The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 350: Empty Nether Stone Variation Yellow Green Stone

Chapter 350: Empty Nether Stone Variation Yellow Green Stone
"It's useless for you to say such things in Chuchu. People are of the highest bloodline. As long as they are of the descendant lineage, even a mentally handicapped person can dominate a family business. And everyone expects their master to be mentally handicapped, so you can do whatever you want." Make some money for yourself."

Taohua thought about the weird things she saw when she paid the Chu's bill, and unconsciously twitched the corners of her mouth.

Chu Moyan's face darkened.

"By the way, how are you doing with what I told you to do?" Taohua asked.

"Sure enough, it's as you expected. I'll bring back all my things, do you think you want them?" Chu Moyan pulled out a big stone box from his storage ring.

Dark gray full stone chest.

Taohua walked up to the box, and continuously projected her own lunar aura with full attribute gain effect onto the stone box.

"What's the use of this? After we got the box, we tried our best. Zhuang Zihan bald his hair, but still couldn't find a way to open this box. It won't be invaded by water or fire, it won't be deformed when it's hit hard, and there's no keyhole. There is no trace of the keyhole and various opening mechanisms, so I really don't know how to open the box." Chu Moyan said on the side.

Taohua continuously projected the buff light onto the stone box.

Under Chu Moyan's scorching gaze, the stone box got a little fatter, then a little fatter, and then a circle of fatter again.

An hour passed, and the stone box, which was originally only as tall as Chu Moyan's thigh, had grown fat to the height of Chu Moyan's chest.

Emma and Chu Moyan both opened their mouths and were completely shocked.

But this is not the end.

Not long after, something seemed to be wriggling inside the stone box, and about a quarter of an hour later, the heads of the wriggling bugs pushed out of the stone box.

Chu Moyan's whole body was hairy from the densely packed worm heads.

"What is this?" Chu Moyan asked in surprise.

"This is a deep-sea stone worm. It is a coral-like insect in the deep sea. After their death, their shells are the kind of stone we saw just now. They are very heavy and airtight, and they can also isolate all kinds of erosion. Is there any spiritual energy? That kind of stone doesn't change.

Many monks in the deep sea use this kind of stone to preserve important things. Taohua explained to him. While explaining, she moved out a black clay flower plate, then lowered her voice, whispering a series of strange scales.

The group of bugs seemed to have been summoned, one by one fell from the stone box, and then quickly penetrated into the flower pot.

The small flowerpot was not big, about the size of two adults' fists, but it was strange that such a large number of bugs got into it.Obviously this small flower pot is also a rare spatial product.

Looking at its turquoise color, Chu Moyan couldn't help but ask, "Is this a greenish-yellow stone?"

Green-yellow stone is also one of the special products of this world, a variant of the empty stone used to refine storage items.

"Well, there is a small mine near Longshanfang City. I secretly let someone dig it." Taohua said.

"But in my previous life, I didn't seem to have heard of a nearby mine being discovered in Longshanfang City? Does Zhu Yongnian know?" Chu Moyan asked.

"Why would I tell him?" Taohua looked at him with an expression of you being mentally retarded.

"I think Zhu Yongnian is a fool." Chu Moyan said speechlessly. "You did not choose Longshan for nothing."

Taohua nodded. "I thought I chose Longshan because I listened well. But when we developed Xiaojishan, I realized that the ancestors also listened well. You know why I hollowed out the belly of Xiaojishan and built the square market directly. ?"

"You won't tell me that there is also a small greenish-yellow mine in the mountainside?" Chu Moyan was shocked.

"That's right. When I saw it, I knew I couldn't keep it anymore, so I simply dug it out and made a square to repair it in." Taohua said.

"These old men who died early were so vicious that they didn't leave any news for the younger generations. What if we don't have one to pay for Xiao Ji Shan and let it be taken back to the Song Dynasty?" Chu Moyan complained road.

"I guess the greenish yellow stone was not fully formed at the time, and this is not a small mine. Someone must have discovered the situation here and bought it on purpose. Anyway, if it is formed in the future, it will make money. If it is not formed, the environment here It is also suitable as a backup village and town."

Xiaoji Mountain, the shape of the mountain is like a huge earthen platform.Ideal for building houses and terraces.

When Fangshi was excavated, Chu Moyan thought it was specially made by Taohua.After all, with a large population, Fangshi has become an indispensable accessory.He really didn't expect that there is a small mine in Xiaoji Mountain.

Still greenish yellow.

"I said, why are you so quick to deduct such a large mountain belly?" Chu Moyan said in surprise.

Chu Moyan's side is still surprised, while Taohua's side has already started to get started.

After the stone box disappears, what remains is a wooden box.

Taohua touched and touched the top of the box, click, click, and the box opened after a while.revealed what was inside.

Inside are all kinds of deep-sea gemstones shining with precious light, deep-sea tourmaline, deep-sea pearls of first-class translucent white, deep-sea chalcedony beads that are still warm to the touch, and some special warm jade and cold jade and other jade pendants and jade plaques.

Every item is meticulously polished.

But these things are not as good as Peach Blossom's eyes, she stretched out her little hand and kept tossing in the big wooden box.Finally, a palm-sized black three-legged tripod was found in the innermost part of the box.

"Does this thing look familiar to you?" Taohua asked.

Chu Moyan's expression immediately changed.

"this is mine?"

"Your is the green wood alchemy cauldron, it is a different color from it." Tao Hua said.

"Then what the hell is this?"

"This is a rare treasure from a foreign land. Your Cyanwood God Refining Cauldron is actually its imitation. At the beginning, the great powers in this world made two imitations, namely the Cyanwood God Refining Cauldron and the Blood Spirit God Refining Cauldron.

And this rare treasure is called Hunyuan Refining God Cauldron. "

"Blood Spirit Refining Divine Cauldron, Blood Spirit Pharmacist. That terrifying alchemy master from the monster race?" Chu Moyan's expression changed again.

"You really thought of it. I heard that he was holding something similar to yours. I guessed that there should be some connection between the two of you. Sure enough, I found it in the end. It's a pity that it had already been discovered at the beginning , was sent to the deep sea, and the ghost knows where it ended up.

After I was reborn, I planned to get it taken out in advance. After all, with the current level of spiritual recovery, there is no strength similar to our battleship fleet, but I can't rush there, let alone take out things from it. "Peach Blossom said.

Chu Moyan immediately praised in classical Chinese, "Patriarch, your calculation time is just right, just in time for the weak period of the battle of those powerful sea beasts, and it happens to be the metamorphosis period of several major species in that trench. Zhuang Zihan said, in that place, if If we don't go down now, we will become Jedi in three months, and only the dead can go down."

(End of this chapter)

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