The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 354 God's Court Feng Shui Master and Local Land Master

Chapter 354 God's Court Feng Shui Master and Local Land Master
Under the fearful eyes of the ten young disciples, Chu Moyan said again, "Now I will ask Jin Bao and Yin Bao to distribute the pill furnace and medicinal materials to you. You should keep the pill furnace safe and use it. Every pill furnace here is low-grade. You guys can’t afford to pay every price for a magic weapon.”

As soon as everyone heard that they would give Dan furnace in the first class, they immediately became happy.

Wait until the exquisite small alchemy furnaces are placed on their case.Everyone's eyes couldn't help being attracted by these small alchemy furnaces.

The ten big boys looked at each other, and found that the ten pill furnaces were divided into various colors and patterns.

"This is the pill furnace that best suits your aptitude and is individually refined based on your spiritual roots. Each pill furnace is only for you. Don't exchange it, don't lose it." Chu Moyan looked at the ten people sternly.

"Before you become third-level alchemists, the family will only provide you with this one alchemy furnace that fits your spiritual roots."

The eyes of the ten big boys looking at the small stove in front of them immediately turned into cherishment.

"Now let's talk about the first zero-level prescription, the refining method of quenching body soup. We bought about ten kinds of quenching body soup alone. But there are six kinds of refining in our Chu family. Today we will talk about it. One of the best for our family."

Upon hearing this, the ten big boys below all focused their attention and began to look at Chu Moyan intently.

Few people have influence, and they teach alchemy and medicine in classes.The main reason is that these two are too profitable.Moreover, training a pharmacist and an alchemist is too wasteful of money.

But not only did the Chu family start classes, but they didn't know where they got such a Chu teacher to learn from.He actually started from the actual prescription, taught everyone how to process the medicinal materials and refine the decoction.

The key is that people don't have any long-winded speeches, and they just work when they come up.

However, when he introduced how to process medicinal materials, he extended the methods and methods of processing various medicinal materials, and gave specific examples.

However, he didn't introduce too many ways to deal with the medicinal materials, and the focus was on how to refine the decoction.Steps, heat, aroma, taste of soup and so on.

He also personally refined it for everyone three times.

Time passed quickly, and when Chu Moyan finished refining for the last time, it was time for get out of class to end.

"I sent ten copies of medicinal materials to each of you, and you will refine the decoction for me when you go back. Regardless of success or failure, you must write down the process and experience. I will check it in the next class."

The students all nodded obediently.

As soon as they left, Chu Moyan returned to his teaching lounge.Chu Taohua was already waiting for him in the room.

"You haven't taught anyone for many years, how do you feel?" Taohua asked.

"It's okay, these ten boys don't care about their future and qualifications, they are all well-behaved now." Chu Moyan took a sip of hot tea and let out a comfortable sigh.

"It was not easy to expose your alchemy strength in the past, and the training of alchemists in the family was a bit messy. You just took this opportunity to sort it out." Tao Hua said.

Chu Moyan nodded, "There are only six first-level alchemists, and they are all from Yeluzi. I can sort it out. It's just that if I continue to train alchemists and pharmacists for the family in this way in the future, you It's going to be a lot of trouble."

"If it develops to a certain scale, they will also find trouble with the Chu family." Tao Hua said not very concerned. "As long as we can cover up the Qingmu Divine Refining Cauldron, have you used the Hunyuan Divine Refining Cauldron? How about it?"

When Chu Moyan heard this, his eyes were strange.

"I said, why did you waste so much effort to insist on me finding the Hunyuan Refining God Cauldron. I am really convinced by this cauldron."

"Hearing you say that, I'm relieved. You should pay close attention to the matter of alchemists and pharmacists here. Recently, because of the high summer tax, many mortal farmers have taken the initiative to come to us. This has caused A large number of people gathered in Xiantao Village and Chujia Town.

The more people there are, the more talented people will be.

I will let people continue to search for the second batch of students for you. "Peach Blossom said.

"Don't be so anxious, I plan to start a second class in the next year." Chu Mo said.

"That's fine. I'll first train the excellent students I have collected to become Lingzhifu. They have the foundation of Lingzhifu, and then they will switch to alchemists. I think alchemists are also possible." Taohua said.

"You really spare no effort. It's just that you don't just want to train various professional monks, and forget those people you trained." Chu Mo said.

"How is that possible? The aura is revived. How can I forget about a career like strategist, which will be very scary in the later stage?" Taohua laughed.

"I heard from Zihan that you have trained a group of geologists?" Chu Moyan asked after thinking about it.

"How can there be enough land masters if we don't cultivate a batch?" Tao Hua asked Chu Moyan speechlessly.

"How useful is the Earth Master?" This time it was Chu Moyan's turn to be puzzled.

"Sure enough, you have lived in the Chu family in your previous life. There is no land master. Where did you get the Lingshan houses, roads and sea roads? If you build a formation, don't you think there are any supporting houses, squares, special buildings, etc. in the formation? of?
What's the use of just having a dry formation master?It's useless to have craftsmen who build houses, they don't know how to design, and they don't know how to take advantage of the mountains and rivers!

The terrain can be used on a large scale. Everyone can use the environment and terrain to explore unknown areas on a large scale.Without a geologist, who would do these things? "

"Isn't this the work of those Feng Shui masters in the court?"

"In the older days of Shenting, those Fengshui masters were called geo-masters. Later, the inheritance of geo-masters was cut off where they were. Afterwards, some incomplete inheritance of geo-masters was found in the ruins, and only then did the lineage of geomantic masters come into being .” Tao Hua explained to Chu Moyan. "Before the power of the Shenting Fengshui masters came down, the inheritance of the earth masters here was quite complete and active. When they came down, the inheritance of the earth masters was either taken away or completely hidden."

Chu Moyan nodded, indicating that he knew about it.

"However, if you train and recruit so many geologists now, I'm afraid you will have to carry that lunatic in the future."

"Anyway, it's not the first time on the kang. I didn't lose last time, let alone this time." Taohua said.

Chu Moyan directly turned black. "Last time, he was not mentally prepared and didn't see through your black heart. This time when he makes a comeback, he will be very careful in the appointment. It is impossible for you to expect him to fall into the trap again."

Peach Blossom said: Hehe.

"Hey, you'd better not take it lightly." Chu Moyan warned.

"I didn't take it lightly. Last time they rushed down recklessly without mental preparation. But I was also unprepared last time. I don't know that they specifically targeted the Earth Master Sect." Tao Hua sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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