Chapter 349

Chu Xi knew from an early age that he was not a child born in the expectation of his mother.But they are both mother and son, Mother Chu treats her elder brother with completely different feelings.

A biological child who is loved by thousands of people, and the other is like a tuoxiang!

This is a little bit wrong.

Especially for children with high IQs in Chu Xizhong, any guesses may come out of their small heads.

So she investigated her own mother.

After the investigation, she understood her.

So she treated her mother politely, and her mother seemed to realize something, and began to treat her politely like a guest.

The mother and daughter are like strange neighbors living in the same house.

How could Chuxi's own mother be able to give birth to a child with such a high IQ as an ordinary person?

She is also an extremely intelligent woman. Since she discovered Chu Xi's abnormality, she changed her treatment of Chu Xi.But she changed her attitude not because of Chu Xi, but because of her eldest son, to make Chu Xi shut up.

Chu Xi understood her, especially after she found out that her father had adulterated her brother and daughter-in-law and gave birth to a younger sister for her.

For this pair of parents, she was also drunk.

The mother who is extremely low-key and wants to keep the secret, and the father who is extremely high-key and always wants to hide the secret by shouting loudly!

The filth of the Chu family made her speechless.

When Chu Xi was six years old, her mother was seriously ill, but she still made the final arrangements.At that time Chu Junqi was not an adult.Chu Xi showed his talent, faintly able to fight against his own father.In order to keep his dowry, he can leave his little things to Chu Junqi.

Chu Xiniang made a deal with her own daughter.

In exchange for ten years of turnover business circle and operating income, she kept her dowry on behalf of her son for ten years, and then Chu Xi needed to return this property to Chu Junqi.

Secretly, the two of them traded like this.

Nominally, she gave this property to the two children, but Chu Xi is powerful, so the money is temporarily handed over to Chu Xi.

Even Chu Junqi knew about the deal between the two when Chu Xi said it now.

Chu Junqi had an unusual headache.

Such a completely unreasonable transaction, if it is said that there is nothing tricky in it, he really doesn't believe it at all.But it was too difficult for him to believe that his mother had done that kind of thing.

In his heart, his mother has always been such a perfect, gentle, and miserable woman. He really doesn't want his birth to be a problem, which means that there is a stain on her mother that is difficult to wash away even if she dies.

"Why did she do that, why did she give birth to me?" Chu Junqi heard his voice dry.

"Probably because he likes the former one and hates Chu Yuxuan. After all, that's what he is too." Hearing this, Chu Junqi wanted not to laugh, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but bend.

"No matter what, she is my mother." Chu Jun said in unison.

"Yes, she is your mother."

"Chu Xi, she is also your mother. No matter what!" Chu Junqi said seriously.

"Chu Xi is dead. The bodies are all buried," Tao Hua said.

Chu Junqi: "..."

"So if you want to be filial, do it alone. Chu Xi is dead, so don't bother her anymore." Tao Hua said.

Chu Junqi stared speechlessly at Chu Xi who was standing opposite him.

"If you die, you will understand. We will never see each other again." Tao Hua said to him, then turned around and left.

Chu Junqi looked at her back and smiled wryly, "Are you just going to abandon everything in the past? That's fine. You'll understand after you die."

Maybe since he secretly liked him when he was a child, not her sister, or maybe he ignored his mother and neglected his sister in front of his eyes, their brother-sister relationship was doomed to end.

He didn't know if his mother regretted it in the end, but he regretted it now.

After Chu Xi left, he was the only one left in the whole world.

Chu Junqi smiled bitterly and sadly.

But who can blame this, he never cherished it when he got it.

The baby sister in my memory also showed an innocent smile.The little girl who just learned to walk had small hands for him to hug... It's a pity that she missed it time and time again.

"I thought you wouldn't give it back to him. If you gave it back to him, he wouldn't be able to keep it. I thought you wouldn't be so cruel." Chu Moyan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, appeared on the carriage where Taohua was returning.

"If he was smarter, he would say those things. I am taking care of them, and he only charges a certain amount of money every month." Taohua said. "When I asked someone to transfer the property to him, I also mentioned what he said. If he still can't keep it, then I can't help it. I'm not a mother, I don't have the thought to always consider him.

The original ten-year agreement, although I overdid it, I returned him the property of 50 spirit stones, which was dozens of times more than the dowry back then. "

"How about 50 spirit stones, you are really rich." Chu Moyan said bitterly with jealousy.Speaking of which, he didn't even have 500 Yuan Lingshi.

"What I gave him was all floating money. The land I bought with the money back then is the real treasure. For example, the current Longshanfang City and Longlin Land were bought with the dowry money at that time."

After hearing this, Chu Moyan asked in surprise. "What do you mean, you didn't sell it with the wealth accumulated by the Chu family?"

"What wealth does the Chu family have? Foreign debts are real. When I accepted it, the great elder of the orc clan left me a foreign debt of millions of taels, and he forced me to swear that he would never tell it before he died. "Tao Hua was so depressed that she almost rolled her eyes.

Chu Moyan spat in shock with a pop.

"What do you say?"

"When I took over the Chu family, there were only more than 4000 taels of silver in Dichu's public account. It was not enough for the whole family to eat in the second half of the year. There was only 5000 taels of silver in the secret account. There are foreign debts. 110 twenty thousand taels."

Chu Moyan was shocked when he heard these words.

"Who did this? Isn't the Chu family always rich?"

"What's the surplus? In the last few years, I lived on money and lived on my own food. More than [-]% of the family's industrial workshops and farms were mortgaged. If I hadn't made a lot of money later, Chu Chu would have Bankruptcy okay.

In fact, they should have been devastated long ago. "

"Wait, I remember when my parents were alive, they said that the family business was still profitable?"

After hearing this, Taohua complained, "Some of the family's business routes are indeed profitable, but they are not enough to prodigal. The family secretly opened several mines, which consumed a lot of financial resources, manpower, and materials. Nothing was developed. What do you say? Can it not be over?"

After hearing this, Chu Moyan was speechless.

He didn't even have the energy to complain, and he was really convinced by these people.

"No, don't go, what kind of family can't manage?"

(End of this chapter)

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