The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 353 The Pharmacist Teaching Chu Moyan

Chapter 353 The Pharmacist Teaching Chu Moyan
Zhou Qi had just started working with his mother and second brother when he heard that the monk class was about to start recruiting again.

Zhou Qi thought for a while, and took the initiative to take his second brother to save his life.

The monk class of the Chu family does not require children under the age of 12.

The small class of the Chu family's own training class for monks is called the monk class.At first it was called the Learning Class, but later everyone called it the Monk Class, and Chu Dashan and others started calling it along with everyone.

Therefore, those who apply for the monk class need to submit an application and take a test.After the test, only those who have the cultivation qualification can enter the monk class.

To enter the monk class, a new contract must be signed.

He didn't come and leave whenever he wanted like he did long-term work for the Chu family.

There must be additional conditions to enter the monk class.

The Chu family is happy to train monks by themselves.If it is a family monk, then in the future, he can work in the Chu family and earn money from his apprenticeship, and then he can leave the Chu family.

If it is other casual cultivators or monks from other tribes, then in addition to earning money for their studies, they also have to work for the Chu family for another ten years.

So entering the seminary is not so free.

Yes, there are still many casual cultivators and mortals who especially like to study in the monk class.

The current monk class of the Chu family already covers an area of ​​tens of acres, and more than 20 contiguous yards have been repaired, large and small.

One class per yard.

The main courtyard is the large courtyard of Qijin, which is mainly used for teachers to study their homework, prepare for teaching and practice.Even Taohua and Qingmei have their own houses here.The rest is about [-] yards of different sizes.

The densely connected buildings have become a phenomenon of their own.

This is already the size of a small college.At least in the Miryang area, the Miryang Academy in Miryang City has such a scale.

The monk class of the Chu family brings dozens of magic monks and one or two hundred martial monks to the Chu family every year.

Although the most low-level monks are cultivated, they are much better than ordinary people.Many monks who have their own inheritance are also willing to come and learn.Wouldn't it be nice to learn more?
Just like a martial monk, if he learns one more subject to grow spiritual plants, even if he doesn't know small spells, he can still raise some low-level spiritual flowers and grasses.Even if there is no plan, raising a single tree is still a harvest.

In addition to planting techniques, you can also learn breeding techniques, low-level refining techniques, selection and disposal of medicinal materials, low-level refining techniques, etc.

Of course, the Chu family has accumulated a lot of skills.

Since the opening of Longshanfang City, the Chu family has been accumulating various low-level skills and spells.

Of course, there are slightly fewer attacking spells, and more minor spells of various minors.In particular, there are more collections of various small spells related to planting.

But because the Chu family has a set of inheritance, all kinds of small spells are super powerful. Although it is very difficult to learn, they are useful.

So even though the Chu family has collected a lot of small spells to assist planting, what everyone really practices is the small spells handed down by the Chu family.

Spells such as rooting and sprouting, luxuriant branches and leaves, blossoming and fruiting, small cloud and rain, small rain, small shower, etc., are the favorites of Lingzhi husbands.

Ling Zhifu with better aptitude usually learns a set of small spells.

For example, the little rain technique, the little cloud and rain technique, and the little shower technique are exactly one set.

From drizzle, to drizzle, to heavy rain, it's all there.

It’s like rooting and sprouting, luxuriant branches and leaves, blossoming and bearing fruit. Needless to say, just by looking at the name, you can know that their effects are the same.

There are also some small spells, which are more like attack spells when singled out.Just like Wan Mu Shengfa!Peach Blossom once made a large number of cuttings and branches instantly rise from the ground, and then directed them to fly down into a fixed small pit.

Fruit trees for cuttings.Taohua once told her family members that this is the variant method of using Wanmu Shengfa.

That scene was really scary!If the branches turned into giant trees, it would not be scary, but dead!
Similar to this is the fire net technique.

This small spell, which is specially used to kill insects, if it is triggered by a large formation, the effect will be truly terrifying.

Chu Dashan is actually full of various speculations about his own unusual set of Ling Zhifu inheritance.But a senior bone is dead, and he didn't leave any detailed clues, so it's useless to guess.

Or grow your own fruit with peace of mind.

Zhou Qi took his second brother to do the test.The second brother has no cultivation qualifications.I am lucky to have the qualifications of a law monk.The instructor who tested his aptitude gave him a small wooden sign and asked him to go to a certain small yard to attend class in three days.

The practice class is only for half a day in the morning, and the rest of the time is about what to do.

Early in the morning three days later, when Zhou Qi walked into the yard, he saw several half-aged boys had already arrived.Everyone is working diligently to sanitize the small courtyard, and the cleaning work is nearing completion.

Zhou Qi quickly joined the labor.

Soon the sanitation of the small courtyard will be finished.Everyone found the classroom again and chose a table to sit down.

Finally came two big boys who were out of breath.Not long after they sat down, a squinting young man walked in.Behind him came two extremely handsome young men.

"Let me see how many people there are in total? Ten in total. It's pretty good. I can't teach too many people. Now let me explain, you are all people with wood fire or water wood fire qualifications. Those with these qualifications Although a monk can also become a spiritual husband, it is more suitable for an alchemist and a pharmacist.

So you are the first batch of alchemists and pharmacists trained by the Chu family.

Those who are not willing to become alchemists or pharmacists please raise your hands. "The young teacher asked with a smile.

None of you raised your hand.

Just kidding, who doesn't know that alchemists and pharmacists have more advantages and status than Ling Zhifu, a monk profession.

"Whether it is alchemy or medicine, it is very expensive. So the new contract is that you must work for the Chu family for at least 100 years after you complete your studies. Some of you are here to study and plan to become second-level alchemists or alchemists. , so your working period is 160 years.

Everyone is optimistic about the contract first, and we will discuss the specific class schedule after signing. "

The ten big boys present signed the new contract almost without any hesitation.

The young instructor asked the servant to take away the contract again, and then continued to say, "My name is Chu Moyan. From now on, you can call me Chu Jiaoxi, or Mo Yan Jiaoxi."

"From now on, I will teach every three days for a whole morning. You must strictly complete the homework I assign, and I will kick out anyone who is perfunctory. I don't teach students who don't study hard." Chu Mo Said quite majesticly.

(End of this chapter)

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