All of them died extremely miserable.

But later, she got used to being hunted down, so she was really calm.

"Wait, does it know that you are carrying a treasure?" Lin Changge suddenly asked in surprise.

Taohua shook her head. "The Taiyin Stone Tower seems to be able to block its perception."

"Chongbao Taiyin Stone Pagoda actually has such abilities?" Lin Changge asked in surprise.

"Well, anyway, it's much more effective than your Heaven Slaughter Blade." Tao Hua laughed.

Lin Changge was speechless.

When it comes to his heavy treasure, it's tears of blood. Apart from being able to fight and kill, I really don't find anything special about his treasure.It's not as good as Chu Moyan's Qingmu God Refining Cauldron.

"By the way, our spiritual plants now have a good output of spiritual fruits. Shouldn't you have summoned Chu Moyan back? I remember his green wood alchemy cauldron, but it is a miraculous cauldron dedicated to alchemy."

Tao Hua shook her head after hearing what Lin Changge said. "The elixirs refined by the Aoki Divine Cauldron have appeared in large quantities in the world in previous lives. Many forces above have his criminal record. The elixirs refined by the Aoki Divine Cauldron cannot appear again."

"But the elixir refined by the Qingmu God Refining Cauldron is so effective, so it shouldn't be a pity, right?" Lin Changge frowned.

"Don't worry. I know it well." Tao Hua said.

Lin Changge: "..."

Taohua had just sent Lin Changge away, and her own father and Sanlang also came to look for her, and when they came, Qingmei also came.

"The priest Chu Chengqian immediately contacted me in private after he got the strange omen, saying that he wanted our Chu family to return to Chu Chu, and that he wanted us to be included in the first family as a direct descendant." After doing the whole process of offering sacrifices, he also told about Chu Chengqian's private contact with him.

"What does dad think?" Qing Mei asked.

Chu Dashan was very happy that the children could think of him every time they made a decision. He pondered for a while before saying, "I can't agree to him. Now the newly established Chu family has a shallow foundation, but our Lingzhi Chu family has a rich family. Dichu, then is our family property a family property or a family property? Hehe, I don’t have much confidence in them based on what Dichu did in the past.”

"I'm afraid they will become angry from embarrassment and retaliate." San Lang said.

"Qingmei, I will leave this matter to you." Chu Dashan looked at Qingmei.

Qingmei immediately said with a smile on her face, "Your father, don't worry, there is absolutely no problem."

If they couldn't beat the outlaws, the refugee army, and the Miryang Guard, could it be that her men couldn't beat a mob that was put together together.

"The other party should have a small number of masters in their hands. Sister, be careful then." Tao Hua reminded.

Qingmei nodded.

It can be predicted that Chu Chengqian and others are not so easy to dismiss.

After seeing off her father, brothers and sisters, Tao Hua thought that nothing would happen tonight.

Who knew that her elder brother in the previous life also came to contact her, and insisted on seeing her immediately.

Taohua smiled coldly, "See you soon."She immediately adjusted her bones to look taller than ordinary women, and then adjusted her facial bones to restore herself to the old Chuxi's face.After changing her clothes again, Taohua flashed and disappeared into the night.

Chu Junqi was a little depressed, and his only son was drinking alone in a pavilion near the lake.Several hidden guards and attendants retreated far outside the pavilion.

The lake breeze is blowing, and it is cool and refreshing.

Several big-headed herrings jumped out of the water and fell into the water again.

The smashed water splashed everywhere.

At this time, Taohua walked into the pavilion lightly.

"I thought you would take the initiative to contact me after you came back." Chu Junqi looked at this familiar face, with this familiar kind words, his mood was complicated.

"I don't think it is necessary for me to contact you." Taohua said.The voice is also the voice of the past.

"You put on a mask in front of me now?" Chu Junqi asked uncomfortably.

"What do you have that I should show my face?" Tao Hua asked a little bluntly.

"You are the same mother's sister." Chu Junqi gritted his teeth.

"So what, I don't see how kind you have been to me since childhood." Tao Hua directly broke the indifference between the two of them.

"I was good to you at that time, but it was not good for either of us. Besides, you are so old, and you still remember those things when you were young. When you grow up, I will help you a lot." Chu Junqi said.

What greeted him was Taohua's sneer.

Under her sharp gaze, Chu Junqi couldn't argue for a while.

The current Chu Xi is indeed more powerful, more majestic.

"Chu Xi, we are brothers and sisters, aren't we? If you really misunderstood me as your elder brother, why would you return my mother's dowry to me?" Chu Junqi asked.

"Before she died, she said that the dowry would be left to you," Chu Xi said. "At the beginning, the two of us made a deal, and I managed it for ten years, and then returned all the dowry to you."

Chu Junqi was stunned for a moment. "That's not what the mother said back then, and neither did the mother. She said that the dowry belongs to the two of us. It belongs to you for the time being."

Chu Xi shook his head. "Before she died, she asked me to promise like this. I agreed. People can't break their promises. So I will return her dowry to you."

Chu Junqi suddenly felt something was wrong. "Are you really my sister?"

"I should be your own sister. But you are Chu Yuxuan's own son." Chu Xi said. "I heard that she once had a childhood sweetheart!"

"Shut up, stop talking, she is your own mother, even if you resent her for neglecting you, you can't slander her and pour dirty water on her." Chu Junqi was furious.

"If you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do. Anyway, some of her people followed you back then. If you want to know, it shouldn't be difficult. If you don't want to know, it's not bad to be a son of the Chu family." Chu Xi said.

"you shut up."

(End of this chapter)

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