The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 351 Summer Tax

Chapter 351 Summer Tax
"Dead people can't go down, and even meat scraps can't go down." Tao Hua said. "You have also seen how powerful the group of deep sea monsters along the way is, and you have also seen the transformation of the several major species in the trench. After completing this transformation, they will completely become sea tribes. Don't you think it's scary? horrible?
The famous siren girl tribe in the previous life was born from that place. "Peach Blossom said.

Chu Moyan gasped.

"Where did the Siren Girl come from? Let me think about it, those seaweeds, yes, that piece of seagrass land. It's a whole big area. There's nothing around that dares to get close." Chu Moyan thought about those seaweeds he had seen in his previous life. The appearance of the siren girl is thinking about what she has seen and heard along the way.

Finally determined.

"Well, it's that patch of mutated seagrass." Tao Hua said.

"If I had known that the Sirens were them, I should have pulled them out," Chu Mo said.

"Pull what, those things are raised by things sealed under the trench. If you dare to deal with them and let them be born early, you can still complete the task this time?" Taohua rolled his eyes angrily.

"There is something sealed underneath? Patriarch, you have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, and you have pulled out your teeth?" Chu Moyan tore and almost died.

"It doesn't care about these things. It will move its nest in the future, and it doesn't want these things. Otherwise, how could it be taken away by the discoveries made by the deep-sea monks later?" Tao Hua said.When that guy is still sealed below, that place is a Jedi, and no one can get in.

When it broke the seal and left, the Jedi gradually lowered its level, and finally any deep-sea monks who were adventurous everywhere could enter.

"Wait, I have another question. The deep-sea monk you mentioned, what is a deep-sea monk? Is it the same as the monks on various islands and lands in the sea?" Chu Moyan said to himself that we usually cross the sea. A monk is at most called a sea monk.

What's the matter with you deep sea monk?
"The deep-sea monks are monks who appeared in a deep-sea human race that has always lived in the deep sea." Taohua said. "The difference between them and humans on land is like ordinary humans and black barbarians. It looks similar, but there are still some differences.

The deep sea people are stronger, they are stronger than the black barbarians.Of course, the population is also the smallest. "

After hearing this, Chu Moyan was thoughtful, "After all, we are trying to survive in the endless battle of sea beasts and sea monsters. A small population is also inevitable."

"Why don't they migrate to land, where it's safer." Chu Moyan asked.

"I can't run, it's too far from the land. There are too many scary species in the middle. If you don't want to deliver food, you have to do your best." Taohua came into contact with several deep-sea human settlements in her previous life.It's a pity that she couldn't take them to migrate.

Chu Moyan was also very speechless after hearing this.I can't even run away, this is really sad to hear.

"Then how did they get down in the first place?" Chu Moyan asked puzzled.

"This should be related to the last era of spiritual energy. I don't know exactly how it was done." Taohua said.

In the last Reiki era, 1000 years ago, the Reiki suddenly ran out.In just a few decades, the aura was completely exhausted.No one knows what happened.But this time the recovery of spiritual energy is coming aggressively, everyone also acquiesces.

In particular, both Taohua and Chu Moyan were reborn once.

They were even more afraid of this revival of spirit energy and the fusion of the Three Realms in their hearts.

"Then you get out this Hunyuan God Refining Cauldron, are you planning to start large-scale alchemy?" Chu Moyan asked.

"Your Qingmu God Refining Cauldron, refining medicine can only refine a particularly perfect pill. Once this kind of pill is on the market, everyone will recognize you. In the future, you will bless the Hunyuan God Refining Cauldron to the Qingmu God Refining Cauldron Ding's body. Then refine the elixir, and then you will understand." Taohua gave him a meaningful look.

This Hunyuan Refining God Cauldron was not in vain after all her deliberation and trouble.

"By the way, the large fleet from our Yunzhou Continent's fleet came back early. They also brought more goods and fleets. There are several large caravans, which are particularly powerful at first glance. , They didn't know that they bought out some shops in Longshanfang City directly.

But those who can have a store in Longshanfang City have no influence behind it.They buy out the front foot, and then someone fills up the store's goods again.

This time, your spiritual fruit sold out several times. "

"It's only been a few months, and it's too late for them to come back. They also used magic vessel?" Taohua asked.

Chu Moyan nodded.

"It seems that the development of fortune has accelerated this time." Taohua said.

Chu Moyan nodded, "After all, there are a lot of reborn people, and the various opportunities and skills brought back from the previous life are too useful."

"It seems that we have to increase the development speed a little bit." Taohua said.

"It's okay to maintain the current speed." Chu Moyan is quite satisfied with the current development speed of the family.In an orderly manner, with ease.

"Let me observe again." Tao Hua said.

There was heavy rain in April and May, and the rice seedlings in the fields were all damaged because of too much rain.

When the wheat was harvested at the end of May, in the eyes of all regions, the grain harvest was reduced by at least [-]%.But the tax has to be paid three times, in the next three years.

Fortunately, this year, Miryang can pay taxes on grain and silver.

So many people choose to pay money.

So each family sent all kinds of mushrooms, wild game, herbs, etc. picked in the first half of the year to the Chu family.

There is no way, the only one nearby that does not buy mountain products at a discount is the Chu family.

There is no need to sell them in Miryang City. Originally, a catty of rare mushrooms cost at least a hundred coppers for dry goods, but now no one wants twenty coppers.

But in the Chu family, he is still a hundred coppers.

After changing hands, the Chu family sorted them and sent them to Longshanfang City to buy them.Anyway, not every country, every place has mushrooms.The wild game can be digested by itself.Anyway, there are more people and less meat, which is also a common situation in the Miryang area.

Not to mention herbal medicine, as much as you have.

But the Chu family does not accept poor quality herbs.Everyone knows this, and if the quality is too poor, they will not send it there.Any rare herbal medicine found suddenly in the mountains on weekdays will be sent to the Chu family for identification.

If it is suitable, it will be sold directly to the Chu family.

The Chu family is in the Miryang area, and they have more face than any herbal medicine merchants.

Every year, because he is Chu Dashan's brother, Chu Dachuan frantically buys all kinds of herbs and resells them to his brother, so he can earn a lot of money.

There are quite a few members of the Chu clan like him.

(End of this chapter)

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